AndroidUSBCamera is developed based on the saki4510t/UVCCamera, the project of USB Camera (UVC equipment) and the use of video data acquisition are highly packaged, and it can help developers using USB Camera devices easily by a few simple APIs. By using AndroidUSBCamera,you can detect and connect to a USB Camera simply.And you also can use it to realize taking picture,recording mp4,switching resolutions and setting camera's contrast or brightness,etc.Here is some gifs of this demo:
To be attention,mCallback is a object of interface CameraViewInterface.Callback,and it's used to be listenering surfaceView
created or detoryed.mDevConnectListener is a object of interface UVCCameraHelper.OnMyDevConnectListener,and it's used to be listenering to detect and conntect USB device.Here is the coding order:
private CameraViewInterface.Callback mCallback = new CameraViewInterface.Callback mCallback(){
public void onSurfaceCreated(CameraViewInterface view, Surface surface) {
// must have
if (!isPreview && mCameraHelper.isCameraOpened()) {
isPreview = true;
public void onSurfaceChanged(CameraViewInterface view, Surface surface, int width, int height) {
public void onSurfaceDestroy(CameraViewInterface view, Surface surface) {
// must have
if (isPreview && mCameraHelper.isCameraOpened()) {
isPreview = false;
private UVCCameraHelper.OnMyDevConnectListener listener = new UVCCameraHelper.OnMyDevConnectListener() {