# ESP8266 WeatherStation
Compact outdoor weather station.
* Temperature
* Humidity
* Pressure
* dust particles PM10 (10µm) and PM2.5 (ultrafine, 2.5µm)
* radioactivity
* WiFi
* needs 5V power supply
* opensensemap.org API
Power consumption:
* ~50mA @ 5V
* (45mA idle + fan + wifi)
CAD files (OpenSCAD) and source code included.

| geiger counter and DHT22 | particle sensor and ESP8266 |
|  |  |
## Installation Instructions
1. git clone https://dev.xd0.de/hendrik/esp-weatherstation.git
2. cd esp-weatherstation
3. virtualenv -p python --no-site-packages .
4. source bin/activate
5. pip install -U platformio
6. platformio run --target upload && platformio device monitor -b 115200
## Wiring
NodeMCU v0.9
A0 D0
RSV (5)D1 ----------------------- TXD
RSV (4)D2 ----------------------- RXD
RSV (0)D3 -- BMP_SDA .---- GND
RSV (2)D4 -- BMP_SCL | ...
RSV 3V3 -- BMP_VCC | .--- 5V
RSV GND -- BMP_GND | | ...
GND D5 | | ...
3V3 D6 ------------. | |
GND D7 -- DHT_DATA \ +-| --------- GND
3V3 D8 \ | +---------- 5V
EN RX '- | ----------- VIN
RST TX | |
GND -. GND - DHT_GND | | GeigerCnt
.-- 5V | 3V3 - DHT_VDD | |
| '------------------------' |
- TXD -> D1
- RXD -> D2
- GND -> GND
- 5V -> 5V
- VDD -> 3V3
- DATA -> D7
- ->
- GND -> GND
- GND -> GND
- 5V -> 5V
- VIN -> D6
12V power mod with step down converter and voltage divider for voltage measurement:
BAT+ --+--------------.
\R\ |
\1\ '
>---+--------------------------------- A0
/R/ | . ________________
/2/ === C1 +---| buck converter |---- 5V
BAT- --'------+-----------|________________|---- GND
Example values: R1=1MΩ, R2=100kΩ, C1=some ceramic capacitor (optional)
measures up to ~30V
## ToDo
* https://tinker.yeoman.com.au/2016/05/29/running-nodemcu-on-a-battery-esp8266-low-power-consumption-revisited/
* deep_sleep (connect D0 to RST)
* https://hackaday.com/2014/10/25/use-a-cheap-pin-diode-as-a-geiger-counter/ (opengeiger.de/elektronik.html)
* Solar power
## License
### Code
WTFPL: http://www.wtfpl.net/about/
### Sensor Data
Public Domain: https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/summary/