Wetterstation v2
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3 years ago
# esp32-weatherstation2
Wetterstation v2 with ESP32 and various sensors (with ESPHome!)
[![Build Status](https://drone.xd0.de/api/badges/hendrik/esp32-weatherstation/status.svg)](https://drone.xd0.de/hendrik/esp32-weatherstation)
## Hardware
* ESP32 µC
* Sensors
## Wiring
### Display
Connect to TFT LCD Port with 10P SH1.0 cable
E-Paper pin | ESP32 pin | Notes
3V3 | |
BUSY | nc |
CS | IO14 |
SCK | IO18 |
MOSI | IO23 | MISO: IO19
DC | IO27 |
RST | IO33 |
GND | |
### BME680
BME680 pin | ESP32 pin | Notes
VCC | 3V |
SCL | IO22 |
SDA | IO21 |
SDO | nc | SPI only
CS | nc | SPI only
### BH1750 (GY-302)
GY-302 pin | ESP32 pin | Notes
VCC | 3V |
SCL | IO22 |
SDA | IO21 |
ADDR | nc | select addr: GND: 0x23 or VCC: 0x5C
### VEML6075
GY-VEML6075 pin | ESP32 pin | Notes
VIN | 3V |
SCL | IO22 |
SDA | IO21 |
### SDS011
Serial (HardwareSerial2)
SDS011 pin | ESP32 pin | Notes
TXD | IO15 | (don't use IO16 together with PSRAM)
RXD | IO2 | (don't use IO17 together with PSRAM)
25µm | nc |
5V | VUSB | 5V
1µm | nc |
NC | nc |
## Build & Install
* Install ESPHome via Home-Assistant Supervisor
* Upload all needed files via the "File editor" into `config/esphome/` and subdirectories.
* rename secrets-example.yaml to secrets.yaml and fill in your credentials
* Choose your device and flash the firmware. Use ESPHome "Install" -> "Plug into this computer". (Subsequent updates can be done wirelessly.)
### Files
├── common (components, used by the devices)
│   ├── base.yaml
│   ├── battery.yaml
│   ├── bh1750.yaml
│   ├── bme280.yaml
│   ├── bme680.yaml
│   ├── display.yaml
│   ├── sds011.yaml
│   ├── secrets.yaml
│   ├── veml6075.yaml
│   └── experimental (experiments, skip these)
│      ├── ble.yaml
│      └── webserver.yaml
├── custom (used by custom components)
│   └── veml6075_custom_sensor.h
├── fonts (used by display component)
│   ├── materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf
│   ├── slkscr.ttf
│   ├── VeraMono.ttf
│   ├── Vera.ttf
│   └── weather_icon_map.h
├── secrets.yaml (edit example file)
│ (the individial device descriptions)
├── sensor-outdoor.yaml
├── sensor-springer.yaml
├── sensor-sz.yaml
└── sensor-wz.yaml
## Authors
* **Hendrik** - *Initial work* - [hendrik](https://dev.xd0.de/hendrik)
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details
## Acknowledgments
* [ESPHome](https://esphome.io) - ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files
* [Home Assistant](https://home-assistant.io) - Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first