\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{book} % histoire de ne plus ĂȘtre emmerdĂ© avec les accents et autres conneries \usepackage[french]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % les classes clefs pour la musique \usepackage[chordbk,compactsong]{songbook} \usepackage{musixtex} \begin{document} \title{\Large\bf Shiver Me Timbers \\ ~\\ Songs \begin{tiny}from the\end{tiny} Book} \author{Benjamin COUDRIN} \maketitle \makeTitleContents %%%%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E S E A %%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Songs from the sea} \input{sea/sea.tex} %%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E B A T T L E F I E L D %%%%%%%%% \chapter{Songs from the battlefield} \input{battlefield/battlefield.tex} %%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E R O A D %%%%%%%%% \chapter{Songs from the road} \input{road/road.tex} %%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E T O W N %%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Songs from the town} \input{town/town.tex} %%%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E F I E L D S %%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Songs from the fields} \input{fields/fields.tex} %%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E B O O Z E %%%%%%%%% \chapter{Songs from the booze} \input{booze/booze.tex} %%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E W O O D S %%%%%%%% \chapter{Songs from the woods} \input{woods/woods.tex} %%%%%%%% S O N G S F R O M T H E I N S T R U M E N T A L S %%%%%%%% \chapter{Songs from the instrumentals} \input{instrumentals/instrumentals.tex} \end{document} % Fin du document