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5 years ago
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Parsing made even more fun (and faster too)
Homepage: (including online tutorial)
Typical usage:
>>> from construct import *
Hands-on example:
>>> from construct import *
>>> s = Struct("foo",
... UBInt8("a"),
... UBInt16("b"),
... )
>>> s.parse("\\x01\\x02\\x03")
Container(a = 1, b = 515)
>>> print s.parse("\\x01\\x02\\x03")
a = 1
b = 515
>>> = 1, b = 0x0203))
from .core import *
from .adapters import *
from .macros import *
from .debug import Probe, Debugger
# Metadata
__author__ = "tomer filiba (tomerfiliba [at]"
__maintainer__ = "Corbin Simpson <>"
__version__ = "2.06"
# Shorthand expressions
Bits = BitField
Byte = UBInt8
Bytes = Field
Const = ConstAdapter
Tunnel = TunnelAdapter
Embed = Embedded
# Deprecated names
# Next scheduled name cleanout: 2.1
import functools, warnings
def deprecated(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
"This name is deprecated, use %s instead" % f.__name__,
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
MetaBytes = deprecated(MetaField)
GreedyRepeater = deprecated(GreedyRange)
OptionalGreedyRepeater = deprecated(OptionalGreedyRange)
Repeater = deprecated(Range)
StrictRepeater = deprecated(Array)
MetaRepeater = deprecated(Array)
OneOfValidator = deprecated(OneOf)
NoneOfValidator = deprecated(NoneOf)
# exposed names
__all__ = [
'AdaptationError', 'Adapter', 'Alias', 'Aligned', 'AlignedStruct',
'Anchor', 'Array', 'ArrayError', 'BFloat32', 'BFloat64', 'Bit', 'BitField',
'BitIntegerAdapter', 'BitIntegerError', 'BitStruct', 'Bits', 'Bitwise',
'Buffered', 'Byte', 'Bytes', 'CString', 'CStringAdapter', 'Const',
'ConstAdapter', 'ConstError', 'Construct', 'ConstructError', 'Container',
'Debugger', 'Embed', 'Embedded', 'EmbeddedBitStruct', 'Enum', 'ExprAdapter',
'Field', 'FieldError', 'Flag', 'FlagsAdapter', 'FlagsContainer',
'FlagsEnum', 'FormatField', 'GreedyRange', 'GreedyRepeater',
'HexDumpAdapter', 'If', 'IfThenElse', 'IndexingAdapter', 'LFloat32',
'LFloat64', 'LazyBound', 'LengthValueAdapter', 'ListContainer',
'MappingAdapter', 'MappingError', 'MetaArray', 'MetaBytes', 'MetaField',
'MetaRepeater', 'NFloat32', 'NFloat64', 'Nibble', 'NoneOf',
'NoneOfValidator', 'Octet', 'OnDemand', 'OnDemandPointer', 'OneOf',
'OneOfValidator', 'OpenRange', 'Optional', 'OptionalGreedyRange',
'OptionalGreedyRepeater', 'PaddedStringAdapter', 'Padding',
'PaddingAdapter', 'PaddingError', 'PascalString', 'Pass', 'Peek',
'Pointer', 'PrefixedArray', 'Probe', 'Range', 'RangeError', 'Reconfig',
'Rename', 'RepeatUntil', 'Repeater', 'Restream', 'SBInt16', 'SBInt32',
'SBInt64', 'SBInt8', 'SLInt16', 'SLInt32', 'SLInt64', 'SLInt8', 'SNInt16',
'SNInt32', 'SNInt64', 'SNInt8', 'Select', 'SelectError', 'Sequence',
'SizeofError', 'SlicingAdapter', 'StaticField', 'StrictRepeater', 'String',
'StringAdapter', 'Struct', 'Subconstruct', 'Switch', 'SwitchError',
'SymmetricMapping', 'Terminator', 'TerminatorError', 'Tunnel',
'TunnelAdapter', 'UBInt16', 'UBInt32', 'UBInt64', 'UBInt8', 'ULInt16',
'ULInt32', 'ULInt64', 'ULInt8', 'UNInt16', 'UNInt32', 'UNInt64', 'UNInt8',
'Union', 'ValidationError', 'Validator', 'Value', "Magic",