# Copyright (c) 2014-present PlatformIO # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import sys import time from fnmatch import fnmatch from hashlib import sha1 from io import BytesIO from os.path import isfile from platformio import exception, fs, util from platformio.commands import PlatformioCLI from platformio.commands.debug.exception import DebugInvalidOptionsError from platformio.commands.platform import platform_install as cmd_platform_install from platformio.commands.run.command import cli as cmd_run from platformio.compat import is_bytes from platformio.managers.platform import PlatformFactory from platformio.project.config import ProjectConfig from platformio.project.options import ProjectOptions class GDBMIConsoleStream(BytesIO): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods STDOUT = sys.stdout def write(self, text): self.STDOUT.write(escape_gdbmi_stream("~", text)) self.STDOUT.flush() def is_gdbmi_mode(): return "--interpreter" in " ".join(PlatformioCLI.leftover_args) def escape_gdbmi_stream(prefix, stream): bytes_stream = False if is_bytes(stream): bytes_stream = True stream = stream.decode() if not stream: return b"" if bytes_stream else "" ends_nl = stream.endswith("\n") stream = re.sub(r"\\+", "\\\\\\\\", stream) stream = stream.replace('"', '\\"') stream = stream.replace("\n", "\\n") stream = '%s"%s"' % (prefix, stream) if ends_nl: stream += "\n" return stream.encode() if bytes_stream else stream def get_default_debug_env(config): default_envs = config.default_envs() all_envs = config.envs() for env in default_envs: if config.get("env:" + env, "build_type") == "debug": return env for env in all_envs: if config.get("env:" + env, "build_type") == "debug": return env return default_envs[0] if default_envs else all_envs[0] def predebug_project(ctx, project_dir, env_name, preload, verbose): ctx.invoke( cmd_run, project_dir=project_dir, environment=[env_name], target=["debug"] + (["upload"] if preload else []), verbose=verbose, ) if preload: time.sleep(5) def validate_debug_options(cmd_ctx, env_options): def _cleanup_cmds(items): items = ProjectConfig.parse_multi_values(items) return ["$LOAD_CMDS" if item == "$LOAD_CMD" else item for item in items] try: platform = PlatformFactory.newPlatform(env_options["platform"]) except exception.UnknownPlatform: cmd_ctx.invoke( cmd_platform_install, platforms=[env_options["platform"]], skip_default_package=True, ) platform = PlatformFactory.newPlatform(env_options["platform"]) board_config = platform.board_config(env_options["board"]) tool_name = board_config.get_debug_tool_name(env_options.get("debug_tool")) tool_settings = board_config.get("debug", {}).get("tools", {}).get(tool_name, {}) server_options = None # specific server per a system if isinstance(tool_settings.get("server", {}), list): for item in tool_settings["server"][:]: tool_settings["server"] = item if util.get_systype() in item.get("system", []): break # user overwrites debug server if env_options.get("debug_server"): server_options = { "cwd": None, "executable": None, "arguments": env_options.get("debug_server"), } server_options["executable"] = server_options["arguments"][0] server_options["arguments"] = server_options["arguments"][1:] elif "server" in tool_settings: server_package = tool_settings["server"].get("package") server_package_dir = ( platform.get_package_dir(server_package) if server_package else None ) if server_package and not server_package_dir: platform.install_packages( with_packages=[server_package], skip_default_package=True, silent=True ) server_package_dir = platform.get_package_dir(server_package) server_options = dict( cwd=server_package_dir if server_package else None, executable=tool_settings["server"].get("executable"), arguments=[ a.replace("$PACKAGE_DIR", server_package_dir) if server_package_dir else a for a in tool_settings["server"].get("arguments", []) ], ) extra_cmds = _cleanup_cmds(env_options.get("debug_extra_cmds")) extra_cmds.extend(_cleanup_cmds(tool_settings.get("extra_cmds"))) result = dict( tool=tool_name, upload_protocol=env_options.get( "upload_protocol", board_config.get("upload", {}).get("protocol") ), load_cmds=_cleanup_cmds( env_options.get( "debug_load_cmds", tool_settings.get( "load_cmds", tool_settings.get( "load_cmd", ProjectOptions["env.debug_load_cmds"].default ), ), ) ), load_mode=env_options.get( "debug_load_mode", tool_settings.get( "load_mode", ProjectOptions["env.debug_load_mode"].default ), ), init_break=env_options.get( "debug_init_break", tool_settings.get( "init_break", ProjectOptions["env.debug_init_break"].default ), ), init_cmds=_cleanup_cmds( env_options.get("debug_init_cmds", tool_settings.get("init_cmds")) ), extra_cmds=extra_cmds, require_debug_port=tool_settings.get("require_debug_port", False), port=reveal_debug_port( env_options.get("debug_port", tool_settings.get("port")), tool_name, tool_settings, ), server=server_options, ) return result def configure_esp32_load_cmds(debug_options, configuration): ignore_conds = [ debug_options["load_cmds"] != ["load"], "xtensa-esp32" not in configuration.get("cc_path", ""), not configuration.get("flash_extra_images"), not all( [isfile(item["path"]) for item in configuration.get("flash_extra_images")] ), ] if any(ignore_conds): return debug_options["load_cmds"] mon_cmds = [ 'monitor program_esp32 "{{{path}}}" {offset} verify'.format( path=fs.to_unix_path(item["path"]), offset=item["offset"] ) for item in configuration.get("flash_extra_images") ] mon_cmds.append( 'monitor program_esp32 "{%s.bin}" 0x10000 verify' % fs.to_unix_path(configuration["prog_path"][:-4]) ) return mon_cmds def has_debug_symbols(prog_path): if not isfile(prog_path): return False matched = { b".debug_info": False, b".debug_abbrev": False, b" -Og": False, b" -g": False, b"__PLATFORMIO_BUILD_DEBUG__": False, } with open(prog_path, "rb") as fp: last_data = b"" while True: data = fp.read(1024) if not data: break for pattern, found in matched.items(): if found: continue if pattern in last_data + data: matched[pattern] = True last_data = data return all(matched.values()) def is_prog_obsolete(prog_path): prog_hash_path = prog_path + ".sha1" if not isfile(prog_path): return True shasum = sha1() with open(prog_path, "rb") as fp: while True: data = fp.read(1024) if not data: break shasum.update(data) new_digest = shasum.hexdigest() old_digest = ( fs.get_file_contents(prog_hash_path) if isfile(prog_hash_path) else None ) if new_digest == old_digest: return False fs.write_file_contents(prog_hash_path, new_digest) return True def reveal_debug_port(env_debug_port, tool_name, tool_settings): def _get_pattern(): if not env_debug_port: return None if set(["*", "?", "[", "]"]) & set(env_debug_port): return env_debug_port return None def _is_match_pattern(port): pattern = _get_pattern() if not pattern: return True return fnmatch(port, pattern) def _look_for_serial_port(hwids): for item in util.get_serialports(filter_hwid=True): if not _is_match_pattern(item["port"]): continue port = item["port"] if tool_name.startswith("blackmagic"): if ( "windows" in util.get_systype() and port.startswith("COM") and len(port) > 4 ): port = "\\\\.\\%s" % port if "GDB" in item["description"]: return port for hwid in hwids: hwid_str = ("%s:%s" % (hwid[0], hwid[1])).replace("0x", "") if hwid_str in item["hwid"]: return port return None if env_debug_port and not _get_pattern(): return env_debug_port if not tool_settings.get("require_debug_port"): return None debug_port = _look_for_serial_port(tool_settings.get("hwids", [])) if not debug_port: raise DebugInvalidOptionsError("Please specify `debug_port` for environment") return debug_port