# Copyright (c) 2014-present PlatformIO # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from multiprocessing import cpu_count from os import getcwd from os.path import isfile from time import time import click from tabulate import tabulate from platformio import app, exception, fs, util from platformio.commands.device import device_monitor as cmd_device_monitor from platformio.commands.run.helpers import clean_build_dir, handle_legacy_libdeps from platformio.commands.run.processor import EnvironmentProcessor from platformio.commands.test.processor import CTX_META_TEST_IS_RUNNING from platformio.project.config import ProjectConfig from platformio.project.helpers import find_project_dir_above # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-many-branches try: DEFAULT_JOB_NUMS = cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: DEFAULT_JOB_NUMS = 1 @click.command("run", short_help="Process project environments") @click.option("-e", "--environment", multiple=True) @click.option("-t", "--target", multiple=True) @click.option("--upload-port") @click.option( "-d", "--project-dir", default=getcwd, type=click.Path( exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=True, writable=True, resolve_path=True ), ) @click.option( "-c", "--project-conf", type=click.Path( exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True, resolve_path=True ), ) @click.option( "-j", "--jobs", type=int, default=DEFAULT_JOB_NUMS, help=( "Allow N jobs at once. " "Default is a number of CPUs in a system (N=%d)" % DEFAULT_JOB_NUMS ), ) @click.option("-s", "--silent", is_flag=True) @click.option("-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True) @click.option("--disable-auto-clean", is_flag=True) @click.pass_context def cli( ctx, environment, target, upload_port, project_dir, project_conf, jobs, silent, verbose, disable_auto_clean, ): app.set_session_var("custom_project_conf", project_conf) # find project directory on upper level if isfile(project_dir): project_dir = find_project_dir_above(project_dir) is_test_running = CTX_META_TEST_IS_RUNNING in ctx.meta with fs.cd(project_dir): config = ProjectConfig.get_instance(project_conf) config.validate(environment) # clean obsolete build dir if not disable_auto_clean: build_dir = config.get_optional_dir("build") try: clean_build_dir(build_dir, config) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except click.secho( "Can not remove temporary directory `%s`. Please remove " "it manually to avoid build issues" % build_dir, fg="yellow", ) handle_legacy_libdeps(project_dir, config) default_envs = config.default_envs() results = [] for env in config.envs(): skipenv = any( [ environment and env not in environment, not environment and default_envs and env not in default_envs, ] ) if skipenv: results.append({"env": env}) continue # print empty line between multi environment project if not silent and any(r.get("succeeded") is not None for r in results): click.echo() results.append( process_env( ctx, env, config, environment, target, upload_port, silent, verbose, jobs, is_test_running, ) ) command_failed = any(r.get("succeeded") is False for r in results) if not is_test_running and (command_failed or not silent) and len(results) > 1: print_processing_summary(results) if command_failed: raise exception.ReturnErrorCode(1) return True def process_env( ctx, name, config, environments, targets, upload_port, silent, verbose, jobs, is_test_running, ): if not is_test_running and not silent: print_processing_header(name, config, verbose) ep = EnvironmentProcessor( ctx, name, config, targets, upload_port, silent, verbose, jobs ) result = {"env": name, "duration": time(), "succeeded": ep.process()} result["duration"] = time() - result["duration"] # print footer on error or when is not unit testing if not is_test_running and (not silent or not result["succeeded"]): print_processing_footer(result) if ( result["succeeded"] and "monitor" in ep.get_build_targets() and "nobuild" not in ep.get_build_targets() ): ctx.invoke( cmd_device_monitor, environment=environments[0] if environments else None ) return result def print_processing_header(env, config, verbose=False): env_dump = [] for k, v in config.items(env=env): if verbose or k in ("platform", "framework", "board"): env_dump.append("%s: %s" % (k, ", ".join(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v)) click.echo( "Processing %s (%s)" % (click.style(env, fg="cyan", bold=True), "; ".join(env_dump)) ) terminal_width, _ = click.get_terminal_size() click.secho("-" * terminal_width, bold=True) def print_processing_footer(result): is_failed = not result.get("succeeded") util.print_labeled_bar( "[%s] Took %.2f seconds" % ( ( click.style("FAILED", fg="red", bold=True) if is_failed else click.style("SUCCESS", fg="green", bold=True) ), result["duration"], ), is_error=is_failed, ) def print_processing_summary(results): tabular_data = [] succeeded_nums = 0 failed_nums = 0 duration = 0 for result in results: duration += result.get("duration", 0) if result.get("succeeded") is False: failed_nums += 1 status_str = click.style("FAILED", fg="red") elif result.get("succeeded") is None: status_str = "IGNORED" else: succeeded_nums += 1 status_str = click.style("SUCCESS", fg="green") tabular_data.append( ( click.style(result["env"], fg="cyan"), status_str, util.humanize_duration_time(result.get("duration")), ) ) click.echo() click.echo( tabulate( tabular_data, headers=[ click.style(s, bold=True) for s in ("Environment", "Status", "Duration") ], ), err=failed_nums, ) util.print_labeled_bar( "%s%d succeeded in %s" % ( "%d failed, " % failed_nums if failed_nums else "", succeeded_nums, util.humanize_duration_time(duration), ), is_error=failed_nums, fg="red" if failed_nums else "green", )