# Copyright (c) 2014-present PlatformIO # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, too-many-branches from fnmatch import fnmatch from os import getcwd, listdir from os.path import isdir, join from time import time import click from tabulate import tabulate from platformio import app, exception, fs, util from platformio.commands.test.embedded import EmbeddedTestProcessor from platformio.commands.test.native import NativeTestProcessor from platformio.project.config import ProjectConfig @click.command("test", short_help="Unit Testing") @click.option("--environment", "-e", multiple=True, metavar="") @click.option( "--filter", "-f", multiple=True, metavar="", help="Filter tests by a pattern", ) @click.option( "--ignore", "-i", multiple=True, metavar="", help="Ignore tests by a pattern", ) @click.option("--upload-port") @click.option("--test-port") @click.option( "-d", "--project-dir", default=getcwd, type=click.Path( exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, writable=True, resolve_path=True ), ) @click.option( "-c", "--project-conf", type=click.Path( exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True, resolve_path=True ), ) @click.option("--without-building", is_flag=True) @click.option("--without-uploading", is_flag=True) @click.option("--without-testing", is_flag=True) @click.option("--no-reset", is_flag=True) @click.option( "--monitor-rts", default=None, type=click.IntRange(0, 1), help="Set initial RTS line state for Serial Monitor", ) @click.option( "--monitor-dtr", default=None, type=click.IntRange(0, 1), help="Set initial DTR line state for Serial Monitor", ) @click.option("--verbose", "-v", is_flag=True) @click.pass_context def cli( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ctx, environment, ignore, filter, upload_port, test_port, project_dir, project_conf, without_building, without_uploading, without_testing, no_reset, monitor_rts, monitor_dtr, verbose, ): app.set_session_var("custom_project_conf", project_conf) with fs.cd(project_dir): config = ProjectConfig.get_instance(project_conf) config.validate(envs=environment) test_dir = config.get_optional_dir("test") if not isdir(test_dir): raise exception.TestDirNotExists(test_dir) test_names = get_test_names(test_dir) if not verbose: click.echo("Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option") click.secho("Collected %d items" % len(test_names), bold=True) results = [] default_envs = config.default_envs() for testname in test_names: for envname in config.envs(): section = "env:%s" % envname # filter and ignore patterns patterns = dict(filter=list(filter), ignore=list(ignore)) for key in patterns: patterns[key].extend(config.get(section, "test_%s" % key, [])) skip_conditions = [ environment and envname not in environment, not environment and default_envs and envname not in default_envs, testname != "*" and patterns["filter"] and not any([fnmatch(testname, p) for p in patterns["filter"]]), testname != "*" and any([fnmatch(testname, p) for p in patterns["ignore"]]), ] if any(skip_conditions): results.append({"env": envname, "test": testname}) continue click.echo() print_processing_header(testname, envname) cls = ( NativeTestProcessor if config.get(section, "platform") == "native" else EmbeddedTestProcessor ) tp = cls( ctx, testname, envname, dict( project_config=config, project_dir=project_dir, upload_port=upload_port, test_port=test_port, without_building=without_building, without_uploading=without_uploading, without_testing=without_testing, no_reset=no_reset, monitor_rts=monitor_rts, monitor_dtr=monitor_dtr, verbose=verbose, silent=not verbose, ), ) result = { "env": envname, "test": testname, "duration": time(), "succeeded": tp.process(), } result["duration"] = time() - result["duration"] results.append(result) print_processing_footer(result) if without_testing: return print_testing_summary(results) command_failed = any(r.get("succeeded") is False for r in results) if command_failed: raise exception.ReturnErrorCode(1) def get_test_names(test_dir): names = [] for item in sorted(listdir(test_dir)): if isdir(join(test_dir, item)): names.append(item) if not names: names = ["*"] return names def print_processing_header(test, env): click.echo( "Processing %s in %s environment" % ( click.style(test, fg="yellow", bold=True), click.style(env, fg="cyan", bold=True), ) ) terminal_width, _ = click.get_terminal_size() click.secho("-" * terminal_width, bold=True) def print_processing_footer(result): is_failed = not result.get("succeeded") util.print_labeled_bar( "[%s] Took %.2f seconds" % ( ( click.style("FAILED", fg="red", bold=True) if is_failed else click.style("PASSED", fg="green", bold=True) ), result["duration"], ), is_error=is_failed, ) def print_testing_summary(results): click.echo() tabular_data = [] succeeded_nums = 0 failed_nums = 0 duration = 0 for result in results: duration += result.get("duration", 0) if result.get("succeeded") is False: failed_nums += 1 status_str = click.style("FAILED", fg="red") elif result.get("succeeded") is None: status_str = "IGNORED" else: succeeded_nums += 1 status_str = click.style("PASSED", fg="green") tabular_data.append( ( result["test"], click.style(result["env"], fg="cyan"), status_str, util.humanize_duration_time(result.get("duration")), ) ) click.echo( tabulate( tabular_data, headers=[ click.style(s, bold=True) for s in ("Test", "Environment", "Status", "Duration") ], ), err=failed_nums, ) util.print_labeled_bar( "%s%d succeeded in %s" % ( "%d failed, " % failed_nums if failed_nums else "", succeeded_nums, util.humanize_duration_time(duration), ), is_error=failed_nums, fg="red" if failed_nums else "green", )