music with stepper motors
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

242 lines
7.4 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014-present PlatformIO <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
from os.path import join
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_call
from sys import modules
from platformio.exception import PlatformioException, UserSideException
from platformio.proc import exec_command
from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
from urlparse import urlparse
class VCSClientFactory(object):
def newClient(src_dir, remote_url, silent=False):
result = urlparse(remote_url)
type_ = result.scheme
tag = None
if not type_ and remote_url.startswith("git+"):
type_ = "git"
remote_url = remote_url[4:]
elif "+" in result.scheme:
type_, _ = result.scheme.split("+", 1)
remote_url = remote_url[len(type_) + 1 :]
if "#" in remote_url:
remote_url, tag = remote_url.rsplit("#", 1)
if not type_:
raise PlatformioException("VCS: Unknown repository type %s" % remote_url)
obj = getattr(modules[__name__], "%sClient" % type_.title())(
src_dir, remote_url, tag, silent
assert isinstance(obj, VCSClientBase)
return obj
class VCSClientBase(object):
command = None
def __init__(self, src_dir, remote_url=None, tag=None, silent=False):
self.src_dir = src_dir
self.remote_url = remote_url
self.tag = tag
self.silent = silent
def check_client(self):
assert self.command
if self.silent:
assert self.run_cmd(["--version"])
except (AssertionError, OSError, PlatformioException):
raise UserSideException(
"VCS: `%s` client is not installed in your system" % self.command
return True
def storage_dir(self):
return join(self.src_dir, "." + self.command)
def export(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def update(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def can_be_updated(self):
return not self.tag
def get_current_revision(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_latest_revision(self):
return None if self.can_be_updated else self.get_current_revision()
def run_cmd(self, args, **kwargs):
args = [self.command] + args
if "cwd" not in kwargs:
kwargs["cwd"] = self.src_dir
check_call(args, **kwargs)
return True
except CalledProcessError as e:
raise PlatformioException("VCS: Could not process command %s" % e.cmd)
def get_cmd_output(self, args, **kwargs):
args = [self.command] + args
if "cwd" not in kwargs:
kwargs["cwd"] = self.src_dir
result = exec_command(args, **kwargs)
if result["returncode"] == 0:
return result["out"].strip()
raise PlatformioException(
"VCS: Could not receive an output from `%s` command (%s)" % (args, result)
class GitClient(VCSClientBase):
command = "git"
def check_client(self):
return VCSClientBase.check_client(self)
except UserSideException:
raise UserSideException(
"Please install Git client from"
def get_branches(self):
output = self.get_cmd_output(["branch"])
output = output.replace("*", "") # fix active branch
return [b.strip() for b in output.split("\n")]
def get_current_branch(self):
output = self.get_cmd_output(["branch"])
for line in output.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("*"):
branch = line[1:].strip()
if branch != "(no branch)":
return branch
return None
def get_tags(self):
output = self.get_cmd_output(["tag", "-l"])
return [t.strip() for t in output.split("\n")]
def is_commit_id(text):
return text and re.match(r"[0-9a-f]{7,}$", text) is not None
def can_be_updated(self):
return not self.tag or not self.is_commit_id(self.tag)
def export(self):
is_commit = self.is_commit_id(self.tag)
args = ["clone", "--recursive"]
if not self.tag or not is_commit:
args += ["--depth", "1"]
if self.tag:
args += ["--branch", self.tag]
args += [self.remote_url, self.src_dir]
assert self.run_cmd(args)
if is_commit:
assert self.run_cmd(["reset", "--hard", self.tag])
return self.run_cmd(
["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "--force"]
return True
def update(self):
args = ["pull", "--recurse-submodules"]
return self.run_cmd(args)
def get_current_revision(self):
return self.get_cmd_output(["rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"])
def get_latest_revision(self):
if not self.can_be_updated:
return self.get_current_revision()
branch = self.get_current_branch()
if not branch:
return self.get_current_revision()
result = self.get_cmd_output(["ls-remote"])
for line in result.split("\n"):
ref_pos = line.strip().find("refs/heads/" + branch)
if ref_pos > 0:
return line[:ref_pos].strip()[:7]
return None
class HgClient(VCSClientBase):
command = "hg"
def export(self):
args = ["clone"]
if self.tag:
args.extend(["--updaterev", self.tag])
args.extend([self.remote_url, self.src_dir])
return self.run_cmd(args)
def update(self):
args = ["pull", "--update"]
return self.run_cmd(args)
def get_current_revision(self):
return self.get_cmd_output(["identify", "--id"])
def get_latest_revision(self):
if not self.can_be_updated:
return self.get_latest_revision()
return self.get_cmd_output(["identify", "--id", self.remote_url])
class SvnClient(VCSClientBase):
command = "svn"
def export(self):
args = ["checkout"]
if self.tag:
args.extend(["--revision", self.tag])
args.extend([self.remote_url, self.src_dir])
return self.run_cmd(args)
def update(self):
args = ["update"]
return self.run_cmd(args)
def get_current_revision(self):
output = self.get_cmd_output(
["info", "--non-interactive", "--trust-server-cert", "-r", "HEAD"]
for line in output.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("Revision:"):
return line.split(":", 1)[1].strip()
raise PlatformioException("Could not detect current SVN revision")