Engine for LaTeX songbooks http://www.patacrep.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

376 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import getopt, sys
import os.path
import locale
import platform
12 years ago
import shutil
import json
import glob
12 years ago
import re
from subprocess import call
from tools import recursiveFind, processauthors
12 years ago
from index import *
from unidecode import unidecode
from utils.plastex import parsetex
class Song:
#: Ordre de tri
sort = []
#: Préfixes à ignorer pour le tri par titres
prefixes = []
#: Dictionnaire des options pour le traitement des auteurs
authwords = {"after": [], "ignore": [], "sep": []}
def __init__(self, path, languages, titles, args):
self.titles = titles
self.normalized_titles = [locale.strxfrm(unprefixed(unidecode(unicode(title, "utf-8")), self.prefixes)) for title in titles]
self.args = args
12 years ago
self.path = path
self.languages = languages
if "by" in self.args.keys():
self.normalized_authors = [
for author
in processauthors(self.args["by"], **self.authwords)
self.normalized_authors = []
def __repr__(self):
return repr((self.titles, self.args, self.path))
def __cmp__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Song):
return NotImplemented
for key in self.sort:
if key == "@title":
self_key = self.normalized_titles
other_key = other.normalized_titles
elif key == "@path":
self_key = locale.strxfrm(self.path)
other_key = locale.strxfrm(other.path)
elif key == "by":
self_key = self.normalized_authors
other_key = other.normalized_authors
self_key = locale.strxfrm(self.args.get(key, ""))
other_key = locale.strxfrm(other.args.get(key, ""))
if self_key < other_key:
return -1
elif self_key > other_key:
return 1
return 0
def matchRegexp(reg, iterable):
return [ m.group(1) for m in (reg.match(l) for l in iterable) if m ]
def unprefixed(title, prefixes):
"""Remove the first prefix of the list in the beginning of title (if any).
for prefix in prefixes:
match = re.compile(r"^(%s)\b\s*(.*)$" % prefix).match(title)
if match:
return match.group(2)
return title
class SongsList:
"""Manipulation et traitement de liste de chansons"""
def __init__(self, library, language):
self._library = library
self._language = language
# Liste triée des chansons
self.songs = []
def append(self, filename):
"""Ajout d'une chanson à la liste
Effets de bord : analyse syntaxique plus ou moins sommaire du fichier
pour en extraire et traiter certaines information (titre, langue,
album, etc.).
path = os.path.join(self._library, 'songs', filename)
# Exécution de PlasTeX
data = parsetex(path)
song = Song(path, data['languages'], data['titles'], data['args'])
low, high = 0, len(self.songs)
while low != high:
middle = (low + high) / 2
if song < self.songs[middle]:
high = middle
12 years ago
low = middle + 1
self.songs.insert(low, song)
def append_list(self, filelist):
"""Ajoute une liste de chansons à la liste
12 years ago
L'argument est une liste de chaînes, représentant des noms de fichiers.
for filename in filelist:
12 years ago
def latex(self):
"""Renvoie le code LaTeX nécessaire pour intégrer la liste de chansons.
result = [ '\\input{{{0}}}'.format(song.path.replace("\\","/").strip()) for song in self.songs]
result.append('\\selectlanguage{%s}' % self._language)
return '\n'.join(result)
def languages(self):
"""Renvoie la liste des langues utilisées par les chansons"""
return set().union(*[set(song.languages) for song in self.songs])
def parseTemplate(template):
embeddedJsonPattern = re.compile(r"^%%:")
f = open(template)
code = [ line[3:-1] for line in f if embeddedJsonPattern.match(line) ]
data = json.loads(''.join(code))
parameters = dict()
for param in data:
parameters[param["name"]] = param
return parameters
def toValue(parameter, data):
if "type" not in parameter:
return data
elif parameter["type"] == "stringlist":
if "join" in parameter:
joinText = parameter["join"]
joinText = ''
return joinText.join(data)
elif parameter["type"] == "color":
return data[1:]
elif parameter["type"] == "font":
return data+'pt'
elif parameter["type"] == "enum":
return data
elif parameter["type"] == "file":
return data
elif parameter["type"] == "flag":
if "join" in parameter:
joinText = parameter["join"]
joinText = ''
return joinText.join(data)
def formatDeclaration(name, parameter):
value = ""
if "default" in parameter:
value = parameter["default"]
return '\\def\\set@{name}#1{{\\def\\get{name}{{#1}}}}\n'.format(name=name) + formatDefinition(name, toValue(parameter, value))
def formatDefinition(name, value):
return '\\set@{name}{{{value}}}\n'.format(name=name, value=value)
def makeTexFile(sb, library, output):
name = output[:-4]
# default value
template = "patacrep.tmpl"
songs = []
prefixes_tex = ""
prefixes = []
authwords_tex = ""
authwords = {"after": ["by"], "ignore": ["unknown"], "sep": ["and"]}
# parse the songbook data
if "template" in sb:
template = sb["template"]
del sb["template"]
if "songs" in sb:
songs = sb["songs"]
del sb["songs"]
if "titleprefixwords" in sb:
prefixes = sb["titleprefixwords"]
for prefix in sb["titleprefixwords"]:
prefixes_tex += "\\titleprefixword{%s}\n" % prefix
sb["titleprefixwords"] = prefixes_tex
if "authwords" in sb:
# Populating default value
for key in ["after", "sep", "ignore"]:
if key not in sb["authwords"]:
sb["authwords"][key] = authwords[key]
# Processing authwords values
authwords = sb["authwords"]
for key in ["after", "sep", "ignore"]:
for word in authwords[key]:
if key == "after":
authwords_tex += "\\auth%sword{%s}\n" % ("by", word)
authwords_tex += "\\auth%sword{%s}\n" % (key, word)
sb["authwords"] = authwords_tex
if "after" in authwords:
authwords["after"] = [re.compile(r"^.*%s\b(.*)" % after) for after in authwords["after"]]
if "sep" in authwords:
authwords["sep"] = [" %s" % sep for sep in authwords["sep"]] + [","]
authwords["sep"] = [re.compile(r"^(.*)%s (.*)$" % sep) for sep in authwords["sep"] ]
if "lang" not in sb:
sb["lang"] = "french"
if "sort" in sb:
sort = sb["sort"]
del sb["sort"]
sort = [u"by", u"album", u"@title"]
Song.sort = sort
Song.prefixes = prefixes
Song.authwords = authwords
parameters = parseTemplate("templates/"+template)
# compute songslist
if songs == "all":
songs = map(lambda x: x[len(library) + 6:], recursiveFind(os.path.join(library, 'songs'), '*.sg'))
songslist = SongsList(library, sb["lang"])
sb["languages"] = ",".join(songslist.languages())
# output relevant fields
out = open(output, 'w')
out.write('%% This file has been automatically generated, do not edit!\n')
# output automatic parameters
out.write(formatDeclaration("name", {"default":name}))
out.write(formatDeclaration("songslist", {"type":"stringlist"}))
# output template parameter command
for name, parameter in parameters.iteritems():
out.write(formatDeclaration(name, parameter))
# output template parameter values
for name, value in sb.iteritems():
if name in parameters:
out.write(formatDefinition(name, toValue(parameters[name],value)))
if len(songs) > 0:
out.write(formatDefinition('songslist', songslist.latex()))
# output template
commentPattern = re.compile(r"^\s*%")
f = open("templates/"+template)
content = [ line for line in f if not commentPattern.match(line) ]
for index, line in enumerate(content):
if re.compile("getLibraryImgDirectory").search(line):
line = line.replace("\\getLibraryImgDirectory", library + "img/")
content[index] = line
if re.compile("getLibraryLilypondDirectory").search(line):
line = line.replace("\\getLibraryLilypondDirectory", library + "lilypond/")
content[index] = line
def makeDepend(sb, library, output):
name = output[:-2]
indexPattern = re.compile(r"^[^%]*\\(?:newauthor|new)index\{.*\}\{(.*?)\}")
lilypondPattern = re.compile(r"^[^%]*\\(?:lilypond)\{(.*?)\}")
# check for deps (in sb data)
deps = [];
if sb["songs"] == "all":
deps += recursiveFind(os.path.join(library, 'songs'), '*.sg')
deps += map(lambda x: library + "songs/" + x, sb["songs"])
# check for lilypond deps (in songs data) if necessary
lilypond = []
if "bookoptions" in sb and "lilypond" in sb["bookoptions"]:
for filename in deps:
tmpl = open(filename)
lilypond += matchRegexp(lilypondPattern, tmpl)
# check for index (in template file)
if "template" in sb:
filename = sb["template"]
filename = "patacrep.tmpl"
tmpl = open("templates/"+filename)
idx = map(lambda x: x.replace("\getname", name), matchRegexp(indexPattern, tmpl))
# write .d file
out = open(output, 'w')
out.write('{0} {1} : {2}\n'.format(output, name+".tex", ' '.join(deps)))
out.write('{0} : {1}\n'.format(name+".pdf", ' '.join(map(lambda x: x+".sbx",idx)+map(lambda x: library+"lilypond/"+x+".pdf", lilypond))))
out.write('\t$(LATEX) {0}\n'.format(name+".tex"))
out.write('{0} : {1}\n'.format(' '.join(map(lambda x: x+".sxd",idx)), name+".aux"))
def usage():
print "No usage information yet."
def main():
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # set script locale to match user's
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
12 years ago
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# print help and exit
print str(err)
12 years ago
sbFile = None
library = './'
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
elif o in ("-s", "--songbook"):
12 years ago
sbFile = a
elif o in ("-l", "--library"):
if not a.endswith('/'):
a += '/'
library = a
assert False, "unhandled option"
12 years ago
basename = os.path.basename(sbFile)[:-3]
texFile = basename + ".tex"
pdfFile = basename + ".pdf"
f = open(sbFile)
sb = json.load(f)
12 years ago
# Make TeX file
makeTexFile(sb, library, texFile)
# First pdflatex pass
call(["pdflatex", texFile])
# Make index
sxdFiles = glob.glob("%s_*.sxd" % basename)
12 years ago
print sxdFiles
for sxdFile in sxdFiles:
print "processing " + sxdFile
idx = processSXD(sxdFile)
indexFile = open(sxdFile[:-3]+"sbx", "w")
12 years ago
# Second pdflatex pass
call(["pdflatex", texFile])
if __name__ == '__main__':