Engine for LaTeX songbooks http://www.patacrep.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

391 lines
8.8 KiB

% Songbook Package -- version 0.1 for LaTeX2e
% This package provide macro for automatic songbook
% generation. See http://github.com/patacrep/songbook-core/
\ProvidesPackage{SongbookUtils}[2014/04/13 Songbook Package, version 0.1]
\RequirePackage{graphicx,xcolor} %
\RequirePackage{epstopdf} %
\RequirePackage{songs} %
\tabsfalse %
\renewcommand{\colbotglue}{0pt plus .5\textheight minus 0pt}%
% Patch for Debian TeXLive 2012
% A bug may produce corrupted PDF
% Multilanguage management
% Default names (english)
\def\songlistname{Songs list}
\def\originalsongname{Original song:}
\def\songindexname{Songs Index}
\def\authorindexname{Authors Index}
\def\chordlistname{Chords list}
% French names
\def\songlistname{Liste des chansons}
\def\originalsongname{Chanson originale :}
\def\transpositionname{transposition :}
\def\songindexname{Index des chansons}
\def\authorindexname{Index des auteurs}
\def\chordlistname{Liste des accords}
\def\lastandname{\unskip, and}
% End of multilanguage management
% Add some informations to the songs
% Insert cover pictures
% display album in song header
% display original song name in the postlude
% End of the new informations
% On-the-fly compilation of lilypond files
\epstopdfDeclareGraphicsRule{.ly}{pdf}{.pdf}{lilypond --format=pdf --output=\Gin@base\ETE@suffix\space #1}
% Configuration of the songs package
% Horizontal space reserved to verse number
% Modifier to the space between consecutive lines of lyrics
\baselineadj=-6pt plus 0pt minus 2pt
% Space between verses and chorus
\versesep=6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
% Paragraph indentation space
%% \SB@chordsoff with a greater for the line spacing
% Use a new framed command for bridges
\node[rectangle] (rect) {
\draw[very thick, dashed] (rect.north west) -- (rect.south west);