Engine for LaTeX songbooks http://www.patacrep.com

3610 lines
100 KiB

%% This is file `songs.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% songs.dtx (with options: `package')
%% This is a generated file.
%% Copyright (C) 2010 by Kevin W. Hamlen
%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3a of this license
%% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
%% license is in:
%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3a or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
%% 2004/10/01 or later.
[2010/06/09 v2.11 Songs package]
\newcommand\printversenum[1]{\lyricfont#1.\ }
\newcommand\extendpostlude{\songcopyright\ \songlicense\unskip}
\newcommand\idxcont[1]{\small\textbf{#1} (continued)}
\ccpenalty100 %
\edef\SB@tempii{\SB@sgroup @\the\SB@groupcnt}%
\expandafter\newbox\csname songbox@\SB@tempii\endcsname%
\csname songbox@\SB@tempii\endcsname\box\SB@songbox%
\csname stype@\SB@tempii\endcsname\SB@stype%
\expandafter\newbox\csname chbox@\SB@tempii\endcsname%
\csname chbox@\SB@tempii\endcsname\box\SB@chorusbox%
\loop\edef\SB@tempii{\SB@temp @\the\SB@groupcnt}%
\csname songbox@\SB@tempii\endcsname\relax\else%
\csname songbox@\SB@tempii\endcsname%
\expandafter\ifx\csname chbox@\SB@tempii\endcsname\relax%
\csname chbox@\SB@tempii\endcsname%
\csname stype@\SB@tempii\endcsname%
\setbox\SB@box\vsplit\SB@box to\maxdimen%
\setbox\SB@box\vsplit\SB@box to\SB@dimen%
{\thesongnum. \songtitle}%
\hbox to\hsize{{%
\hbox to\hsize{%
\hbox to\songnumwidth{%
\SB@colorbox\snumbgcolor{\vbox to\ht\SB@box{{%
\hbox to\songnumwidth{%
\newcommand\SB@appendsp[1]{#1\expandafter{\the#1 }}
\let\SB@next= }
\SB@Error{Title parsing failed}{This error should not occur.}%
\let\SB@tempiii= #1\SB@endparse\relax\relax%
\ifcat\noexpand\SB@tempiii A%
\ifcat\noexpand\SB@temp A~%
\ifSB@test\nobreak\ \else\SB@tempii\fi%
\else\ifcat\noexpand\SB@temp A%
\ifSB@test\nobreak\ \else\SB@tempii\fi%
\let\SB@temp= \SB@tempii%
\let\SB@tempii= \SB@tempiii%
\let\SB@tempiii= %
\setbox\SB@box\hbox{{\lyricfont p}}%
\SB@errbvt\beginsong{Unknown Song}%
\hbox to\versenumwidth{\unhbox\SB@box\hfil}%
\penalty12345 %
\SB@errbct\beginsong{Unknown Song}%
\penalty12345 %
\setbox\SB@box\vbox spread#2\SB@dimen{\unvcopy#4}%
\ifnum\badness<100 %
\setbox\SB@box\vbox spread#2\SB@dimen{\unvcopy#4}%
\ifnum\badness=100 \SB@dimenii\z@\fi%
\ifhmode\penalty-5 \else%
\end{intersong}% TODO: Suppress submission ifpartiallist
\newcommand\alphascale{\notenames ABCDEFG}
\advance\SB@transposefactor by#1\relax%
\divide\SB@cnt12 %
\multiply\SB@cnt12 %
\iftranscapos\transpose{#1}\else\musicnote{capo #1}\fi%
\let\SB@next= }
\ifcat\noexpand\SB@next A%
\ifcat\noexpand\SB@next A%
\else\ifx\SB@temp\notenameD5 %
\else\ifx\SB@temp\notenameE7 %
\else\ifx\SB@temp\notenameF8 %
\else\ifx\SB@temp\notenameG10 %
\else-99 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi%
\ifnum\SB@cnt<\z@\advance\SB@cnt12 \fi%
\ifnum\SB@cnt>11 \advance\SB@cnt-12 \fi%
\global\SB@prefshrpstrue\or% A
\global\SB@prefshrpsfalse\or% Bb
\global\SB@prefshrpstrue\or% B
\ifx\SB@next m% C
\global\SB@prefshrpstrue\or% C#
\ifx\SB@next m% D
\global\SB@prefshrpsfalse\or% Eb
\global\SB@prefshrpstrue\or% E
\global\SB@prefshrpsfalse\or% F
\global\SB@prefshrpstrue\or% F#
\ifx\SB@next m% G
\global\SB@prefshrpsfalse\else% Ab
\global\SB@needkeytrue% non-chord
\SB@Error{Internal Error: Transposition failed}%
{This error should not occur.}%
\vsplit\SB@boxii to\maxdimen%
\hbox to\SB@dimen{%
\hbox to\SB@dimen{%
\hbox to\SB@dimen{%
\SB@cnt4 %
\afterassignment\iffalse\let\SB@next= #3\relax\fi%
\ifcat\noexpand\SB@next A%
\else\ifx\SB@next\ %
\SB@cnt\expandafter`\SB@nextname x\fi%
\let\SB@chbstok= \SB@next%
\let\SB@next= }
\let\SB@next= }
\let\SB@next= \SB@chbstok%
\hbox to\SB@dimen{\unhbox\SB@chordbox\hfil}%
\hbox to\SB@dimen{%
\expandafter\xdef\csname SB@flatsize@#1\endcsname{#2}%
\csname SB@flatsize@\f@size\endcsname\f@baselineskip%
\catcode`^\ifchorded\active\else9 \fi%
\catcode`|\ifmeasures\active\else9 \fi%
\expandafter\newtoks\csname SB@cr@#1\endcsname%
\global\csname SB@cr@#1\endcsname{\\}%
\csname SB@cr@#1\endcsname%
\csname SB@cr@#1\endcsname%
\rlap{\hbox to\SB@fretwidth{\hfil\vrule\@height6\p@\hfil}}%
\hbox to\SB@fretwidth{\hfil#1\hfil}%
\hbox to\SB@fretwidth{\hfil#1\hfil}%
\hbox to\SB@dimen{%
\hbox to\hsize{\hfil\unhbox\SB@box\hfil}%
\hbox to\hsize{%
\newcommand\SB@ctoken{} \def\SB@ctoken{:}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname SB@idxfilename@#3\endcsname{#4}%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname SB@idxsel@#3\endcsname[3]{###1}%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname SB@idxref@#3\endcsname{\thesongnum}%
\global\expandafter\let\csname SB@index@#2\endcsname\SB@theindex%
\immediate\write\SB@theindex{TITLE INDEX DATA FILE}%
\immediate\write\SB@theindex{SCRIPTURE INDEX DATA FILE}%
\immediate\write\SB@theindex{AUTHOR INDEX DATA FILE}%
{\expandafter\renewcommand\csname SB@idxref@#1\endcsname}%
\newcommand\authsepword[1]{\SB@idxcmd\SB@authinit{sep #1}}
\newcommand\authbyword[1]{\SB@idxcmd\SB@authinit{after #1}}
\newcommand\authignoreword[1]{\SB@idxcmd\SB@authinit{ignore #1}}
\newcommand\titleprefixword[1]{\SB@idxcmd\SB@titleinit{prefix #1}}
\protected@write{\csname SB@index@#1\endcsname}{}{#2}%
\protected@write{\csname SB@index@#1\endcsname}{}%
{\csname SB@idxref@#1\endcsname}%
\protected@write{\csname SB@index@#1\endcsname}{}{%
{\csname SB@idxsel@\SB@temp\endcsname{#1}{#2}{#3}}%
\csname SB@idxsel@\SB@temp\endcsname%
\leaders\hbox to.5em{\hss.\hss}\hskip2em\@plus1fil%
\hbox to\hsize{\unhbox\SB@box}\par%
\leaders\hbox to.5em{\hss.\hss}\hskip\SB@dimenii\@plus1fill%
\vsplit\SB@box to\SB@dimen%
\IfFileExists{\csname SB@idxfilename@#3\endcsname.sbx}{%
\hbox to\hsize{%
\input{\csname SB@idxfilename@#3\endcsname.sbx}%
\global\setbox\SB@boxii\vsplit\SB@box to\textheight}%
\input{\csname SB@idxfilename@#3\endcsname.sbx}%
\vbox to\textheight{%
\hbox to\hsize{\hfil[Index not yet generated.]\hfil}%
\expandafter\let\expandafter\SB@temp\csname SB@idxsel@#3\endcsname%
\hbox to\idxheadwidth{{\idxheadfont\relax##1}\hfil}%
\hbox to\hsize{{\idxcont{#1}}\hfil}%
\hbox to\hsize{{\idxbook{##1}}\hfil}%
\renewcommand\idxaltentry[2]{\SB@erridx{a scripture}}%
\renewcommand\idxaltentry[2]{\SB@erridx{an author}}%
\SB@Error{Illegal \protect\songpos\space argument}{The argume%
nt to \protect\songpos\space must be a number from 0 to 3.}%
\SB@Error{Nested songs environments are not supported}{End th%
e previous songs environment before beginning the next one.}%
\SB@Error{\protect\includeonlysongs\space not permitted with%
in a songs environment}{\protect\includeonlysongs\space can o%
nly be used in the document preamble or between songs environ%
ments in the document body.}%
\PackageWarning{songs}{Indexes shown but index-generation inh%
ibited. Index files may be out of date.}{Indexes were initial%
ly turned off by the end of the document preamble, which mean%
s that the auxiliary files used to keep the indexes up-to-da%
te were not generated. However, indexes were turned on withi%
n the document body using \protect\indexeson, which means th%
e indexes shown in the resulting document are being created f%
rom outdated files. To correct the problem, be sure that inde%
xes are turned on by the end of the preamble so that the auxi%
liary files will be updated.}%
\SB@Error{Cannot display chords in a rawtext dump}{You have u%
sed the rawtext option in the \protect\usepackage\space lin%
e and have either used the chorded option as well or have use%
d the \protect\chordson\space macro subsequently.}%
\SB@Warn{The \protect\repchoruses\space feature will not wor%
k when the number of columns is set to zero}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\beginsong\space without seein%
g an \protect\endsong\space for the previous song}%
{Song \thesongnum\space might be missing a%
n \protect\endsong\space line.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\beginsong\space without seein%
g an \protect\endscripture\space for the preceding scriptur%
e quotation}{A scripture quotation appearing after son%
g \thesongnum\space might be missing a%
n \protect\endscripture\space line.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\endsong\space without seein%
g an \protect\endverse\space for the preceding verse}{Son%
g \thesongnum\space has a \protect\beginverse\space%
line with no matching \protect\endverse\space line.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\endsong\space without seein%
g an \protect\endchorus\space for the preceding chorus}{Son%
g \thesongnum\space has a \protect\beginchorus\space%
line with no matching \protect\endchorus\space line.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\endsong\space without seein%
g an \protect\endscripture for the preceding scripture quot%
e}{A scripture quote appearing before song \thesongnum\space%
ended with \protect\endsong\space instead of wit%
h \protect\endscripture.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\endsong\space with no matchin%
g \protect\beginsong}{Before song \thesongnum\space there wa%
s an \protect\endsong\space with no matchin%
g \protect\beginsong.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\beginverse\space without seein%
g an \protect\endverse\space for the preceding verse}{Son%
g \thesongnum\space might have a verse that has n%
o \protect\endendverse\space line.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\beginverse\space without seein%
g an \protect\endchorus\space for the preceding chorus}{Son%
g \thesongnum\space might have a chorus that has n%
o \protect\endchorus\space line.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\beginverse\space without firs%
t seeing a \protect\beginsong\space line}{Before son%
g \thesongnum, there is a \protect\beginverse\space line no%
t contained in any song.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\endverse\space while process%
ing a chorus}{Song \thesongnum\space might hav%
e a \protect\beginchorus\space concluded by a%
n \protect\endverse\space instead of an \protect\endchorus.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\endverse\space without firs%
t seeing a \protect\beginverse}{Song \thesongnum\space m%
ight have an \protect\endverse\space with no matchin%
g \protect\beginverse.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered an \protect\endverse\space outside o%
f any song}{Before song \thesongnum, there is a%
n \protect\endverse\space line not preceded b%
y a \protect\beginsong\space line.}%
\SB@Error{The \protect\repchoruses\space feature requires e-%
TeX compatibility}{Your version of LaTeX2e does not appear t%
o be e-TeX compatible. Find a distribution that includes e-T%
eX support in order to use this feature.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\beginchorus\space without see%
ing an \protect\endverse\space for the preceding verse}{Son%
g \thesongnum\space might hav%
e a \protect\beginverse\space with no match%
ing \protect\endverse.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\beginchorus\space without see%
ing an \protect\endchorus\space for the preceding chorus}%
{Song \thesongnum\space might have a \protect\beginchorus%
\space with no matching \protect\endchorus.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\beginchorus\space without see%
ing a \protect\beginsong\space line first}{After son%
g \thesongnum\space there is a \protect\beginchorus\space%
line outside of any song.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered an \protect\endchorus\space while proc%
essing a verse}{Song \thesongnum\space might hav%
e a \protect\beginverse\space concluded by \protect\endchorus%
\space instead of \protect\endverse.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered \protect\endchorus\space without firs%
t seeing a \protect\beginchorus}{Song \thesongnum\space m%
ight have an \protect\endchorus\space with no match%
ing \protect\beginchorus.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered an \protect\endchorus\space outside o%
f any song}{Before song \thesongnum, there is a%
n \protect\endchorus\space line not preceded b%
y a \protect\beginsong\space line.}%
\SB@Error{Missing \protect\endsong}%
{Nested song and intersong environments are not supported%
. Song \thesongnum\space might be missing a%
n \protect\endsong\space line.}%
\SB@Error{Nested intersong environments are not supported}%
{A scripture quote or other intersong environment before s%
ong \thesongnum\space is missing its ending line.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered an \protect\endscripture\space whil%
e processing a song}{Song \thesongnum\space ends wit%
h \protect\endscripture\space when it should end wit%
h \protect\endsong.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered an \protect\endscripture\space with%
out first seeing a \protect\beginscripture}{Before son%
g \thesongnum, there is an \protect\endscripture\space w%
ith no matching \protect\beginscripture.}%
\SB@Error{Encountered a \protect#1\space outside a scriptu%
re quote}{\protect#1\space can only appear betwee%
n \protect\beginscripture\space an%
d \protect\endscripture\space lines.}%
\SB@Error{Song \thesongnum\space seems to have chord%
s that appear outside of any verse or chorus}{All chords a%
nd lyrics should appear between \protect\beginverse\space%
and \protect\endverse, or between \protect\beginchorus\space%
and \protect\endchorus.}%
\SB@Error{Replayed chord has no matching chord}{Son%
g \thesongnum\space uses \protect^ more times than the%
re are chords in the previously memorized verse.}%
\SB@Error{Unknown chord-replay register name: #1}{Chord-re%
play registers must be declared with \protect\newchords.}%
\SB@Error{Duplicate definition of chord-replay register%
: #1}{\protect\newchords\space was used to declare the sa%
me chord-replay register twice.}%
\SB@Error{Song \thesongnum\space seems to have measur%
e bars that appear outside of any verse or chorus}{All mea%
sure bars (produced with \protect\mbar\space or |) must ap%
pear between \protect\beginverse\space an%
d \protect\endverse, or between \protect\beginchorus\space%
and \protect\endchorus.}%
\SB@Error{Invalid argument to \protect\gtab\space macro. R%
eplacing it with \protect\0.}{Valid arguments consist onl%
y of: X, O, 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.}%
\SB@Error{Unknown index identifier: #1}{This index identifie%
r was never declared using \protect\newindex.}%
\SB@Error{\protect\idxaltentry\space not allowed in #1 index}%
{This error should not occur. The index generation routines ha%
ve malfunctioned. Try deleting all temporary files and then re%
{\catcode`\^^M12 %
\catcode`\^^J12 %
\catcode`|9 %
\catcode`*9 %
\catcode`^9 %
\immediate\write\SB@txtout{\thesongnum. \songtitle}%
%% End of file `songs.sty'.