@ -2,85 +2,26 @@
""" Command line client to :mod:`tools` """
import argparse
import logging
import operator
import os
import pkgutil
import re
import sys
import argdispatch
import patacrep
# Logging configuration
logging . basicConfig ( level = logging . INFO )
LOGGER = logging . getLogger ( " patatools " )
def _execlp ( program , args ) :
""" Call :func:`os.execlp`, adding `program` as the first argument to itself. """
return os . execlp ( program , program , * args )
def _iter_subcommands ( ) :
""" Iterate over subcommands.
The objects returned are tuples of :
- the name of the command ;
- its description ;
- the function to call to execute the subcommand .
subcommands = [ ]
# Get python subcommands
path = [ os . path . join ( item , " patacrep " , " tools " ) for item in sys . path ]
prefix = " patacrep.tools. "
module_re = re . compile ( r ' {} (?P<subcommand>[^ \ .]*) \ .__main__ ' . format ( prefix ) )
for module_loader , name , _ in pkgutil . walk_packages ( path , prefix ) :
match = module_re . match ( name )
if match :
module = module_loader . find_module ( match . string ) . load_module ( )
if hasattr ( module , " SUBCOMMAND_DESCRIPTION " ) :
subcommands . append ( match . groupdict ( ) [ ' subcommand ' ] )
yield (
match . groupdict ( ) [ ' subcommand ' ] ,
getattr ( module , " SUBCOMMAND_DESCRIPTION " ) ,
module . main ,
class ArgumentParser ( argparse . ArgumentParser ) :
""" Proxy class to circumvent an :mod:`argparse` bug.
Contrarily to what documented , the ` argparse . REMAINDER
< https : / / docs . python . org / 3 / library / argparse . html #nargs>`_ `nargs` setting
does not include the remainder arguments if the first one begins with ` - ` .
This bug is reperted as ` 17050 < https : / / bugs . python . org / issue17050 > ` _ . This
class can be deleted once this bug has been fixed .
def parse_args ( self , args = None , namespace = None ) :
if args is None :
args = sys . argv [ 1 : ]
subcommands = [ command [ 0 ] for command in set ( _iter_subcommands ( ) ) ]
if len ( args ) > 0 :
if args [ 0 ] in subcommands :
args = [ args [ 0 ] , " -- " ] + args [ 1 : ]
value = super ( ) . parse_args ( args , namespace )
if hasattr ( value , ' remainder ' ) :
value . remainder = value . remainder [ 1 : ]
return value
def commandline_parser ( ) :
""" Return a command line parser. """
parser = ArgumentParser (
parser = argdispatch . ArgumentParser (
prog = " patatools " ,
description = (
" Miscellaneous tools for patacrep. "
) ,
formatter_class = argparse . RawTextHelpFormatter ,
formatter_class = argdispatch . RawTextHelpFormatter ,
parser . add_argument (
@ -96,11 +37,7 @@ def commandline_parser():
subparsers . required = True
subparsers . dest = " subcommand "
for command , message , function in sorted ( _iter_subcommands ( ) , key = operator . itemgetter ( 0 ) ) :
sub1 = subparsers . add_parser ( command , help = message , add_help = False )
sub1 . add_argument ( ' remainder ' , nargs = argparse . REMAINDER )
sub1 . set_defaults ( function = function )
subparsers . add_submodules ( " patacrep.tools " )
return parser
@ -108,9 +45,7 @@ def main(args=None):
""" Main function """
if args is None :
args = sys . argv
parser = commandline_parser ( )
args = parser . parse_args ( args [ 1 : ] )
args . function ( [ " patatools- {} " . format ( args . subcommand ) ] + args . remainder )
commandline_parser ( ) . parse_args ( args [ 1 : ] )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )