@ -65,6 +65,11 @@ def to_value(parameter, data):
def format_declaration ( name , parameter ) :
""" Return LaTeX code to declare variale ' name ' .
' parameter ' is the corresponding line of the template ( which can provide
default value ) .
value = " "
if " default " in parameter :
value = parameter [ " default " ]
@ -76,6 +81,7 @@ def format_declaration(name, parameter):
def format_definition ( name , value ) :
""" Return LaTeX code to define and set default value of variable ' name ' """
return r ' \ set@ {name} {{ {value} }} ' . format ( name = name , value = value ) + EOL
@ -102,134 +108,180 @@ def clean(basename):
except Exception as exception :
raise errors . CleaningError ( basename + ext , exception )
" after " : [ " by " ] ,
" ignore " : [ " unknown " ] ,
" sep " : [ " and " ] ,
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class Songbook ( object ) :
""" Reprensent a songbook (.sb) file.
def make_tex_file ( songbook , output ) :
""" Create the LaTeX file corresponding to the .sb file given in argument. """
datadir = songbook [ ' datadir ' ]
name = output [ : - 4 ]
template_dir = os . path . join ( datadir , ' templates ' )
songs = [ ]
prefixes_tex = " "
prefixes = [ ]
authwords_tex = " "
authwords = { " after " : [ " by " ] , " ignore " : [ " unknown " ] , " sep " : [ " and " ] }
# parse the songbook data
if " template " in songbook :
template = songbook [ " template " ]
del songbook [ " template " ]
else :
template = os . path . join ( __SHAREDIR__ , " templates " , " default.tmpl " )
if " songs " in songbook :
songs = songbook [ " songs " ]
del songbook [ " songs " ]
if " titleprefixwords " in songbook :
prefixes = songbook [ " titleprefixwords " ]
for prefix in songbook [ " titleprefixwords " ] :
prefixes_tex + = r " \ titleprefixword { %s } " % prefix + EOL
songbook [ " titleprefixwords " ] = prefixes_tex
if " authwords " in songbook :
# Populating default value
for key in [ " after " , " sep " , " ignore " ] :
if key not in songbook [ " authwords " ] :
songbook [ " authwords " ] [ key ] = authwords [ key ]
# Processing authwords values
authwords = songbook [ " authwords " ]
for key in [ " after " , " sep " , " ignore " ] :
for word in authwords [ key ] :
if key == " after " :
authwords_tex + = r " \ auth %s word { %s } " % ( " by " , word ) + EOL
else :
authwords_tex + = r " \ auth %s word { %s } " % ( key , word ) + EOL
songbook [ " authwords " ] = authwords_tex
if " after " in authwords :
authwords [ " after " ] = [ re . compile ( r " ^.* %s \ b(.*) " % after )
for after in authwords [ " after " ] ]
if " sep " in authwords :
authwords [ " sep " ] = [ " %s " % sep for sep in authwords [ " sep " ] ] + [ " , " ]
authwords [ " sep " ] = [ re . compile ( r " ^(.*) %s (.*)$ " % sep )
for sep in authwords [ " sep " ] ]
if " lang " not in songbook :
songbook [ " lang " ] = " french "
if " sort " in songbook :
sort = songbook [ " sort " ]
del songbook [ " sort " ]
else :
sort = [ u " by " , u " album " , u " @title " ]
Song . sort = sort
Song . prefixes = prefixes
Song . authwords = authwords
parameters = parse_template ( os . path . join ( template_dir , template ) )
# compute songslist
if songs == " all " :
songs = [
os . path . relpath ( filename , os . path . join ( datadir , ' songs ' ) )
for filename
in recursive_find ( os . path . join ( datadir , ' songs ' ) , ' *.sg ' )
- Low level : provide a Python representation of the values stored in the
' .sb ' file .
- High level : provide some utility functions to manipulate these data .
def __init__ ( self , raw_songbook , basename ) :
super ( Songbook , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . basename = basename
# Default values: will be updated while parsing raw_songbook
self . config = {
' template ' : os . path . join (
" templates " ,
" default.tmpl " ,
) ,
' titleprefixwords ' : [ ] ,
' authwords ' : { } ,
' lang ' : ' french ' ,
' sort ' : [ u " by " , u " album " , u " @title " ] ,
' songs ' : None ,
' datadir ' : os . path . abspath ( ' . ' ) ,
self . songslist = None
self . _parse ( raw_songbook )
self . _set_songs_default ( )
def _set_songs_default ( self ) :
""" Set the default values for the Song() class. """
Song . sort = self . config [ ' sort ' ]
Song . prefixes = self . config [ ' titleprefixwords ' ]
Song . authwords [ ' after ' ] = [
re . compile ( r " ^.* %s \ b(.*) " % after )
for after
in self . config [ ' authwords ' ] [ " after " ]
songslist = SongsList ( datadir , songbook [ " lang " ] )
songslist . append_list ( songs )
songbook [ " languages " ] = " , " . join ( songslist . languages ( ) )
# output relevant fields
out = codecs . open ( output , ' w ' , ' utf-8 ' )
out . write ( ' %% This file has been automatically generated, do not edit! \n ' )
out . write ( r ' \ makeatletter ' + EOL )
# output automatic parameters
out . write ( format_declaration ( " name " , { " default " : name } ) )
out . write ( format_declaration ( " songslist " , { " type " : " stringlist " } ) )
# output template parameter command
for name , parameter in parameters . iteritems ( ) :
out . write ( format_declaration ( name , parameter ) )
# output template parameter values
for name , value in songbook . iteritems ( ) :
if name in parameters :
out . write ( format_definition (
name ,
to_value ( parameters [ name ] , value ) ,
) )
if len ( songs ) > 0 :
out . write ( format_definition ( ' songslist ' , songslist . latex ( ) ) )
out . write ( r ' \ makeatother ' + EOL )
# output template
comment_pattern = re . compile ( r " ^ \ s* % " )
with codecs . open (
os . path . join ( template_dir , template ) , ' r ' , ' utf-8 '
) as template_file :
content = [
for line
in template_file
if not comment_pattern . match ( line )
Song . authwords [ ' ignore ' ] = self . config [ ' authwords ' ] [ ' ignore ' ]
Song . authwords [ ' sep ' ] = [
re . compile ( r " ^(.*) %s (.*)$ " % sep )
for sep
in ( [
" %s " % sep
for sep
in self . config [ ' authwords ' ] [ " sep " ]
] + [ ' , ' ] )
for index , line in enumerate ( content ) :
if re . compile ( " getDataImgDirectory " ) . search ( line ) :
if os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( datadir , " img " ) ) . startswith (
os . path . abspath ( os . path . dirname ( output ) )
) :
imgdir = os . path . relpath (
os . path . join ( datadir , " img " ) ,
os . path . dirname ( output )
else :
imgdir = os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( datadir , " img " ) )
line = line . replace ( r " \ getDataImgDirectory " , ' { %s /} ' % imgdir )
content [ index ] = line
out . write ( u ' ' . join ( content ) )
out . close ( )
def _parse ( self , raw_songbook ) :
""" Parse raw_songbook.
The principle is : some special keys have their value processed ; others
are stored verbatim in self . config .
self . config . update ( raw_songbook )
### Some post-processing
# Compute song list
if self . config [ ' songs ' ] is None :
self . config [ ' songs ' ] = [
os . path . relpath (
filename ,
os . path . join ( self . config [ ' datadir ' ] , ' songs ' ) ,
for filename
in recursive_find (
os . path . join ( self . config [ ' datadir ' ] , ' songs ' ) ,
' *.sg ' ,
self . songslist = SongsList ( self . config [ ' datadir ' ] , self . config [ " lang " ] )
self . songslist . append_list ( self . config [ ' songs ' ] )
# Ensure self.config['authwords'] contains all entries
for ( key , value ) in DEFAULT_AUTHWORDS . items ( ) :
if key not in self . config [ ' authwords ' ] :
self . config [ ' authwords ' ] [ key ] = value
def write_tex ( self , output ) :
r """ Build the ' .tex ' file corresponding to self.
Arguments :
- output : a file object , in which the file will be written .
TODO : Update this .
Quelques notes concernant le rendu
- self . config [ ' titleprefixwords ' ]
> return EOL . join ( [
> r " \ titleprefixwords { %s } " % prefix
> for prefix
> in self . config [ ' titleprefixwords ' ]
> ] )
- self . config [ ' authwords ' ] :
> # Processing authwords values
> tex = [ ]
> for key in [ " after " , " sep " , " ignore " ] :
> for word in self . config [ ' authwords ' ] [ key ] :
> if key == " after " :
> tex . append ( r " \ auth %s word { %s } " % ( " by " , word ) )
> else :
> tex . append ( r " \ auth %s word { %s } " % ( key , word ) )
> return EOL . join ( tex )
- Liste des langues utilisées ( pour chargement par babel ) :
self . songlist . languages ( ) . Donc la commande pour Babel peut
ressembler à :
> r " \ PassOptionsToPackage { %s } {babel} " % " , " . join (
> self . songslist . languages ( )
> )
parameters = parse_template ( os . path . join (
self . config [ ' datadir ' ] ,
' templates ' ,
self . config [ ' template ' ]
) )
output . write ( (
' %% This file has been automatically '
' generated, do not edit! \n '
) )
output . write ( r ' \ makeatletter ' + EOL )
# output automatic parameters
output . write ( format_declaration ( " name " , { " default " : self . basename } ) )
output . write ( format_declaration ( " songslist " , { " type " : " stringlist " } ) )
# output template parameter command
for name , parameter in parameters . iteritems ( ) :
output . write ( format_declaration ( name , parameter ) )
# output template parameter values
for name , value in self . config . iteritems ( ) :
if name in parameters :
output . write ( format_definition (
name ,
to_value ( parameters [ name ] , value ) ,
) )
if len ( self . config [ ' songs ' ] ) > 0 :
output . write ( format_definition ( ' songslist ' , self . songslist . latex ( ) ) )
output . write ( r ' \ makeatother ' + EOL )
# output template
comment_pattern = re . compile ( r " ^ \ s* % " )
with codecs . open (
os . path . join (
self . config [ ' datadir ' ] ,
' templates ' ,
self . config [ ' template ' ]
) ,
' r ' ,
' utf-8 ' ,
) as template_file :
content = [
for line
in template_file
if not comment_pattern . match ( line )
output . write ( u ' ' . join ( content ) )
def buildsongbook (
songbook ,
raw_ songbook,
basename ,
interactive = False ,
logger = logging . getLogger ( )
@ -237,15 +289,15 @@ def buildsongbook(
""" Build a songbook
Arguments :
- songbook : Python representation of the . sb songbook configuration file .
- raw_songbook : Python representation of the . sb songbook configuration
file .
- basename : basename of the songbook to be built .
- interactive : in False , do not expect anything from stdin .
tex_file = basename + " .tex "
# Make TeX file
make_tex_file ( songbook , tex_file )
songbook = Songbook ( raw_songbook , basename )
with codecs . open ( " {} .tex " . format ( basename ) , ' w ' , ' utf-8 ' ) as output :
songbook . write_tex ( output )
if not ' TEXINPUTS ' in os . environ . keys ( ) :
os . environ [ ' TEXINPUTS ' ] = ' '
@ -254,7 +306,7 @@ def buildsongbook(
' latex ' ,
os . environ [ ' TEXINPUTS ' ] + = os . pathsep + os . path . join (
songbook [ ' datadir ' ] ,
songbook . config [ ' datadir ' ] ,
' latex ' ,
@ -265,7 +317,7 @@ def buildsongbook(
pdflatex_options . append ( " -halt-on-error " )
# First pdflatex pass
if subprocess . call ( [ " pdflatex " ] + pdflatex_options + [ tex_fil e] ) :
if subprocess . call ( [ " pdflatex " ] + pdflatex_options + [ basenam e] ) :
raise errors . LatexCompilationError ( basename )
# Make index
@ -278,7 +330,7 @@ def buildsongbook(
index_file . close ( )
# Second pdflatex pass
if subprocess . call ( [ " pdflatex " ] + pdflatex_options + [ tex_fil e] ) :
if subprocess . call ( [ " pdflatex " ] + pdflatex_options + [ basenam e] ) :
raise errors . LatexCompilationError ( basename )
# Cleaning