#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """PlasTeX module to process song files.""" from plasTeX.TeX import TeX from plasTeX.Base.LaTeX import Sentences import codecs import locale import os import sys def processUnbreakableSpace(node): r"""Replace '~' and '\ ' in node by nodes that will be rendered as unbreakable space. Return node object for convenience. """ if (type(node) == Sentences.InterWordSpace or (type(node) == Sentences.NoLineBreak and node.source == '~ ')): node.unicode = unichr(160) for child in node.childNodes: processUnbreakableSpace(child) return node def simpleparse(text): """Parse a simple LaTeX string. """ tex = TeX() tex.input(text.decode('utf8')) doc = tex.parse() return processUnbreakableSpace(doc.textContent) class SongParser: """Analyseur syntaxique de fichiers .sg""" @staticmethod def _create_TeX(): """Create a TeX object, ready to parse a tex file.""" tex = TeX() tex.disableLogging() tex.ownerDocument.context.loadBaseMacros() sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) tex.ownerDocument.context.loadPackage(tex, "plastex-patchedbabel") tex.ownerDocument.context.loadPackage(tex, "plastex-songs") sys.path.pop() return tex @classmethod def parse(cls, filename): """Parse a TeX file, and return its plasTeX representation.""" tex = cls._create_TeX() tex.input(codecs.open(filename, 'r+', 'utf-8', 'replace')) return tex.parse() def parsetex(filename): r"""Analyse syntaxique d'un fichier .sg Renvoie un dictionnaire contenant les métadonnées lues dans le fichier. Les clefs sont : - languages: l'ensemble des langages utilisés (recherche des \selectlanguages{}) ; - titles: la liste des titres ; - args: le dictionnaire des paramètres passés à \beginsong. """ # /* BEGIN plasTeX patch # The following lines, and another line a few lines later, are used to # circumvent a plasTeX bug. It has been reported, with a patch. # To see if you can delete those lines, set your LC_TIME locale to French, # during a month containing diacritics (e.g. Février), and run songbook. If # no plasTeX bug appears, it is safe to remove those lines. oldlocale = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'C') # plasTeX patch END */ # Analyse syntaxique doc = SongParser.parse(filename) # /* BEGIN plasTeX patch if oldlocale[0] and oldlocale[1]: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, "%s.%s" % oldlocale) # plasTeX patch END */ # Extraction des données data = { "languages": set(), } for node in doc.allChildNodes: if node.nodeName == "selectlanguage": data["languages"].add(node.attributes['lang']) if node.nodeName == "beginsong": data["titles"] = node.attributes["titles"] data["args"] = node.attributes["args"] return data