#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # """Command line tool to compile songbooks using the songbook library.""" import argparse import json import locale import logging import os.path import textwrap import sys from songbook_core.build import buildsongbook, DEFAULT_STEPS from songbook_core import __STR_VERSION__ from songbook_core import errors # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class ParseStepsAction(argparse.Action): """Argparse action to split a string into a list.""" def __call__(self, __parser, namespace, values, __option_string=None): setattr( namespace, self.dest, [value.strip() for value in values[0].split(',')], ) def argument_parser(args): """Parse argumnts""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A song book compiler") parser.add_argument('--version', help='Show version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __STR_VERSION__) parser.add_argument('book', nargs=1, help=textwrap.dedent("""\ Book to compile. """)) parser.add_argument('--datadir', '-d', nargs=1, type=str, action='store', help=textwrap.dedent("""\ Data location. Expected (not necessarily required) subdirectories are 'songs', 'img', 'latex', 'templates'. """)) parser.add_argument('--steps', '-s', nargs=1, type=str, action=ParseStepsAction, help=textwrap.dedent("""\ Steps to run. Default is "{steps}". Available steps are: "tex" produce .tex file from templates; "pdf" compile .tex file; "sbx" compile index files; "clean" remove temporary files. """.format(steps=','.join(DEFAULT_STEPS))), default=DEFAULT_STEPS, ) options = parser.parse_args(args) return options def main(): """Main function:""" # Logging configuration logging.basicConfig(name='songbook') logger = logging.getLogger('songbook') # set script locale to match user's try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except locale.Error as error: # Locale is not installed on user's system, or wrongly configured. sys.stderr.write("Locale error: {}\n".format(error.message)) options = argument_parser(sys.argv[1:]) songbook_path = options.book[0] basename = os.path.basename(songbook_path)[:-3] with open(songbook_path) as songbook_file: songbook = json.load(songbook_file) if options.datadir is not None: songbook['datadir'] = options.datadir[0] elif 'datadir' in songbook.keys(): if not os.path.isabs(songbook['datadir']): songbook['datadir'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(songbook_path), songbook['datadir'] ) else: songbook['datadir'] = os.path.dirname(songbook_path) try: buildsongbook( songbook, basename, steps=options.steps, interactive=True, logger=logger, ) except errors.SongbookError as error: logger.error(error) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()