# Copyright (c) 2008 Alexandre Dupas # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # SRC := $(wildcard *.tex) SONGBOOKS := $(wildcard *.sb) SOURCES := $(shell egrep -l '^[^%]*\\begin\{document\}' *.tex) CIBLE = $(SOURCES:%.tex=%) $(SONGBOOKS:%.sb=%) PDF = $(CIBLE:%=%.pdf) PSF = $(CIBLE:%=%.ps.gz) SONGS = songs.sbd SONGS_SRC = $(shell ls songs/*/*.sg) CHORDS = chords.tex CHORDS_SRC = $(shell ls songs/*/*.sg) MAKE_INDEX=./songbook-makeindex.py MAKE_SONGDB=./songbook-volume.py MAKE_CHORDS=./utils/songbook-gtab.py PRINT=printf "%s\n" PRINTTAB=printf "\t%s\n" ifeq ($(shell which ikiwiki),) IKIWIKI=$(ECHO) "** ikiwiki not found" >&2 ; $(ECHO) ikiwiki else IKIWIKI=ikiwiki endif ifeq ($(shell which lilypond),) LILYPOND=$(ECHO) "** lilypond not found" >&2 ; $(ECHO) lilypond LILYFILE='' else LILYPOND=lilypond LILYSRC=$(wildcard lilypond/*.ly) LILYFILE=$(LILYSRC:%.ly=%.pdf) endif # Get dependencies (that can also have dependencies) define get_dependencies deps=`perl -ne '($$_)=/^[^%]*\\\(?:include|input)\{(.*?)\}/;@_=split /,/; foreach $$t (@_) { print "$$t "}' $<` endef # Get inclusion only files (that can not have dependencies) define get_inclusions incl=`perl -ne '($$_)=/^[^%]*\\\(?:newauthorindex|newindex)\{.*\}\{(.*?)\}/;@_=split /,/; foreach $$t (@_) { print "$$t.sbx "}' $<` endef define get_prereq prep=`perl -ne '($$_)=/^[^%]*\\\(?:newauthorindex|newindex)\{.*\}\{(.*?)\}/;@_=split /,/; foreach $$t (@_) { print "$$t.sxd "}' $<` endef ############################################################ ### Cibles default: chordbook.pdf all: $(PDF) ps: $(PSF) gv $< pdf: $(PDF) xpdf $< lilypond: $(LILYFILE) clean: cleandoc @rm -f $(SRC:%.tex=%.d) @rm -f $(CIBLE:%=%.aux) @rm -f $(CIBLE:%=%.toc) @rm -f $(CIBLE:%=%.out) $(CIBLE:%=%.log) $(CIBLE:%=%.nav) $(CIBLE:%=%.snm) @rm -f $(CIBLE:%=%.dvi) @rm -f $(SONGS) @rm -f *.sbd @rm -f *.sbx *.sxd @rm -f ./lilypond/*.ps @rm -f $(SONGBOOKS:%.sb=%.tex) cleanall: clean @rm -f $(PDF) $(PSF) @rm -f $(LILYFILE) depend: doc : documentation documentation: $(IKIWIKI) doc html -v --wikiname "Songbook Documentation" --plugin=goodstuff --set usedirs=0 cleandoc: @rm -rf "doc/.ikiwiki" html ############################################################ $(PSF): LATEX = latex $(PSF): %.ps.gz: %.ps gzip -f $< %.ps: %.dvi dvips -o $@ $< %.dvi: %.tex %.aux $(LATEX) $< $(PDF): LATEX = pdflatex $(PDF): %.pdf: %.tex %.aux %.aux: %.tex $(LATEX) $< %.sbx: %.sxd $(MAKE_INDEX) $< > $@ %.d: %.tex @$(get_dependencies) ; $(PRINT) "$< $@: $$deps" > $@ @$(get_inclusions) ; $(PRINT) "$(patsubst %.tex,%.pdf,$<) : $$incl" >> $@ ; $(PRINTTAB) "\$$(LATEX) $<" >> $@ ; @$(get_prereq) ; $(PRINT) "$$prep : $(patsubst %.tex,%.aux,$<)" >> $@ ; include $(SOURCES:%.tex=%.d) # songbook related rules %.aux: $(SONGS) COMMA=, $(SONGS): $(SONGS_SRC) @$(PRINT) "\graphicspath{{img/},$(patsubst %,{%}$(COMMA),$(dir $(SONGS_SRC)))}" > $@ @cat $(SONGS_SRC) >> $@ %.sbd: %.sgl @$(MAKE_SONGDB) --songs=$< --output=$@ %.pdf: %.ly @$(LILYPOND) --output=$(@:%.pdf=%) $< @rm $(@:%.pdf=%.ps) $(CHORDS): $(CHORDS_SRC) $(MAKE_CHORDS) -o $@ %.tex: %.sb $(PRINT) "\newcommand{\template}{" > $@ cat $< >> $@ $(PRINT) "}" >> $@ $(PRINT) "\input{template.tex}" >> $@ # Create an empty mybook.sgl file if it does not exist mybook.sgl: touch $@