{lang : en}
{columns :  2}
{ title : Greensleeves}
{subtitle: Test of the chordpro format}
{artist: Traditionnel}
{artist: Prénom Nom}
{cover : traditionnel.jpg }
{album :Angleterre}

{partition : greensleeves.ly}

A[Am]las, my love, ye [G]do me wrong
To [Am]cast me oft dis[E]curteously
And [Am]I have loved [G]you so long
De[Am]lighting [E]in your [Am]companie

   [C]Greensleeves was [G]all my joy
   [Am]Greensleeves was [E]my delight
   [C]Greensleeves was my [G]heart of gold
   And [Am]who but [E]Ladie [Am]Greensleeves

I [Am]have been ready [G]at your hand
To [Am]grant what ever [E]you would crave
I [Am]have both waged [G]life and land
Your [Am]love and [E]good will [Am]for to have

I [Am]bought thee kerchers [G]to thy head
That [Am]were wrought fine and [E]gallantly
I [Am]kept thee both at [G]boord and bed
Which [Am]cost my [E]purse well [Am]favouredly

I [Am]bought thee peticotes [G]of the best
The [Am]cloth so fine as [E]fine might be
I [Am]gave thee jewels [G]for thy chest
And [Am]all this [E]cost I [Am]spent on thee

{c:test of comment}

{gc: test of guitar comment}

{image: traditionnel.jpg}

Thy [Am]smock of silke, both [G]faire and white
With [Am]gold embrodered [E]gorgeously
Thy [Am]peticote of [G]sendall right
And [Am]this I [E]bought thee [Am]gladly