\selectlanguage{english} \songcolumns{2} \beginsong{Tree hugger} [by=Kimya Dawson,cov=juno,album=Juno] \cover \gtab{G}{320003} \gtab{C}{X32010} \gtab{D}{XX0232} \begin{verse} \[G]The flower said, ``I wish I was a \[C]tree'' The tree said, ``I wish I could \[D]be A different kind of tree'' \[G]The cat wished that it was a bee \[G]The turtle wished that it could fly \[C]Really high into the sky \[D]Over rooftops and then dive \[G]Deep into the sea \end{verse} \begin{verse} And in the sea there is a fish A fish that has a secret wish A wish to be a big cactus With a pink flower on it \rep{2} \end{verse} \begin{verse} And the flower Would be its offering Of love To the desert And the desert So dry and lonely That the creatures all Appreciate the effort \end{verse} \begin{verse} Et le jackalope a dit: ``Je voudrais être un yéti Pour voler dans la nuit Et m'en aller loin d'ici'' Mais le yéti a dit: ``Je voudrais être un monstre marin Pour pouvoir sauter dans la mer De tous les requins'' \end{verse} \begin{verse} And the rattlesnake said, ``I wish I had hands So I could hug you like a man'' And then the cactus said: ``Don't you understand? My skin is covered with sharp spikes That'll stab you like a thousand knives A hug would be nice But hug my flower with your eyes'' \end{verse} \musicnote[english]{repeat \Verse 1, 2, and 3} \musicnote[french]{répéter \Verse 1, 2 et 3} \endsong