\songcolumns{2} \beginsong{Animal instinct} [by=Cranberries,cov=bury-the-hatchet] \cover \gtab{Mim}{022000} \gtab{Lam7}{X02010} \gtab{Do2}{032030} \gtab{Ré}{XX0232} \gtab{Sol}{320003} \gtab{Do}{X32010} \beginverse Su\[Mim]ddenly som\[Lam7]ething has happened to \[Do2]me As I was havi\[Ré]ng my cup of \[Mim]tea. Suddenly I \[Lam7]was feeling depr\[Do2]essed. I was utt\[Ré]erly and totally str\[Mim]essed. Do you\[Lam7] know you made \[Do2]me \[Ré]cry \echo{Ou\[Mim]ooo} Do you\[Lam7] know you made \[Do2]me \[Ré]die \endverse \beginchorus And the thing that's gets to me, Is you'll never really see. And the thing that's freaks me out, Is I always be in doubt. \endchorus \beginverse \[Sol]{It is} a lo\[Ré]vely thing that we \[Do]have It is a lo\[Ré]vely thing that \[Sol]we \dots \[Sol]{It is} a lo\[Ré]vely thing \[Do]the animal \[Ré]The animal instin\[Mim]ct \endverse \beginverse* \nolyrics{\[Lam7] \[Do2] \[Ré]} \endverse \beginverse So take my hands and come with me, We will change reality. So take my hands and we will pray, They won't take youaway. They will never make me cry no They will never make me die. \endverse \beginverse The animal, the animal, Tthe animal instinct in me It is the animal, the animal, The animal instinct in me It is the animal, it is the animal It is the animal instinct in me \rep{2} \endverse \endsong