\songcolumns{2} \beginsong{Breaking up is hard to do} [by=The Carpenters,cov=a-kind-of-hush] \cover \gtab{Sol}{320003} \gtab{Do}{X32010} \gtab{Lam}{X02210} \gtab{Fa}{1:022100} \gtab{Mim}{022000} \gtab{Rém}{XX0231} \beginchorus Come-a, \[Sol]come on down, \[Do]doobie do down \[Lam]down\[Fa] \rep{3} \[Sol]Breaking up is \[Do]hard \[Fa]to \[Do]do \endchorus \beginverse Don't take your \[Do]lo\[Lam]ve a\[Fa]way from \[Sol]me \[Do]Don't you \[Lam]leave my heart in \[Fa]mise\[Sol]ry \[Mim]If you go then \[Lam]I'll be blue 'Cause \[Rém]breaking up is hard to \[Sol]do \endverse \beginverse* Remember when you hold me tight And then you kissed me all thru the night Think of all that we've been thru 'Cause breaking up is hard to do \endverse \beginverse I beg of you don't say good-bye Can't we give our love another try And maybe it'll start anew 'Cause breaking up is hard to do \endverse \beginverse* I beg of you don't say good-bye Can't we give our love another try And maybe it'll start anew 'Cause breaking up is hard to do \endverse \endsong