#!/bin/sh #Author: Romain Goffe #Date: 13/10/2011 #Description: Build all the pdf on www.patacrep.com, increase their #version and commit/tag the result GREP="$GREP_OPTIONS" export GREP_OPTIONS="" #last volume ./utils/last-volume.sh #english.sb ./utils/langbooks.sh english #french.sb ./utils/langbooks.sh french #increase version RELEASE_TYPE=$1 VERSION=`grep "\"version\"" ./templates/patacrep.tmpl | sed -e 's/.*\"\([0-9]\+\)\.\([0-9]\+\)\.\?\([0-9]\+\)\?.*/export MAIN=\1\nexport MAJOR=\2\nexport MINOR=\3\n/'` $VERSION if [ $# -eq 1 ] then echo "current version : $MAIN.$MAJOR.$MINOR" if [ $RELEASE_TYPE = "major" ]; then MAJOR=$(($MAJOR+1)) MINOR=0 elif [ $RELEASE_TYPE = "minor" ]; then MINOR=$(($MINOR+1)) else echo "error: unrecognised release type" fi; echo "new version : $MAIN.$MAJOR.$MINOR" #update version field in tmpl files sed -i "s/\"[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+\"/\"$MAIN.$MAJOR.$MINOR\"/" templates/patacrep.tmpl sed -i "s/\"[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+\"/\"$MAIN.$MAJOR.$MINOR\"/" templates/ancient.tmpl sed -i "s/\"[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+\"/\"$MAIN.$MAJOR.$MINOR\"/" templates/patacrep-en.tmpl else echo "keeping release version" fi; #apply verification tools #echo "emacs batch indentation in progress ..." #./utils/indent.sh 2> /dev/null #echo "emacs batch indentation done !" ./utils/rules.py ./utils/resize-cover.py ./utils/perms.sh #build all songbooks rm -f *.d make archive make naheulbeuk.pdf make volume-1.pdf make volume-2.pdf make volume-3.pdf make volume-4.pdf make volume-5.pdf make english.pdf make french.pdf make songbook.pdf make lyricbook.pdf git status if [ $# -eq 1 ] then ./utils/new-songs-list.sh | cat - NEWS > /tmp/out && mv -f /tmp/out NEWS echo "\nversion $MAIN.$MAJOR.$MINOR\n" | cat - NEWS > /tmp/out && mv -f /tmp/out NEWS git add templates/*.tmpl git add books/naheulbeuk.sb books/volume*.sb NEWS git commit -m "patacrep release version $MAIN.$MAJOR.$MINOR" git tag "patacrep_$MAIN.$MAJOR.$MINOR" fi notify-send "Patacrep!" "Release $MAIN.$MAJOR.$MINOR generated" --icon=songbook-client export GREP_OPTIONS="$GREP"