\songcolumns{2} \beginsong{Still alive} [by=Jonathan Coulton,cov=portal] \cover \gtab{Sim}{2:X02210} \gtab{Ré}{2:X32010} \gtab{Mim}{022000} \gtab{La}{X02220} \gtab{Fa}{1:022100} \gtab{Do}{X32010} \gtab{Si&}{1:X02220} \gtab{Rém}{XX0231} \beginverse \[Sim]This was a \[Ré]triumph \[Sim Ré] \[Sim]I'm making a \[Ré]note here: \[Sim]huge succ\[Ré]ess \[Sim] \[Mim]It's hard to over\[La]state my satis\[Ré]fact\[Sim]ion \[Ré] \endverse \beginverse* \[Sim]Aperture \[Ré]Science \[Sim Ré] \[Sim]We do what we \[Ré]must be\[Sim]cause we \[Ré]can \[Sim] \[Mim]For the good of \[La]all of us \[Si&]Except the ones who are dead \endverse \beginchorus But there's \[Fa]no sense \[Do]crying over \[Si&]every mis\[Fa]take \[Fa]You just keep on \[Do]trying till you \[Si&]run out of \[Fa]cake \[Si&]And the science gets \[Do]done and you \[Fa]make a neat \[Rém]gun For the \[Si&]people who \[La]are still alive \[Ré Sim Ré] \endchorus \beginverse I'm not even angry I'm being so sincere right now Even though you broke my heart and killed me \endverse \beginverse* And tore me to pieces And threw every piece into a fire As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you \endverse \beginchorus Now these points of data make a beautiful line And we're out of beta, we're releasing on time So I'm glad I got burned, think of all the things we learned For the people who are still alive \endchorus \beginverse Go ahead and leave me I think I'd prefer to stay inside Maybe you'll find someone else to help you \endverse \beginverse* Maybe Black Mesa That was a joke, ah ah, fat chance Anyway this cake is great It's so delicious and moist \endverse \beginchorus Look at me still talking when there's science to do When I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you I've experiments to run, there is research to be done On the people who are still alive \endchorus \beginverse \[Sim] And be\[Ré]lieve me I \[Sim]am still a\[Ré]live \[Sim] I'm doing \[Ré]science and \[Sim]I'm still a\[Ré]live \[Sim] I feel \[Ré]fantastic and \[Sim]I'm still a\[Ré]live \[Sim] And while you're \[Ré]dying I'll \[Sim]be still a\[Ré]live \[Sim] And when you're \[Ré]dead I'll \[Sim]be still a\[Ré]live \[Sim] Still a\[Ré]live \rep{2} \endverse \endsong %\beginscripture{Portal} %The cake is a lie. %\endscripture