\selectlanguage{english} \songcolumns{2} \beginsong{I like birds} [by=Eels,cov=daisies-of-the-galaxy,album=Daisies of the galaxy] \cover \capo{2} \gtab{Ré}{XX0232} \gtab{Do}{X32010} \gtab{Sol}{320003} \beginverse \[Ré]{I can't} look at the \[Do]rocket \[Sol]launch The \[Ré]trophy wives of the \[Do]astro\[Sol]nauts And \[Ré]{I won't} listen \[Do]{to their} \[Sol]words 'cause \[Ré]{I like} \[Do] \[Sol]birds \endverse \beginverse I don't care for walkin' downtown Crazy auto-car gonna mow me down Look at all the people like cows in a herd Well, I like birds \endverse \beginchorus \[Ré]{If you're} small and \[Do]{on a} \[Sol]search \[Ré]I've got a feeder for \[Do]you to \[Sol]perch on \endchorus \beginverse I can't stand in line at the store The mean little people are such a bore But it's alright if you act like a turd 'cause I like birds \endverse \endsong