"""Tests of author parsing."""

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

import unittest

from patacrep import authors

    ("Edgar Allan Poe", ("Poe", "Edgar Allan")),
    ("Richard M. Stallman", ("Stallman", "Richard M.")),
    ("Georges Brassens", ("Brassens", "Georges")),
    ("The Who", ("Who", "The")),
    ("Cher", ("Cher", "")),
    ("Red~Hot~Chili~Peppers", ("Red~Hot~Chili~Peppers", "")),
    ("The mamas~and~the~papas", ("mamas~and~the~papas", "The")),
    ("The mamas and the papas", ("mamas and the papas", "The")), # Unbreakable spaces
    (r"\LaTeX command", ("command", r"\LaTeX")), # LaTeX commands are ignored
    (r"\emph{Some braces}", ("braces}", r"\emph{Some")), # LaTeX commands are ignored
    (r"The Rolling\ Stones", ("Rolling~Stones", 'The')), # Escaped spaces are converted

            "Lyrics by William Blake (from Milton, 1808), music by Hubert "
            "Parry (1916), and sung by The Royal~Choir~of~FooBar (just here to "
            "show you how processing is done)"
            ("Blake", "William"),
            ("Parry", "Hubert"),
            ("Royal~Choir~of~FooBar", "The"),
        "Anonyme (1967)",
        "Lucky Luke et Jolly Jumper",
            ("Luke", "Lucky"),
            ("Jumper", "Jolly"),

AUTHWORDS = authors.compile_authwords({
    "after": ["by"],
    "ignore": ["anonymous", "Anonyme", "anonyme"],
    "sep": ['and', 'et'],

class TestAutors(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test of author parsing."""

    def test_split_author_names(self):
        """Test of :func:`patacrep.authors.split_author_names` function."""
        for argument, expected in SPLIT_AUTHORS_DATA:
            with self.subTest(argument=argument, expected=expected):
                self.assertEqual(authors.split_author_names(argument), expected)

    def test_processauthors(self):
        """Test of :func:`patacrep.authors.processauthors` function."""
        for argument, expected in PROCESS_AUTHORS_DATA:
            with self.subTest(argument=argument, expected=expected):
                        authors.processauthors(argument, **AUTHWORDS)