"""Tests for the chordpro parser.""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods import contextlib import glob import os import unittest from pkg_resources import resource_filename from patacrep import files from patacrep.songs import DEFAULT_CONFIG from patacrep.encoding import open_read from .. import logging_reduced from .. import dynamic # pylint: disable=unused-import OUTPUTS = { 'csg': ['csg', 'tsg', 'html'], 'tsg': ['tsg'], } class FileTest(unittest.TestCase, metaclass=dynamic.DynamicTest): """Test of chorpro parser, and several renderers. For any given `foo.input_format.source`, the file is parsed as `input_format` and rendered as many times as a `foo.out_format` exists (if `out_format` is a supported output format). For instance `foo.csg.source` (chordpro song) will be rendered as LaTeX, if a file `foo.tsg` exitsts. The result of the rendering will be compared with the `foo.tsg` file. This class does nothing by itself, but its metaclass populates it with test methods testing parser and renderers. """ maxDiff = None @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls._overwrite_clrf() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls._reset_clrf() @staticmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def chdir(*path): """Context to temporarry change current directory, relative to this file directory """ with files.chdir(resource_filename(__name__, ""), *path): yield def assertRender(self, base, in_format, out_format): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Assert that `{base}.{in_format}.source` is correctly rendered in the `out_format`. """ sourcename = "{}.{}.source".format(base, in_format) destname = "{}.{}".format(base, out_format) with self.chdir(): with open_read(destname) as expectfile: with logging_reduced(): song = self.song_plugins[out_format][in_format](sourcename, self.config) expected = expectfile.read().strip().replace( "@TEST_FOLDER@", files.path2posix(resource_filename(__name__, "")), ) self.assertMultiLineEqual( song.render().strip(), expected, ) @classmethod def _iter_testmethods(cls): """Iterate over song files to test.""" # Setting datadir cls.config = DEFAULT_CONFIG if 'datadir' not in cls.config: cls.config['datadir'] = [] cls.config['datadir'].append('datadir') cls.song_plugins = files.load_plugins( datadirs=cls.config['datadir'], root_modules=['songs'], keyword='SONG_RENDERERS', ) with cls.chdir(): for source in sorted(glob.glob('*.*.source')): [*base, in_format, _] = source.split('.') base = '.'.join(base) for out_format in OUTPUTS[in_format]: outname = "{}.{}".format(base, out_format) if not os.path.exists(outname): continue yield ( "test_{}_{}_2_{}".format(base, in_format, out_format), cls._create_test(base, in_format, out_format), ) with cls.chdir('errors'): for source in sorted(glob.glob('*.*.source')): [*base, in_format, _] = source.split('.') base = '.'.join(base) yield ( "test_{}_{}_failure".format(base, in_format), cls._create_failure(base, in_format), ) @classmethod def _create_test(cls, base, in_format, out_format): """Return a function testing that `base` compilation in `out_format` format. """ test_parse_render = lambda self: self.assertRender(base, in_format, out_format) test_parse_render.__doc__ = ( "Test that '{base}.{in_format}' is correctly parsed and rendererd into '{out_format}'." ).format(base=os.path.basename(base), in_format=in_format, out_format=out_format) return test_parse_render @classmethod def _create_failure(cls, base, in_format, out_format='tsg'): """Return a function testing that `base` parsing fails. """ def test_parse_failure(self): """Test that `base` parsing fails.""" sourcename = "{}.{}.source".format(base, in_format) with self.chdir('errors'): parser = self.song_plugins[out_format][in_format] self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, parser, sourcename, self.config) test_parse_failure.__doc__ = ( "Test that '{base}' parsing fails." ).format(base=os.path.basename(base)) return test_parse_failure @classmethod def _overwrite_clrf(cls): """Overwrite `*.crlf.source` files to force the CRLF line endings. """ with cls.chdir(): for crlfname in sorted(glob.glob('*.crlf.*.source')): [*base, _, in_format, source] = crlfname.split('.') sourcename = '.'.join(base + [in_format, source]) with open_read(sourcename) as sourcefile: with open(crlfname, 'w') as crlffile: for line in sourcefile: crlffile.write(line.replace('\n', '\r\n')) @classmethod def _reset_clrf(cls): """Reset `*.crlf.source` files. """ crlf_msg = """# This content will be overwritten with `{}.source` content # with windows line endings (CRLF) - for testing purposes """ with cls.chdir(): for crlfname in sorted(glob.glob('*.crlf.*.source')): [*base, _crlf, in_format, _] = crlfname.split('.') base = '.'.join(base + [in_format]) with open(crlfname, 'w') as crlffile: crlffile.write(crlf_msg.format(base))