\selectlanguage{english} \songcolumns{2} \beginsong{Here comes my baby} [by=Cat Stevens,cov=matthew-and-son,album=Matthew and son] \cover \gtab{Sol}{320003} \gtab{Ré}{XX0232} \gtab{Do}{X32010} \beginverse In the \[Sol]mid\[Ré]night \[Do]moon\[Sol]light \[Ré]I Will be \[Do]walking a \[Ré]long and lonely \[Sol]mile. \[Ré Do Ré] And \[Sol]eve\[Ré]ry \[Do]time \[Sol]I \[Ré]do I keep \[Do]seeing this pi\[Ré]cture of \[Sol]you. \[Ré Do] \endverse \beginchorus \[Ré]Here comes my \[Sol]baby, \[Ré Do] \[Ré]Here she comes \[Sol]now, \[Ré Do] \[Ré]And it \[Sol]comes as \[Ré]no sur\[Do]prise to \[Ré]me, \[Do]With another \[Ré]guy. \[Ré]Here comes my \[Sol]baby, \[Ré Do] \[Ré]Here she comes \[Sol]now, \[Ré Do] \[Ré]Walking with a \[Sol]love, with a \[Ré]love that's \[Do]all so \[Ré]fine, \[Do]Never could be \[Ré]mine, no matter how I \[Sol]try. \[Ré Do Ré Sol] \endchorus \beginverse You never walk alone, And you're forever talking on the phone. I've tried to call you names, But every time it comes out the same. \endverse \beginverse I'm still waiting for your heart, Cause I'm sure that some day it's gonna start. You'll be mine to hold each day, But 'till then, this is all that I can say. \endverse \endsong