"""File system utilities.""" from contextlib import contextmanager import logging import os import pkgutil import posixpath import re import sys from patacrep import utils from patacrep import __DATADIR__ LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def recursive_find(root_directory, extensions=None): """Recursively find files with the given extensions, from a root_directory. Return a list of files matching those conditions. Arguments: - `extensions`: list of accepted extensions (None means every file). - `root_directory`: root directory of the search. """ if not os.path.isdir(root_directory): return [] matches = [] if extensions is None: pattern = re.compile('.*') else: pattern = re.compile(r'.*\.({})$'.format('|'.join(extensions))) with chdir(root_directory): for root, __ignored, filenames in os.walk(os.curdir): for filename in filenames: if pattern.match(filename): matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return matches def relpath(path, start=None): """Return relative filepath to path if a subpath of start.""" if start is None: start = os.curdir if os.path.abspath(path).startswith(os.path.abspath(start)): return os.path.relpath(path, start) else: return os.path.abspath(path) def path2posix(string): """"Convert path from local format to posix format.""" if not string or string == "/": return string if os.path.splitdrive(string)[1] == "\\": # Assuming DRIVE:\ return string[0:-1] (head, tail) = os.path.split(string) return posixpath.join( path2posix(head), tail, ) @contextmanager def chdir(*path): """Locally change dir Can be used as: with chdir("some", "directory"): do_stuff() """ olddir = os.getcwd() if path: os.chdir(os.path.join(*path)) yield os.chdir(olddir) else: yield def iter_modules(path, prefix): """Iterate over modules located in list of `path`. Prefix is a prefix appended to all module names. """ for module_finder, name, __is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path, prefix): if name in sys.modules: yield sys.modules[name] else: try: yield module_finder.find_spec(name).loader.load_module() except ImportError as error: LOGGER.debug("[plugins] Could not load module {}: {}".format(name, str(error))) continue def load_plugins(datadirs, root_modules, keyword): """Load all plugins, and return a dictionary of those plugins. A plugin is a .py file, submodule of `subdir`, located in one of the directories of `datadirs`. It contains a dictionary `keyword`. The return value is the union of the dictionaries of the loaded plugins. Arguments: - datadirs: List of directories in which plugins are to be searched. - root_modules: the submodule in which plugins are to be searched, as a list of modules (e.g. ["some", "deep", "module"] for "some.deep.module"). - keyword: attribute containing plugin information. Return value: a dictionary where: - keys are the keywords ; - values are functions triggered when this keyword is met. """ plugins = utils.DictOfDict() datadir_path = [ os.path.join(datadir, "python", *root_modules) for datadir in datadirs ] sys_path = [ os.path.join(path, "patacrep", *root_modules) for path in sys.path ] for module in iter_modules( datadir_path + sys_path, prefix="patacrep.{}.".format(".".join(root_modules)) ): if hasattr(module, keyword): plugins.update(getattr(module, keyword)) return plugins def iter_datadirs(datadirs, *subpath): """Iterate over datadirs. The default datadir is returned last. Subpath are appended after each datadir. """ for path in datadirs: yield os.path.join(path, *subpath) yield os.path.join(__DATADIR__, *subpath)