\selectlanguage{english} \songcolumns{2} \beginsong{Devil's Way} [by=Sheepbox] % verse : 1.&.2.&.3.&.4.&. % D D UD.. % Mim Lasus2 % chorus : 1.&.2.&.3.&.4.&. % D D D\dots % Mim Sol \capo{9} \gtab{Mim}{022000} \gtab{Lasus2}{X02200} \gtab{Lam}{X02210} \gtab{Rém}{XX0231} \gtab{Do}{X32010} \gtab{Fa}{1:022100} \gtab{Sol}{320003} \beginverse \[Mim] Walking a\[Lasus2]lone \[Mim]' care for no \[Lasus2]one \[Mim] I'm so cru\[Lasus2]el \[Mim]' look like a \[Lasus2]{dog without} its bone \endverse \beginverse* \[Lam] I go my \[Rém]way \[Lam] Without a \[Rém]gaze \[Lam] If you ask \[Rém]help \[Lam] I will an\[Rém]swer: ``No way!'' \endverse \beginverse* I used to be Truly happy Acting gently Sharing my joy with everybody \endverse \beginverse* My faith in life As a sunlight Showed me the line Between bad and right \endverse \beginchorus \[Mim]Since I was a \[Do]child I've \[Mim]tried to do things \[Do]right But \[Fa]being a good \[Mim]soul On\[Fa]ly gets me trou\[Mim]bles Now \[Sol]it's o\[Mim]ver Kind\[Sol]ness has disap\[Mim]peared And \[Do]from that \[Mim]day I'll \[Do]take the devil's \[Mim]way \endchorus \beginverse I had a good friend Who was in pain With love affairs I help him chase his pain away \endverse \beginverse* He found a woman She left her man They plan a marriage She used to be my wife \endverse \beginverse* Now I'm single And hate females But sex is vital All means are good, most are cruel \endverse \beginverse* Getting her drunk, Using some drugs, For a good fuck, Remaining pride is scum. \endverse \musicnote{chorus} \beginverse I had a job ' wasn't too rough ' screwed lids on pots So people can open it up. \endverse \beginverse* They replaced me By a machine Without a penny My pockets were empty \endverse \beginverse* Now I'm a robber I've start little With some elders And I've leveled to big hold-ups \endverse \beginverse* Now I'm an outlaw Chased by forces But I am loaded And finally happy! \endverse \musicnote{chorus} \endsong