\selectlanguage{english} \songcolumns{2} \beginsong{The lakes of Canada} [by=The Innocence Mission,cov=birds-of-my-neighborhood] \cover \capo{5} \gtab{Rém}{XX0231} \gtab{Fa}{1:022100} \gtab{Do}{X32010} \gtab{Sol}{320003} \gtab{Lam}{X02210} \musicnote{Intro: Rém Fa Do Sol \rep{2}} \beginverse \[Fa]Look for me another \[Do]day I feel that I could \[Sol]change I feel that I could \[Rém]change \[Fa]There's a sudden joy that's \[Do]like A fish, a moving \[Sol]light I thought I saw \[Rém]it \[Fa]Rowing on the lakes of \[Do]Canada \[Sol] \endverse \beginchorus Oh laughing \[Rém]man What have you \[Do]won? Don't tell me \[Lam]what cannot be \[Fa]done. My little \[Rém]mouth, my winter \[Do]lungs Don't tell me \[Lam]what cannot be \[Fa]done, Cannot be done \nolyrics{\[Fa Do Sol Rém]} \endchorus \beginverse Walking in the circle of A flashlight someone starts To sing, to join in. Talk of loneliness in quiet Voices I am shy But you can reach me. Rowing on the lakes of Canada \rep{2} \endverse \beginverse So \[Rém]look for me another \[Do]time Give me another \[Lam]day I feel that I could \[Fa]change \rep{2} \[Fa]Rowing on the lakes of \[Do]Canada \[Sol] \rep{8} \endverse \endsong