\songcolumns{2} \beginsong{Packing blankets}[by=Eels,cov=daisies-of-the-galaxy] \capo{3} \cover \gtab{Ré}{000232} \gtab{Sol}{320003} \gtab{La}{002220} \gtab{Fa#m}{1:022000} \gtab{Sim}{2:002210} \gtab{Mim}{022000} \beginverse To\[Ré]day is a \[Sol]lovely day to run \[Ré Sol] \[Ré]Start up the \[Sol]car with the \[La]sun \endverse \beginchorus \[Sol]Packing blankets and \[Fa#m]dirty sheets A \[Sol]roomful of dust and a \[Fa#m]broom to sweep up \[Sol]All the troubles \[Sim]you and I have \[La]seen \endchorus \beginverse Cross when the drawbridge light is green Don't look back to that messed-up scene \endverse \beginverse \[Sol]And all our troubles will be \[Ré]gone \[Sol]Blowing out over the \[Ré]bridge \[Fa#m]Floating up into the \[Sol]sky \[Mim]Making the storm clouds \[La]cry \endverse \beginverse Put out that smoke and breath some air Get a new name and cut your hair \endverse \endsong