\songcolumns{2} \beginsong{My Lady d'Arbanville}[by=Cat Stevens] \gtab{Mim}{022000} \gtab{Ré}{000232} \gtab{Sim}{2,002210} \beginchorus My lady d'Arbanville \[Mim] \[Ré] Why do you sleep so still ? \[Mim] I’ll wake you tomorrow \[Ré] And you will be my \[Sim]fill Yes, you will be my \[Mim]fill. \endchorus \beginverse My lady d'Arbanville Why does it grieve me so ? But your heart seems so silent Why do you breathe so low ? \rep{2} \endverse \beginverse My lady d'Arbanville You looked so cold tonight ? Your lips feel like winter Your skin has turned to white \rep{2} \endverse \beginverse La lala lalala \echo{ haha ha haha} La lalala la la \echo{haha ha haha} Lala la lalalala \echo{haha ha haha} Lalalala lala \echo{ha} \rep{2} \endverse \beginverse My lady d'Arbanville Why does it grieve me so ? But your heart seems so silent Why do you breathe so low ? \rep{2} \endverse \beginverse I loved you my lady Though in your grave you lie I'll always be with you This rose will never die \rep{2} \endverse \endsong