\selectlanguage{english} \songcolumns{1} \beginsong{The holy economic war} [by=Noir Désir,cov=du-ciment-sous-les-plaines,album=Du ciment sous les plaines] \cover \gtab{C}{X32010} \gtab{G}{320003} \gtab{Am}{X02210} \lilypond{Holy_economic_war} \begin{verse} \[C]Woke up \[G]on the \[C]ground, I've thought ``the \[G]earth is \[Am]round'' \[C]So what ab\[G]out this \[C]new day \[G]on my \[Am]way Is \[C]there anything \[D]new, \[G]what are we gonna \[Am]do? \[C]Woke up \[G]in the \[C]silence then I've \[G]heard that \[Am]song \end{verse} \begin{chorus} And a voice said \[G]This is not a \[D]bad \[Am]joke This \[G]messages's \[D]done for \[Am]you You've got to \[G]work hard \[D]more and \[Am]more For the \[G]holy eco\[D]nomic \[Am]war \end{chorus} \begin{repeatedchords} \begin{verse} \[C]But it \[G]couldn't \[C]be no hallu\[G]cinati\[Am]ons \[C]Then I've \[G]read the \[C]story of the \[G]new nati\[Am]ons \[C]Lord it's just as you \[D]please, I \[G]get down my \[Am]knees \[C]God it's \[C]wonderful to \[C]find the \[G]meaning of \[Am]life \end{verse} \begin{chorus} And a voice said \[G]This is not a \[D]bad \[Am]joke This \[G]messages's \[D]done for \[Am]you \[G]Invade the \[D]whole \[Am]world Don't \[G]forget the \[D]new passw\[Am]ord everybody sings you have \[G]No choice in \[D]the matter \[Am] I'll become \[G]your blessed \[D]manager \[Am] You've got to \[G]produce \[D]more and \[Am]more For the \[G]holy eco\[D]nomic \[Am]war \end{chorus} \end{repeatedchords} \begin{verse*} \[C]Busin\[G]ess force\[Am] \dots \[C]Mark\[G]eting\[Am] \dots \[C] \[G] \[Am]Careers \dots \[C] \[G] \[Am]Success \dots Oh \[C]hol\[G]y y\[Am]eld Oh \[C]hol\[G]y h\[Am]ell \dots \end{verse*} \endsong