Songbook Compilation Chain # Description This package provides a compilation toolchain that produce LaTeX songbook using the LaTeX songs package. A new LaTeX document class is provided to allow specific customisation and new command like embedded guitar tabs or lilypond sheets. Document are subject to the GNU GPLv2 except if another licence is precised in the header. # Python version Patacrep is compatible with Python 2.7 (no Python3 yet). # Download Clone Patacrep repos: > git clone git:// > git clone git:// # Installation from source Make sure you have [pip]( installed, and then run > pip install -r Requirements.txt > python install # Run > /songbook > Look for existing songbook files in `/books/`. For example: > /songbook /books/ > songbook_en.pdf # Quick and dirty deb packages Install `python-stdeb`, then: > python --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb > sudo dpkg -i deb_dist/python-patacrep_-1_all.deb # Documentation - Compiled, but may be outdated: - Documentation repository (to update the previous one): [patacrep-doc]( # Contact & Forums * *