%! Copyright (C) 2014 The Songbook team (www.patacrep.com) %! %! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License %! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 %! of the License, or (at your option) any later version. %! %! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %! GNU General Public License for more details. %! %! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %! Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, %! MA 02110-1301, USA. %! %! The latest version of this program can be obtained from %! https://github.com/patacrep/ (* variables *) { "songnumberbgcolor": {"description": {"english": "Number Shade", "french": "Couleur des numéros"}, "type": "color", "default": {"default": "D1E4AE"} }, "notebgcolor": {"description": {"english": "Note Shade", "french": "Couleur des notes"}, "type": "color", "default": {"default": "D1E4AE"} }, "indexbgcolor": {"description": {"english": "Index Shade", "french": "Couleur d'index"}, "type": "color", "default": {"default": "D1E4AE"} }, "titleprefixwords": {"description": {"english": "Ignore some words in the beginning of song titles", "french": "Ignore des mots dans le classement des chansons"}, "default": {"default": ["The", "Le", "La", "L'", "A", "Au", "Ces", "De", "Des", "El", "Les", "Ma", "Mon", "Un"]} } } (* endvariables *) (* extends "default.tex" *) (* block songbookpackages *) \usepackage[((booktype)), (* for option in bookoptions *)((option)), (* endfor *) (* for instrument in instruments *)((instrument)), (* endfor *)]{crepbook} (* endblock *) (* block songbookpreambule *) \usepackage[ a4paper % paper size ,includeheadfoot % include header and footer into text size ,hmarginratio=1:1 % ratio between inner and outer margin (default) ,outer=1.8cm % outer margin (right) ,vmarginratio=1:1 % ratio between top and bottom margin ,bmargin=1.3cm % bottom margin ]{geometry} (( super() )) \pagestyle{empty} \definecolor{SongNumberBgColor}{HTML}{((songnumberbgcolor))} \definecolor{NoteBgColor}{HTML}{((notebgcolor))} \definecolor{IndexBgColor}{HTML}{((indexbgcolor))} \renewcommand{\snumbgcolor}{SongNumberBgColor} \renewcommand{\notebgcolor}{NoteBgColor} \renewcommand{\idxbgcolor}{IndexBgColor} \definecolor{tango-green-3}{HTML}{4e9a06} \definecolor{tango-blue-3}{HTML}{204a87} \usepackage[bookmarks, bookmarksopen, hyperfigures=true, colorlinks=true, linkcolor=tango-green-3, urlcolor=tango-blue-3]{hyperref} \subtitle{((subtitle))} (* if version!="unknown" *) \version{((version))} (* endif *) \mail{((mail))} \web{((web))} \picture{((picture))} \picturecopyright{((picturecopyright))} \footer{((footer))} (* endblock *)