(% variables %) { "title": {"description": {"english": "Title", "french": "Titre"}, "default": {"english": "Guitar songbook", "french": "Recueil de chansons pour guitare"}, "mandatory":true }, "author": {"description": {"english": "Author", "french": "Auteur"}, "default": {"english": "The Songbook Team", "french": "L'équipe Songbook"}, "mandatory":true }, "subtitle": {"description": {"english": "Subtitle", "french": "Sous-titre"}, "default": {"default": ""} }, "version":{ "description": {"english": "Version", "french": "Version"}, "default": {"default": "undefined"} }, "web": {"description": {"english": "Website", "french": "Site web"}, "default": {"default": "http://www.patacrep.com"} }, "mail": {"description": {"english": "Email", "french": "Adresse électronique"}, "default": {"default": "crep@team-on-fire.com"} }, "picture": {"description": {"english": "Cover picture", "french": "Image de couverture"}, "type": "file", "default": {"default": "treble_a"} }, "picturecopyright": {"description": {"english": "Copyright for the cover picture", "french": "Copyright pour l'image de couverture"}, "default": {"default": "Dbolton \\url{http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Dbolton}"} }, "footer": {"description": {"english": "Footer", "french": "Pied de page"}, "default": {"default": "\\begin{flushright}Generated using Songbook (\\url{http://www.patacrep.com})\\end{flushright}"} }, "titleprefixwords": {"description": {"english": "Ignore some words in the beginning of song titles", "french": "Ignore des mots dans le classement des chansons"} }, "authwords": {"descriptipn": {"english": "Set of options to process author string (LaTeX commands authsepword, authignoreword, authbyword)", "french": "Options pour traiter les noms d'auteurs (commandes LaTeX authsepword, authignoreword, authbyword)"} } } (% endvariables %) (* extends "songs.tex" *) (* set indexes = "titleidx,authidx" *) (* block songbookpreambule *) (( super() )) \usepackage{chords} \title{((title))} \author{((author))} \subtitle{((subtitle))} (* if version!="unknown" *) \version{((version))} (* endif *) \mail{((mail))} \web{((web))} \picture{((picture))} \picturecopyright{((picturecopyright))} \footer{((footer))} \newindex{titleidx}{((filename))_title} \newauthorindex{authidx}{((filename))_auth} (* for prefix in titleprefixwords *) \titleprefixwords{((prefix))} (* endfor*) (* for key in titleprefixkeys *) (* for word in authwords.key *) (* if key=="after" *) \authbyword{((word))} (* else *) \auth((key))word{((word))} (* endif *) (* endfor *) (* endfor*) (* endblock *) (* block title *) \maketitle (* endblock *) (* block index *) \showindex{\songindexname}{titleidx} \showindex{\authorindexname}{authidx} (* if lang==french *) \notenamesin{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G} \notenamesout{La}{Si}{Do}{Ré}{Mi}{Fa}{Sol} (* endif *) (* endblock *) (* block chords *) % list of chords \ifchorded \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\chordlistname} \chords \fi (* endblock *)