Engine for LaTeX songbooks http://www.patacrep.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

347 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import getopt, sys
import os.path
import re
import json
import locale
import shutil
import locale
import platform
from utils import recursiveFind
from utils.plastex import parsetex
class Song:
#: Ordre de tri
sort = []
def __init__(self, path, languages, titles, args):
self.titles = titles
self.args = args
self.path = path
self.languages = languages
def __repr__(self):
return repr((self.titles, self.args, self.path))
def __cmp__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Song):
return NotImplemented
for key in self.sort:
if key == "@title":
self_key = [locale.strxfrm(title) for title in self.titles]
other_key = [locale.strxfrm(title) for title in other.titles]
elif key == "@path":
self.key = locale.strxfrm(self.path)
other_key = locale.strxfrm(other.path)
self_key = locale.strxfrm(self.args.get(key, ""))
other_key = locale.strxfrm(other.args.get(key, ""))
if self_key < other_key:
return -1
elif self_key > other_key:
return 1
return 0
if platform.system() == "Linux":
from xdg.BaseDirectory import *
cachePath = os.path.join(xdg_cache_home, 'songbook')
cachePath = os.path.join('cache', 'songbook')
def makeCoverCache(library):
Copy all pictures found in the libraries into a unique cache
# create the cache directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(cachePath):
# copy pictures file into the cache directory
covers = recursiveFind(os.path.join(library, 'songs'), '*.jpg')
for cover in covers:
coverPath = os.path.join(cachePath, os.path.basename(cover))
shutil.copy(cover, coverPath)
def matchRegexp(reg, iterable):
return [ m.group(1) for m in (reg.match(l) for l in iterable) if m ]
def unprefixed(title, prefixes):
"""Remove the first prefix of the list in the beginning of title (if any).
for prefix in prefixes:
match = re.compile(r"^(%s)\b\s*(.*)$" % prefix).match(title)
if match:
return match.group(2)
return title
class SongsList:
"""Manipulation et traitement de liste de chansons"""
def __init__(self, library, prefixes, language):
self._library = library
self._prefixes = prefixes
self._language = language
# Liste triée des chansons
self.songs = []
def append(self, filename):
"""Ajout d'une chanson à la liste
Effets de bord : analyse syntaxique plus ou moins sommaire du fichier
pour en extraire et traiter certaines information (titre, langue,
album, etc.).
path = os.path.join(self._library, 'songs', filename)
# Exécution de PlasTeX
data = parsetex(path)
song = Song(path, data['languages'], data['titles'], data['args'])
low, high = 0, len(self.songs)
while low != high:
middle = (low + high) / 2
if song < self.songs[middle]:
high = middle
low = middle + 1
self.songs.insert(low, song)
def append_list(self, filelist):
"""Ajoute une liste de chansons à la liste
L'argument est une liste de chaînes, représentant des noms de fichiers.
for filename in filelist:
def latex(self):
"""Renvoie le code LaTeX nécessaire pour intégrer la liste de chansons.
result = [ '\\input{{{0}}}'.format(song.path.replace("\\","/").strip()) for song in self.songs]
result.append('\\selectlanguage{%s}' % self._language)
return '\n'.join(result)
def languages(self):
"""Renvoie la liste des langues utilisées par les chansons"""
return set().union(*[set(song.languages) for song in self.songs])
def parseTemplate(template):
embeddedJsonPattern = re.compile(r"^%%:")
f = open(template)
code = [ line[3:-1] for line in f if embeddedJsonPattern.match(line) ]
data = json.loads(''.join(code))
parameters = dict()
for param in data:
parameters[param["name"]] = param
return parameters
def toValue(parameter, data):
if "type" not in parameter:
return data
elif parameter["type"] == "stringlist":
if "join" in parameter:
joinText = parameter["join"]
joinText = ''
return joinText.join(data)
elif parameter["type"] == "color":
return data[1:]
elif parameter["type"] == "font":
return data+'pt'
elif parameter["type"] == "enum":
return data
elif parameter["type"] == "file":
return data
elif parameter["type"] == "flag":
if "join" in parameter:
joinText = parameter["join"]
joinText = ''
return joinText.join(data)
def formatDeclaration(name, parameter):
value = ""
if "default" in parameter:
value = parameter["default"]
return '\\def\\set@{name}#1{{\\def\\get{name}{{#1}}}}\n'.format(name=name) + formatDefinition(name, toValue(parameter, value))
def formatDefinition(name, value):
return '\\set@{name}{{{value}}}\n'.format(name=name, value=value)
def makeTexFile(sb, library, output):
name = output[:-4]
# default value
template = "patacrep.tmpl"
songs = []
titleprefixwords = ""
prefixes = []
# parse the songbook data
if "template" in sb:
template = sb["template"]
del sb["template"]
if "songs" in sb:
songs = sb["songs"]
del sb["songs"]
if "titleprefixwords" in sb:
prefixes = sb["titleprefixwords"]
for prefix in sb["titleprefixwords"]:
titleprefixwords += "\\titleprefixword{%s}\n" % prefix
sb["titleprefixwords"] = titleprefixwords
if "lang" not in sb:
sb["lang"] = "french"
if "sort" in sb:
sort = sb["sort"]
del sb["sort"]
sort = [u"by", u"album", u"@title"]
Song.sort = sort
parameters = parseTemplate("templates/"+template)
# compute songslist
if songs == "all":
songs = map(lambda x: x[len(library) + 6:], recursiveFind(os.path.join(library, 'songs'), '*.sg'))
songslist = SongsList(library, prefixes, sb["lang"])
sb["languages"] = ",".join(songslist.languages())
# output relevant fields
out = open(output, 'w')
out.write('%% This file has been automatically generated, do not edit!\n')
# output automatic parameters
out.write(formatDeclaration("name", {"default":name}))
out.write(formatDeclaration("songslist", {"type":"stringlist"}))
# output template parameter command
for name, parameter in parameters.iteritems():
out.write(formatDeclaration(name, parameter))
# output template parameter values
for name, value in sb.iteritems():
if name in parameters:
out.write(formatDefinition(name, toValue(parameters[name],value)))
if len(songs) > 0:
out.write(formatDefinition('songslist', songslist.latex()))
# output template
commentPattern = re.compile(r"^\s*%")
f = open("templates/"+template)
content = [ line for line in f if not commentPattern.match(line) ]
for index, line in enumerate(content):
if re.compile("getCacheDirectory").search(line):
line = line.replace("\\getCacheDirectory", cachePath.replace("\\","/") + "/")
content[index] = line
if re.compile("getLibraryImgDirectory").search(line):
line = line.replace("\\getLibraryImgDirectory", library + "img/")
content[index] = line
if re.compile("getLibraryLilypondDirectory").search(line):
line = line.replace("\\getLibraryLilypondDirectory", library + "lilypond/")
content[index] = line
def makeDepend(sb, library, output):
name = output[:-2]
indexPattern = re.compile(r"^[^%]*\\(?:newauthor|new)index\{.*\}\{(.*?)\}")
lilypondPattern = re.compile(r"^[^%]*\\(?:lilypond)\{(.*?)\}")
# check for deps (in sb data)
deps = [];
if sb["songs"] == "all":
deps += recursiveFind(os.path.join(library, 'songs'), '*.sg')
deps += map(lambda x: library + "songs/" + x, sb["songs"])
# check for lilypond deps (in songs data) if necessary
lilypond = []
if "bookoptions" in sb and "lilypond" in sb["bookoptions"]:
for filename in deps:
tmpl = open(filename)
lilypond += matchRegexp(lilypondPattern, tmpl)
# check for index (in template file)
if "template" in sb:
filename = sb["template"]
filename = "patacrep.tmpl"
tmpl = open("templates/"+filename)
idx = map(lambda x: x.replace("\getname", name), matchRegexp(indexPattern, tmpl))
# write .d file
out = open(output, 'w')
out.write('{0} {1} : {2}\n'.format(output, name+".tex", ' '.join(deps)))
out.write('{0} : {1}\n'.format(name+".pdf", ' '.join(map(lambda x: x+".sbx",idx)+map(lambda x: library+"lilypond/"+x+".pdf", lilypond))))
out.write('\t$(LATEX) {0}\n'.format(name+".tex"))
out.write('{0} : {1}\n'.format(' '.join(map(lambda x: x+".sxd",idx)), name+".aux"))
def usage():
print "No usage information yet."
def main():
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # set script locale to match user's
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# print help and exit
print str(err)
songbook = None
depend = False
output = None
library = './'
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
elif o in ("-s", "--songbook"):
songbook = a
elif o in ("-d", "--depend"):
depend = True
elif o in ("-o", "--output"):
output = a
elif o in ("-l", "--library"):
if not a.endswith('/'):
a += '/'
library = a
assert False, "unhandled option"
if songbook and output:
f = open(songbook)
sb = json.load(f)
if depend:
makeDepend(sb, library, output)
makeTexFile(sb, library, output)
if __name__ == '__main__':