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[by=System of a Down,cov=steal-this-album,album=Steal this album]
\[Dom]I have a \[Ré#]problem that \[Si&]I cannot e\[Do#]xplain,
\[Do#]I have no \[Sol#]reason why it \[La#]should have been so \[Dom]plain,
\[Dom]Have no qu\[Ré#]estions but \[Si&]I sure have e\[Do#]xcuse,
\[Do#]I lack the r\[Sol#]eason why I s\[La#]hould be so c\[Dom]onfused,
\[Dom]I \[Sol]know, \[La#]how I \[La#]feel when \[Sol#]I'm a\[La#]round \[Dom]you,
\[Dom]I, don't \[Sol]know, \[La#]how I \[La#]feel when \[Sol#]I'm \[Sol#]around \[Dom]you,
Around you,
Left a message but it ain't a bit of use,
I have some pictures, the wild might be the deuce,
Today you saw, you saw me, you explained,
Playing the show and running down the plane,