Engine for LaTeX songbooks http://www.patacrep.com

81 lines
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% *******************************************************************************
% Example file to write an sg file.
% Every line starting with a % is a comment that
% will not appear in the final pdf
% Neither use special characters nor spaces for file names
% Use the song title to name the .sg file (words separated by an _)
% Use the album name for the file .jpg of the cover (words separated by an -)
% Place ".sg" and ".jpg" files in a subdirectory named from artist name in ./songs
% Refer to the Songs LaTeX Package documentation for advanced configuration
% http://songs.sourceforge.net/songsdoc/songs.html
% You may find complementary information in the Patacrep documentation file
% http://www.patacrep.com/data/documents/doc_en.pdf
% *******************************************************************************
\selectlanguage{english} %defines the song main language
\songcolumns{2} %defines the number of columns
% Sad robot: the song's title
% Pornophonique : the artist's name
% traditionnel : the file "8-bit-lagerfeuer.jpg" that corresponds to the album art
% 8 bit lagerfeuer : the album whose song is extracted from
\beginsong{Sad robot}
[by={Pornophonique},cov={traditionnel},album={8 bit lagerfeuer}]
% inserts the album art (8-bit-lagerfeuer.jpg)
% \gtab{<chord>}{<fret>:<strings>} inserts a guitar chord diagram
% <chord> : the chord name to be placed above the diagram.
% <fret> : represents the top fret of the diagram (any number from 1 to 9).
% <strings> : series of six symbols, one for each string of the guitar from lowest pitch to highest.
% Each symbol should be one of: X if that string is not to be played, 0 (zero or the letter O) if that
% string is to be played open, or one of 1 through 9 if that string is to be played on the given numbered fret.
% insert a chord right before the corresponding syllabe (no space)
% put a verse between \begin{verse} and \end{verse}
% put a chorus between \begin{chorus} and \end{chorus}
% \begin{verse*} defines a not numbered verse
% use the \rep{n} macro for a sentence repeated n times
% use the \echo{text} macro for background singing lyrics
%\lilypond{Sad_robot} % inserts the music sheet corresponding to the Sad_robot.ly file in the same directory as this .sg file.
% verse environments are automatically numbered
His \[Dm]steely skin is covered
By \[F]centuries of dust
\[C]Once he was a great one
\[Dm]Now he's dull and rust
% repeatedchords environments allow to show (for sufficiency)
% or hide (for readability) duplicated chords
An \[Dm]oily tear he's crying
\[F]Can you feel the pain
Of the \[C]sad, sad robot
And it's \[Dm]driving him insane
He can't \[Dm]turn back time nor history
So his \[F]life became a misery
He \[C]has to face the destiny
Nobody \[Dm]cares anymore
Sad, sad robot \rep{3}
All alone