sdljpd . c - Jeopardy on steroids
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
begin : So 15 Mai 2005
copyright : ( C ) 2004 by Frederick Bullik
email : Frederick . Bullik @ web . de
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or *
* ( at your option ) any later version . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <unistd.h> /*include datei die das Komandozeilen handling vereinfacht*/
# include <time.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <sys/io.h>
# include "SDL.h"
# include "SDL_image.h"
# include "SDL_ttf.h"
# include "SDL_mixer.h"
/* Define our booleans */
# define TRUE 1
# define FALSE 0
# define RENDER_MODE 2 //0=solid 1=shaded 2=blended
/* screen width, height, and bit depth */
/** \brief Die Bildschirmbreite fuer den Fenstermodus */
# define SCREEN_WIDTH 1024
/** \brief Die Bildschirmhohe fuer den Fenstermodus */
# define SCREEN_HEIGHT 768
/** \brief Farbtiefe des Bildschirmes */
# define SCREEN_BPP 24
/* make prototype of getopt because of "implicit declaration" */
int getopt ( int argc , char * const argv [ ] , const char * optstring ) ;
extern char * optarg ;
extern int optind , opterr , optopt ;
char xpfp [ 1000 ] ;
char buf [ 10000 ] ;
char pl1 [ 1000 ] ;
char pl2 [ 1000 ] ;
char pl3 [ 1000 ] ;
char blub [ 1000 ] ;
int enp = FALSE ;
int inp = FALSE ;
signed int score [ 3 ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
int scorebuf ;
int plselect = 0 ;
int lockbz = FALSE ;
int port_adr ;
int xpos = 0 , ypos = 0 ;
int solved [ 5 ] [ 5 ] = { { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } } ;
int pkt [ 5 ] = { 100 , 200 , 300 , 400 , 500 } ;
int artype ;
int countxa = 0 ;
int countya = 0 ;
int countxf = 0 ;
int countyf = 0 ;
int countxt = 0 ;
FILE * file ;
typedef struct s_block {
char frage [ 10000 ] ;
char antwort [ 1000 ] ;
} t_block ;
typedef struct {
char katname [ 1000 ] ;
} t_kat ;
t_block myblock [ 5 ] [ 5 ] ;
t_kat mykat [ 5 ] ;
Mix_Music * music = NULL ;
/** \brief This is our SDL surface
* Unser Haupt SDL Surface
SDL_Surface * surface ; /*Display Surface*/
SDL_Surface * kachel ; /*hintergrund fuer die Fragefelder*/
SDL_Surface * bgrnd ; /*makriert blockierte Felder */
SDL_Surface * nfield ; /*Score, Namensfekder der Spieler*/
SDL_Surface * plac ; /*kenzeichnung acktiver Spierler*/
SDL_Surface * afr ; /*kenzeichnung des aktives fragen feldes */
SDL_Surface * text ;
SDL_Surface * panel ;
SDL_Rect drect ;
SDL_Color color = { 255 , 125 , 0 } ;
TTF_Font * font ;
SDL_Joystick * joystick ;
/** \brief Hier Raeumen wir nach Programablauf auf.
* \ param returnCode Der Zurueckzugebende Return Code
* \ return Gibt den Uebergebenen Code aus
/* function to release/destroy our resources and restoring the old desktop */
void Quit ( int returnCode )
Mix_HaltMusic ( ) ;
Mix_FreeMusic ( music ) ;
music = NULL ;
SDL_JoystickClose ( joystick ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( panel ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( afr ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( plac ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( nfield ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( kachel ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( bgrnd ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( surface ) ;
TTF_CloseFont ( font ) ;
TTF_Quit ( ) ;
/* clean up the window */
SDL_Quit ( ) ;
printf ( " \033 [33m sdljpd: \033 [m So long, and thanks for all the fish <;))>< \n " ) ;
/* and exit appropriately */
exit ( returnCode ) ;
void musicDone ( void ) {
Mix_HaltMusic ( ) ;
Mix_FreeMusic ( music ) ;
music = NULL ;
music = Mix_LoadMUS ( " bgmusic-loop.wav " ) ;
Mix_PlayMusic ( music , - 1 ) ;
void music_init ( void ) {
if ( music = = NULL ) {
music = Mix_LoadMUS ( " bgmusic-intro.wav " ) ;
Mix_PlayMusic ( music , 0 ) ;
Mix_HookMusicFinished ( musicDone ) ;
void filefill ( void )
if ( artype = = 1 )
strcpy ( mykat [ countxt ] . katname , blub ) ;
countxt + + ;
blub [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
if ( artype = = 2 )
strcpy ( myblock [ countxf ] [ countyf ] . frage , blub ) ;
countyf + + ;
blub [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
if ( countyf > 4 )
countyf = 0 ;
countxf + + ;
if ( artype = = 3 )
strcpy ( myblock [ countxa ] [ countya ] . antwort , blub ) ;
countya + + ;
blub [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
if ( countya > 4 )
countya = 0 ;
countxa + + ;
void filefoo ( void )
char ch [ 100 ] ;
char ach ;
file = fopen ( xpfp , " r " ) ;
if ( file = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " Folgende Datei konnte nicht geladen werden:%s \n " , xpfp ) ;
while ( fscanf ( file , " %s " , ch ) )
if ( strcmp ( ch , " Topic: " ) = = 0 ) {
filefill ( ) ;
artype = 1 ;
continue ;
if ( strcmp ( ch , " Frage: " ) = = 0 ) {
filefill ( ) ;
artype = 2 ;
continue ;
if ( strcmp ( ch , " Antwort: " ) = = 0 ) {
filefill ( ) ;
artype = 3 ;
continue ;
strcat ( blub , ch ) ;
strcat ( blub , " " ) ;
if ( fscanf ( file , " %c " , & ach ) = = EOF ) {
filefill ( ) ;
break ;
fclose ( file ) ;
int get_lp_base ( void )
int i , base_adr [ 3 ] = { 0x3bc , 0x378 , 0x278 } ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
outb_p ( 0 , base_adr [ i ] ) ;
if ( inb_p ( base_adr [ i ] ) = = 0 )
return ( base_adr [ i ] ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
void loadtex ( void )
kachel = IMG_Load ( " kachel100.jpg " ) ;
if ( kachel = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " Das Bild konnte nicht geladen werden:%s \n " , SDL_GetError ( ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
bgrnd = IMG_Load ( " bgrnd100.jpg " ) ;
if ( bgrnd = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " Das Bild konnte nicht geladen werden:%s \n " , SDL_GetError ( ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
nfield = IMG_Load ( " nfield.jpg " ) ;
if ( nfield = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " Das Bild konnte nicht geladen werden:%s \n " , SDL_GetError ( ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
plac = IMG_Load ( " sp.jpg " ) ;
if ( plac = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " Das Bild konnte nicht geladen werden:%s \n " , SDL_GetError ( ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
afr = IMG_Load ( " aq.jpg " ) ;
if ( afr = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " Das Bild konnte nicht geladen werden:%s \n " , SDL_GetError ( ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
panel = IMG_Load ( " panel1.jpg " ) ;
if ( panel = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " Das Bild konnte nicht geladen werden:%s \n " , SDL_GetError ( ) ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
/*void get_buz (void)
int status ;
if ( lockbz = = FALSE )
status = inb ( port_adr + 1 ) ;
if ( status ! = 239 )
if ( status = = 207 )
plselect = 0 ;
lockbz = TRUE ;
if ( status = = 175 )
plselect = 1 ;
lockbz = TRUE ;
if ( status = = 111 )
plselect = 2 ;
lockbz = TRUE ;
} */
void draw_sdl ( void )
int countx = 0 ;
int county = 0 ;
/* Spielfeld geschlumpfe*/
drect . w = kachel - > w ;
drect . h = kachel - > h ;
SDL_SetAlpha ( bgrnd , SDL_SRCALPHA | SDL_RLEACCEL , 128 ) ;
SDL_SetAlpha ( afr , SDL_SRCALPHA | SDL_RLEACCEL , 128 ) ;
SDL_SetAlpha ( plac , SDL_SRCALPHA | SDL_RLEACCEL , 128 ) ;
SDL_FillRect ( surface , NULL , 0 ) ;
for ( county = 0 ; county < = 4 ; county + + )
drect . y = ( county * 100 ) + 100 ;
for ( countx = 0 ; countx < = 4 ; countx + + )
drect . x = ( countx * 200 ) + 65 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( kachel , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
if ( solved [ countx ] [ county ] = = 0 ) {
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " %i " , pkt [ county ] ) ;
/*if(pkt[county]==100){buf = "100";}
if ( pkt [ county ] = = 200 ) { buf = " 200 " ; }
if ( pkt [ county ] = = 300 ) { buf = " 300 " ; }
f ( pkt [ county ] = = 400 ) { buf = " 400 " ; }
if ( pkt [ county ] = = 500 ) { buf = " 500 " ; } */
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , buf , color ) ;
drect . x = drect . x + 23 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
if ( solved [ countx ] [ county ] > = 1 ) {
SDL_BlitSurface ( bgrnd , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
if ( solved [ countx ] [ county ] = = 1 ) strcpy ( buf , pl1 ) ;
if ( solved [ countx ] [ county ] = = 2 ) strcpy ( buf , pl2 ) ;
if ( solved [ countx ] [ county ] = = 3 ) strcpy ( buf , pl3 ) ;
drect . x = ( countx * 200 ) + 65 ;
drect . y = drect . y + 23 ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , buf , color ) ;
drect . w = text - > w ;
drect . h = text - > h ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . y = drect . y - 23 ;
for ( countx = 0 ; countx < = 5 ; countx + + )
drect . x = ( countx * 200 ) + 65 ;
drect . y = 45 ;
strcpy ( buf , mykat [ countx ] . katname ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , buf , color ) ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
/* The Code for the Panle Drawing goes here */
if ( enp = = TRUE ) {
drect . w = panel - > w ;
drect . h = panel - > h ;
drect . x = 185 ;
drect . y = 100 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( panel , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . x = drect . x + 23 ;
drect . y = drect . y + 23 ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , " Antwort: " , color ) ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . y = drect . y + 23 ;
strcpy ( buf , myblock [ xpos ] [ ypos ] . frage ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , buf , color ) ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . y = drect . y - 23 ;
drect . x = drect . x - 23 ;
drect . y = drect . y - 23 ;
if ( inp = = TRUE ) {
drect . w = panel - > w ;
drect . h = panel - > h ;
drect . x = 185 ;
drect . y = 100 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( panel , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . x = drect . x + 23 ;
drect . y = drect . y + 23 ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , " Frage: " , color ) ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . y = drect . y + 23 ;
strcpy ( buf , myblock [ xpos ] [ ypos ] . antwort ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , buf , color ) ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . y = drect . y - 23 ;
drect . x = drect . x - 23 ;
drect . y = drect . y - 23 ;
/*Player gefuddel */
drect . y = ( ypos * 100 ) + 100 ;
drect . x = ( xpos * 200 ) + 65 ;
if ( enp = = FALSE & & inp = = FALSE ) {
SDL_BlitSurface ( afr , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . w = nfield - > h ;
drect . h = nfield - > w ;
drect . y = 650 ;
for ( countx = 0 ; countx < = 2 ; countx + + )
drect . x = ( countx * 365 ) + 50 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( nfield , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . x = ( plselect * 365 ) + 50 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( plac , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . y = drect . y + 23 ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , pl1 , color ) ;
drect . x = 65 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , pl2 , color ) ;
drect . x = ( 365 ) + 65 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , pl3 , color ) ;
drect . x = ( 2 * 365 ) + 65 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
drect . y = drect . y + 30 ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
scorebuf = score [ 0 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " %i " , scorebuf ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , buf , color ) ;
drect . x = 65 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
scorebuf = score [ 1 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " %i " , scorebuf ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , buf , color ) ;
drect . x = ( 365 ) + 65 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
SDL_FreeSurface ( text ) ;
scorebuf = score [ 2 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " %i " , scorebuf ) ;
text = TTF_RenderText_Blended ( font , buf , color ) ;
drect . x = ( 2 * 365 ) + 65 ;
SDL_BlitSurface ( text , NULL , surface , & drect ) ;
SDL_Flip ( surface ) ;
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
/** \brief Zählt argc*/
int option ;
/** \brief Flags zur Übergabe an den Video mode */
int videoFlags ;
/** \brief Variable der Hauptschleife */
int done = FALSE ;
/** \brief sammelt Events */
SDL_Event event ;
/** \brief Display Informationen */
const SDL_VideoInfo * videoInfo ;
/** \brief Ist unser Fenster Acti? */
int isActive = TRUE ;
/** \brief String für den Fenstertitel */
char * wmcapt = " SdlJPD " ;
int audio_rate = 22050 ;
Uint16 audio_format = AUDIO_S16 ; /* 16-bit stereo */
int audio_channels = 2 ;
int audio_buffers = 4096 ;
strcpy ( pl1 , " Dope Fish " ) ;
strcpy ( pl2 , " Razor " ) ;
strcpy ( pl3 , " Blade " ) ;
strcpy ( xpfp , " level.txt " ) ;
while ( ( option = getopt ( argc , argv , " hf:a:b:c: " ) ) > = 0 )
switch ( option )
case ' h ' : {
printf ( " Usage: %s [Optionen] \n Optionen: \n -h print this help Text \n -f <file> jeopardy file \n " , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
Quit ( 0 ) ;
break ;
case ' f ' :
strcpy ( xpfp , optarg ) ;
break ;
case ' a ' :
strcpy ( pl1 , optarg ) ;
break ;
case ' b ' :
strcpy ( pl2 , optarg ) ;
break ;
case ' c ' :
strcpy ( pl3 , optarg ) ;
break ;
printf ( " \n \033 [36m sdljpd -- jeopady on steroids \n Copyright (c) 2005 Frederick Bullik <Frederick.Bullik@gmx.de> \n \n This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \n modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \n as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 \n of the License, or (at your option) any later version. \n \n This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, \n but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \n MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the \n GNU General Public License for more details. \n \n You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License \n along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software \n Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. \033 [m \n \n " ) ;
printf ( " ======================================================================== \n " ) ;
/* if (iopl(3) != 0)
printf ( " \033 [33m Hi, here is sdljpd: \033 [31m I can't set I/O permissions, Sorry \033 [m \n " ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( port_adr = get_lp_base ( ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " \033 [33m sdljpd: \033 [31m No parallel port found, Sorry \033 [m \n " ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
printf ( " \033 [33m sdljpd: \033 [32m Parrallel port found at 0x%x. \033 [m \n " , port_adr ) ;
filefoo ( ) ;
if ( TTF_Init ( ) = = - 1 ) {
printf ( " TTF_Init: %s \n " , TTF_GetError ( ) ) ;
exit ( 2 ) ;
font = TTF_OpenFont ( " subfont.ttf " , 26 ) ;
if ( ! font ) {
printf ( " TTF_OpenFont: %s \n " , TTF_GetError ( ) ) ;
/* handle error*/
/* sprintf(wmcapt,"glpong - %s vs ", player_a );*/
/* initialize SDL */
fprintf ( stderr , " Video initialization failed: %s \n " ,
SDL_GetError ( ) ) ;
Quit ( 1 ) ;
if ( Mix_OpenAudio ( audio_rate , audio_format , audio_channels , audio_buffers ) ) {
printf ( " Unable to open audio! \n " ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
Mix_QuerySpec ( & audio_rate , & audio_format , & audio_channels ) ;
/* Fetch the video info */
videoInfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo ( ) ;
music_init ( ) ;
if ( ! videoInfo )
fprintf ( stderr , " Video query failed: %s \n " ,
SDL_GetError ( ) ) ;
Quit ( 1 ) ;
if ( joystick = SDL_JoystickOpen ( 0 ) = = NULL ) {
printf ( " Unable to open joystick! \n " ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
SDL_JoystickEventState ( SDL_QUERY ) ;
SDL_WM_SetCaption ( wmcapt , NULL ) ;
/* the flags to pass to SDL_SetVideoMode */
videoFlags | = SDL_HWPALETTE ; /* Store the palette in hardware */
videoFlags | = SDL_DOUBLEBUF ;
videoFlags | = SDL_RESIZABLE ; /* Enable window resizing */
videoFlags | = SDL_HWSURFACE ;
videoFlags | = SDL_HWACCEL ;
SDL_ShowCursor ( SDL_DISABLE ) ;
/* get a SDL surface */
videoFlags ) ;
/* Verify there is a surface */
if ( ! surface )
fprintf ( stderr , " Video mode set failed: %s \n " , SDL_GetError ( ) ) ;
Quit ( 1 ) ;
loadtex ( ) ;
/* wait for events */
while ( ! done )
/* handle the events in the queue */
while ( SDL_PollEvent ( & event ) )
switch ( event . type )
/* Something's happend with our focus
* If we lost focus or we are iconified , we
* shouldn ' t draw the screen
if ( event . active . gain = = 0 )
isActive = FALSE ;
isActive = TRUE ;
break ;
/* handle resize event */
surface = SDL_SetVideoMode ( event . resize . w ,
event . resize . h ,
16 , videoFlags ) ;
if ( ! surface )
fprintf ( stderr , " Could not get a surface after resize: %s \n " , SDL_GetError ( ) ) ;
Quit ( 1 ) ;
break ;
/* handle key presses */
switch ( event . key . keysym . sym ) {
Quit ( 0 ) ;
break ;
case SDLK_q :
Quit ( 0 ) ;
break ;
case SDLK_F1 :
/* F1 key was pressed
* this toggles fullscreen mode
SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen ( surface ) ;
break ;
case SDLK_a :
if ( plselect > 0 ) {
plselect - - ; }
enp = FALSE ;
inp = FALSE ;
break ;
case SDLK_d :
if ( plselect < 2 ) {
plselect + + ; }
enp = FALSE ;
inp = FALSE ;
break ;
case SDLK_w :
score [ plselect ] = score [ plselect ] + 100 ;
enp = FALSE ;
inp = FALSE ;
break ;
case SDLK_s :
score [ plselect ] = score [ plselect ] - 100 ;
enp = FALSE ;
inp = FALSE ;
break ;
lockbz = FALSE ;
enp = TRUE ;
break ;
case SDLK_LEFT :
if ( enp = = FALSE ) {
if ( xpos > 0 ) {
xpos - - ;
inp = FALSE ;
break ;
if ( enp = = FALSE ) {
if ( xpos < 4 ) {
xpos + + ;
inp = FALSE ;
break ;
case SDLK_UP :
if ( enp = = FALSE ) {
if ( ypos > 0 ) {
ypos - - ;
inp = FALSE ;
break ;
case SDLK_DOWN :
if ( enp = = FALSE )
if ( ypos < 4 ) {
ypos + + ;
inp = FALSE ;
break ;
score [ plselect ] = score [ plselect ] + pkt [ ypos ] ;
solved [ xpos ] [ ypos ] = ( plselect + 1 ) ;
lockbz = TRUE ;
enp = FALSE ;
inp = TRUE ;
break ;
score [ plselect ] = score [ plselect ] - pkt [ ypos ] ;
lockbz = FALSE ;
inp = FALSE ;
enp = TRUE ;
break ;
solved [ xpos ] [ ypos ] = ( plselect + 1 ) ;
break ;
solved [ xpos ] [ ypos ] = 0 ;
case SDLK_l :
lockbz = TRUE ;
break ;
case SDLK_u :
lockbz = FALSE ;
break ;
case SDLK_r :
lockbz = FALSE ;
inp = FALSE ;
enp = FALSE ;
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
case SDL_QUIT :
/* handle quit requests */
done = TRUE ;
break ;
break ;
draw_sdl ( ) ;
/* clean ourselves up and exit */
Quit ( 0 ) ;
/* Should never get here */
return ( 0 ) ;