55 lines
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Topic: Acronyme
Frage: PC
Antwort: Personal Computer
Frage: FTP
Antwort: File Transfer Protocol
Frage: DMZ
Antwort: Demilitarized Zone
Frage: EMACS
Frage: ASCII
Antwort: American Standard Code For Information Interchange
Topic: Hackerfilme
Frage: Du Nullprogramm!
Antwort: Tron
Frage: How about Global Thermonuclear War?
Antwort: Wargames
Frage: Close this world, open the next
Antwort: Lain
Frage: It's not just a chip, it also has a PCI bus!
Antwort: Hackers
Frage: If we graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.
Antwort: Pi
Topic: Acronyme
Frage: RTFM
Antwort: Read the fucking manual
Frage: LART
Antwort: Luser Automatic Rearrangement Tool
Frage: UTSL
Antwort: use the source, luke
Frage: YMMV
Antwort: Your mileage may vary
Frage: IANAL
Antwort: I am not a lawyer
Topic: Prozessoren
Frage: PC/AT
Antwort: 8086
Frage: E450
Antwort: Ultrasparc
Frage: Atari 1040ST
Antwort: 68000
Frage: IBM SP256
Antwort: PPC
Frage: Connection Machine 5
Antwort: Sparc
Topic: Softwareauthoren
Frage: qmail
Antwort: djb
Frage: tex
Antwort: Knuth
Frage: fetchmail
Antwort: Eric Raymond
Frage: gcc
Antwort: Richard Stallman
Frage: vi
Antwort: Bill Joy