1 changed files with 29 additions and 185 deletions
@ -1,204 +1,48 @@ |
//Pi Zero parametric box design with camera support |
//R.J.Tidey 17th May 2016 |
// General parameters |
//build 1=base, 2=lid, 3=both |
build = 3; |
//camera 0=none, 1=internal, 2=external |
camera = 2; |
//GPIO 0=no cut_out, 1=top cut_out, 2 side cut out |
gpio = 1; |
wall = 2.0; |
hdmi_recess = 1; |
corner = 3.0; |
tol = 0.3; |
$fn=50; |
//Base parameters |
//inner dimensions |
base_width = 30; |
//65 for original pizero with no camera connector |
//67 for pizero with camera connector |
//70 to give more radius for bending cable back internally |
base_length = camera==1 ? 70.0 : 67.0; |
hole2hole_l = 58; |
hole2hole_w = 23; |
hdmi_recess_w = 17.5; |
hdmi_recess_h = 3.75; |
tolerance = 0.4; |
support_offset = 3.5; |
support_height = 1.0; |
support_radius = 1.4; |
support_size = 7.0; |
usbpower_offset = 54.0; |
usbusb_offset = 41.4; |
usb_length = 9.25; |
hdmi_offset = 12.4; |
hdmi_length = 13.75; |
cutout_height_offset = 1.0; |
sd_offset = 16.7; |
sd_width = 13.0; |
width=65.0+6; |
length=30.0+32.0; |
height=14.0; |
//Lid parameters |
//1.5 for no camera shallow |
//6 for camera |
lid_height = camera==1 ? 6.0 : 1.5; |
board_thick = 1.35; |
connector_thick = 3.2; |
screw_depth = 8.0; |
screw_radius = 1.3; |
gpio_centre_x = 32.5; |
gpio_centre_y = 3.5; |
gpio_length = 51.5; |
gpio_width = 6; |
gpio_recess_h = 1.2; |
corner_size = 2.4; |
//Camera parameters, |
camera_hole = 10; |
camera_x = 20.0; |
camera_screw_centre_offset = 0.0; |
camera_screw_x = 12.5; |
camera_screw_y = 21.0; |
camera_screw_r = 1.5; |
camera_cable_y = 20.0; |
camera_cable_h = 1.0; |
$fn=50; |
//calculate required base_height |
base_height = support_height + board_thick + connector_thick + tol; |
echo("base_height = ",base_height); |
echo("base_length = ",base_length); |
echo("lid_height = ",lid_height); |
module round_cube(start,length,width,height,z_offset,cor) { |
hull() { |
translate([start,start,z_offset]) |
cylinder(height+wall,r=cor); |
translate([start+length,start,z_offset]) |
cylinder(height+wall,r=cor); |
translate([start+length,start+width,z_offset]) |
cylinder(height+wall,r=cor); |
translate([start,start+width,z_offset]) |
cylinder(height+wall,r=cor); |
} |
} |
holes_x=58.0; |
holes_y=23.0; |
module screwhole() { |
cylinder(wall+support_height+tol,r=support_radius); |
cylinder(wall*0.75,2*support_radius,support_radius); |
} |
hdmi_y_space = 33.0; |
module corner_support() { |
module base(x, y, z, thick) { |
translate([0,0,-thick]) |
difference() { |
union() { |
round_cube(corner-2*tol,corner_size,corner_size,lid_height,0,corner); |
translate([support_offset,support_offset,wall-0.1]) |
cylinder(lid_height+connector_thick+0.1,4,3); |
minkowski() { |
cube([x,y,z]); |
cylinder(r=wall,h=0.1); |
} |
translate([thick,thick,thick]) minkowski() { |
cube([x-2*thick,y-2*thick,z]); |
cylinder(r=thick,h=0.1); |
} |
translate([support_offset,support_offset,wall+lid_height+connector_thick-screw_depth]) |
cylinder(screw_depth+1,r=screw_radius); |
} |
} |
module cut_outs(height) { |
translate([tol+hdmi_offset-0.5*hdmi_length,-wall-0.1,height]) |
cube([hdmi_length, wall+ 1.0,base_height]); |
translate([tol+usbusb_offset-0.5*usb_length,-wall-0.1,height]) |
cube([usb_length, wall+ 1.0,base_height]); |
translate([tol+usbpower_offset-0.5*usb_length,-wall-0.1,height]) |
cube([usb_length, wall+ 1.0,base_height]); |
translate([-wall-0.1,tol+sd_offset-0.5*sd_width,height]) |
cube([wall+ 1.0,sd_width,base_height]); |
if(hdmi_recess==1) { |
translate([tol+hdmi_offset-0.5*hdmi_recess_w,-wall-0.1,wall]) |
cube([hdmi_recess_w, wall+ 0.1,base_height]); |
} |
if(camera==2) { |
translate([base_length - 2* wall,tol+0.5*(base_width-camera_cable_y),height]) |
cube([4*wall,camera_cable_y,camera_cable_h]); |
} |
if(gpio==2) { |
translate([tol + gpio_centre_x - gpio_length*0.5,tol+base_width-wall,height]) |
cube([gpio_length,4*wall,base_height]); |
} |
} |
module base_shell() { |
difference() { |
round_cube(corner-wall,base_length+2*tol+2*wall-2*corner,base_width+2*tol+2*wall-2*corner,base_height,0,corner); |
round_cube(corner-tol,base_length+4*tol-2*corner,base_width+4*tol-2*corner,base_height,wall,corner); |
} |
translate([-tol,-tol,0]) |
cube([support_size,support_size,support_height+wall]); |
translate([hole2hole_l+tol,-tol,0]) |
cube([support_size,support_size,support_height+wall]); |
translate([hole2hole_l+tol,hole2hole_w+tol,0]) |
cube([support_size,support_size+2*tol,support_height+wall]); |
translate([-tol,hole2hole_w+tol,0]) |
cube([support_size,support_size+2*tol,support_height+wall]); |
} |
module base() { |
difference() { |
base_shell(); |
translate([tol+support_offset,tol+support_offset,-0.1]) screwhole(); |
translate([tol+support_offset+hole2hole_l,tol+support_offset,-0.1]) screwhole(); |
translate([tol+support_offset+hole2hole_l,tol+support_offset+hole2hole_w,-0.1]) screwhole(); |
translate([tol+support_offset,tol+support_offset+hole2hole_w,-0.1]) screwhole(); |
cut_outs(wall+support_height+board_thick-tol); |
} |
module holes(r, h) { |
translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(r=r,h=h); |
translate([holes_x,0,0]) cylinder(r=r,h=h); |
translate([0,holes_y,0]) cylinder(r=r,h=h); |
translate([holes_x,holes_y,0]) cylinder(r=r,h=h); |
} |
module lid_shell() { |
difference() { |
round_cube(corner-wall,base_length+2*tol+2*wall-2*corner,base_width+2*tol+2*wall-2*corner,lid_height,0,corner); |
round_cube(corner-tol,base_length+4*tol-2*corner,base_width+4*tol-2*corner,lid_height,wall,corner); |
if(gpio==1) { |
translate([tol+gpio_centre_x-0.5*gpio_length,tol+gpio_centre_y-0.5*gpio_width,-0.5]) |
cube([gpio_length,gpio_width,wall+1.0]); |
} |
if(camera==1) { |
translate([tol+camera_x,tol+0.5*(base_width-camera_hole),-0.5]) |
cube([camera_hole,camera_hole,wall+1.0]); |
translate([tol+camera_x+0.5*camera_hole+camera_screw_centre_offset,tol+0.5*base_width,-0.5]){ |
translate([0,-0.5*camera_screw_y,0]) cylinder(wall+1.0,camera_screw_r,camera_screw_r); |
translate([0,0.5*camera_screw_y,0]) cylinder(wall+1.0,camera_screw_r,camera_screw_r); |
translate([-camera_screw_x,-0.5*camera_screw_y,0]) cylinder(wall+1.0,camera_screw_r,camera_screw_r); |
translate([-camera_screw_x,0.5*camera_screw_y,0]) cylinder(wall+1.0,camera_screw_r,camera_screw_r); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
translate([-(width-holes_x)/2,-hdmi_y_space,0]) base(width, length, height, wall); |
holes(3.5, 1.0); |
holes(2.0/2, height); |
module lid() { |
difference() { |
union() { |
lid_shell(); |
translate([0,0,0]) corner_support(); |
translate([hole2hole_l,0,0]) corner_support(); |
translate([hole2hole_l,hole2hole_w,0]) corner_support(); |
translate([0,hole2hole_w,0]) corner_support(); |
} |
if(hdmi_recess==1) { |
translate([tol+hdmi_offset-0.5*hdmi_recess_w,base_width+tol+0.1,lid_height+wall-hdmi_recess_h]) |
cube([hdmi_recess_w, 2*wall,hdmi_recess_h+1]); |
} |
if(gpio==2) { |
translate([tol + gpio_centre_x - gpio_length*0.5,-wall,lid_height+wall-gpio_recess_h]) |
cube([gpio_length,4*wall,gpio_recess_h+1]); |
} |
} |
#translate([12.4-3.5,-hdmi_y_space-1+(12/2),(13/2)-1.2]) { |
cube([22,12,13], center=true); |
translate([0,-2*wall,0]) cube([17.5,12,9], center=true); |
} |
if (build == 1 || build == 3) { |
base(); |
} |
if (build == 3) { |
translate([0,base_width+4*wall,0]) lid(); |
} |
if(build == 2){ |
lid(); |
} |
#translate([41.4-3.5,-30,4]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(r=3.0/2,h=10); |
Reference in new issue