34 changed files with 2571 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
__pycache__/ |
*.py[cod] |
# Flask |
instance/ |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
python3-flask |
python3-serial |
python3-opencv |
python3-imaging |
libjs-jquery |
libjs-bootstrap |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
from roberto import create_app |
# Call the Application Factory function to construct a Flask application instance |
# using the standard configuration defined in /instance/flask.cfg |
app = create_app('config.py') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
app.run(host='', debug=False, threaded=True) |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
import os |
from flask import Flask |
from flask_login import LoginManager |
####################### |
#### Configuration #### |
####################### |
# Create the instances of the Flask extensions (flask-sqlalchemy, flask-login, etc.) in |
# the global scope, but without any arguments passed in. These instances are not attached |
# to the application at this point. |
login = LoginManager() |
login.login_view = "users.login" |
#from roberto.camera.camera_opencv import Camera |
###################################### |
#### Application Factory Function #### |
###################################### |
def create_app(config_filename=None): |
app = Flask(__name__) |
app.config.from_mapping( |
SECRET_KEY=os.urandom(24), |
DATABASE=os.path.join(app.instance_path, 'roberto.sqlite'), |
) |
if config_filename is None: |
app.config.from_pyfile('config.py') |
else: |
app.config.from_pyfile(config_filename) |
initialize_extensions(app) |
register_blueprints(app) |
# ensure the instance folder exists |
try: |
os.makedirs(app.instance_path) |
except OSError: |
pass |
return app |
def initialize_extensions(app): |
# Since the application instance is now created, pass it to each Flask |
# extension instance to bind it to the Flask application instance (app) |
from roberto.model import db |
db.init_app(app) |
#login.init_app(app) |
pass |
def register_blueprints(app): |
# Since the application instance is now created, register each Blueprint |
# with the Flask application instance (app) |
from roberto.views.frontend import frontend_blueprint |
app.register_blueprint(frontend_blueprint) |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.4 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
# https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/flask-video-streaming-revisited |
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ |
import time |
import threading |
try: |
from greenlet import getcurrent as get_ident |
except ImportError: |
try: |
from thread import get_ident |
except ImportError: |
from _thread import get_ident |
class CameraEvent(object): |
"""An Event-like class that signals all active clients when a new frame is |
available. |
""" |
def __init__(self): |
self.events = {} |
def wait(self): |
"""Invoked from each client's thread to wait for the next frame.""" |
ident = get_ident() |
if ident not in self.events: |
# this is a new client |
# add an entry for it in the self.events dict |
# each entry has two elements, a threading.Event() and a timestamp |
self.events[ident] = [threading.Event(), time.time()] |
return self.events[ident][0].wait() |
def set(self): |
"""Invoked by the camera thread when a new frame is available.""" |
now = time.time() |
remove = None |
for ident, event in self.events.items(): |
if not event[0].isSet(): |
# if this client's event is not set, then set it |
# also update the last set timestamp to now |
event[0].set() |
event[1] = now |
else: |
# if the client's event is already set, it means the client |
# did not process a previous frame |
# if the event stays set for more than 5 seconds, then assume |
# the client is gone and remove it |
if now - event[1] > 5: |
remove = ident |
if remove: |
del self.events[remove] |
def clear(self): |
"""Invoked from each client's thread after a frame was processed.""" |
self.events[get_ident()][0].clear() |
class BaseCamera(object): |
thread = None # background thread that reads frames from camera |
frame = None # current frame is stored here by background thread |
last_access = 0 # time of last client access to the camera |
event = CameraEvent() |
def __init__(self): |
"""Start the background camera thread if it isn't running yet.""" |
if BaseCamera.thread is None: |
BaseCamera.last_access = time.time() |
# start background frame thread |
BaseCamera.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._thread) |
BaseCamera.thread.start() |
# wait until frames are available |
while self.get_frame() is None: |
time.sleep(0) |
def get_frame(self): |
"""Return the current camera frame.""" |
BaseCamera.last_access = time.time() |
# wait for a signal from the camera thread |
BaseCamera.event.wait() |
BaseCamera.event.clear() |
return BaseCamera.frame |
@staticmethod |
def frames(): |
""""Generator that returns frames from the camera.""" |
raise RuntimeError('Must be implemented by subclasses.') |
@classmethod |
def _thread(cls): |
"""Camera background thread.""" |
print('Starting camera thread.') |
frames_iterator = cls.frames() |
for frame in frames_iterator: |
BaseCamera.frame = frame |
BaseCamera.event.set() # send signal to clients |
time.sleep(0) |
# if there hasn't been any clients asking for frames in |
# the last 10 seconds then stop the thread |
if time.time() - BaseCamera.last_access > 10: |
frames_iterator.close() |
print('Stopping camera thread due to inactivity.') |
break |
BaseCamera.thread = None |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
import time |
from .base_camera import BaseCamera |
class Camera(BaseCamera): |
"""An emulated camera implementation that streams a repeated sequence of |
files 1.jpg, 2.jpg and 3.jpg at a rate of one frame per second.""" |
imgs = [open(f + '.jpg', 'rb').read() for f in ['1', '2', '3']] |
@staticmethod |
def frames(): |
while True: |
time.sleep(1) |
yield Camera.imgs[int(time.time()) % 3] |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
import os |
import cv2 |
from .base_camera import BaseCamera |
class Camera(BaseCamera): |
video_source = 0 |
def __init__(self): |
if os.environ.get('OPENCV_CAMERA_SOURCE'): |
Camera.set_video_source(int(os.environ['OPENCV_CAMERA_SOURCE'])) |
super(Camera, self).__init__() |
@staticmethod |
def set_video_source(source): |
Camera.video_source = source |
@staticmethod |
def frames(): |
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(Camera.video_source) |
if not camera.isOpened(): |
raise RuntimeError('Could not start camera.') |
while True: |
# read current frame |
_, img = camera.read() |
# encode as a jpeg image and return it |
yield cv2.imencode('.jpg', img)[1].tobytes() |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
import io |
import time |
import picamera |
from .base_camera import BaseCamera |
class Camera(BaseCamera): |
@staticmethod |
def frames(): |
with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: |
# let camera warm up |
time.sleep(2) |
stream = io.BytesIO() |
for _ in camera.capture_continuous(stream, 'jpeg', |
use_video_port=True): |
# return current frame |
stream.seek(0) |
yield stream.read() |
# reset stream for next frame |
stream.seek(0) |
stream.truncate() |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
import io |
from PIL import Image |
import select |
import v4l2capture |
from .base_camera import BaseCamera |
class Camera(BaseCamera): |
"""Requires python-v4l2capture module: https://github.com/gebart/python-v4l2capture""" |
video_source = "/dev/video0" |
@staticmethod |
def frames(): |
video = v4l2capture.Video_device(Camera.video_source) |
# Suggest an image size. The device may choose and return another if unsupported |
size_x = 640 |
size_y = 480 |
size_x, size_y = video.set_format(size_x, size_y) |
video.create_buffers(1) |
video.queue_all_buffers() |
video.start() |
bio = io.BytesIO() |
try: |
while True: |
select.select((video,), (), ()) # Wait for the device to fill the buffer. |
image_data = video.read_and_queue() |
image = Image.frombytes("RGB", (size_x, size_y), image_data) |
image.save(bio, format="jpeg") |
yield bio.getvalue() |
bio.seek(0) |
bio.truncate() |
finally: |
video.close() |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy |
db = SQLAlchemy() |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
/usr/share/javascript/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
/usr/share/javascript/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
/usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.min.js |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
""" |
The frontend blueprint handles the webui. |
""" |
from flask import Blueprint |
frontend_blueprint = Blueprint('frontend', __name__, template_folder='templates') |
from . import routes |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
from . import frontend_blueprint |
from flask import current_app, render_template |
from flask import Response |
################ |
#### routes #### |
################ |
@frontend_blueprint.route('/') |
def index(): |
return render_template('index.html') |
def gen(camera): |
"""Video streaming generator function.""" |
while True: |
frame = camera.get_frame() |
yield (b'--frame\r\n' |
b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + frame + b'\r\n') |
@frontend_blueprint.route('/video_feed') |
def video_feed(): |
"""Video streaming route. Put this in the src attribute of an img tag.""" |
from roberto.camera.camera_opencv import Camera |
return Response(gen(Camera()), |
mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame') |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
<!doctype html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> |
<title>Video Streaming Demonstration</title> |
<!-- Bootstrap --> |
<link href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/bootstrap.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"> |
</head> |
<body> |
<h1>Video Streaming Demonstration</h1> |
<img src="{{ url_for('frontend.video_feed') }}"> |
<!-- jQuery and Bootstrap --> |
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/jquery.min.js') }}"></script> |
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/bootstrap.min.js') }}"></script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
import sys, argparse |
import time |
import threading |
import serial |
import pygame |
def serialreceive(ser): |
print("Serial running") |
while ser: |
try: |
if ser.in_waiting > 0: |
line = ser.read(ser.in_waiting) |
print(line) |
except Exception: |
pass |
def main(argv): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument('-P', '--serialport', help="serial port to open", default="/dev/ttyUSB0") |
parser.add_argument('--delay', help="add delay before startup", type=int, default=1) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
pygame.init() |
pygame.joystick.init() |
joysticks = [pygame.joystick.Joystick(x) for x in range(pygame.joystick.get_count())] |
for joystick in joysticks: |
joystick.init() |
name = joystick.get_name() |
print("Found joystick: ") |
print(name) |
with serial.Serial(args.serialport, 115200, timeout=12) as ser: |
receivethread = threading.Thread(target=serialreceive, args=(ser,)) |
receivethread.daemon = True |
receivethread.start() |
time.sleep(args.delay) |
axis_data = {0:0,1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0} |
try: |
while True: |
for event in pygame.event.get(): |
if event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION: |
axis_data[event.axis] = round(event.value,2) |
if abs(axis_data[event.axis]) <= 0.15: |
axis_data[event.axis] = 0; |
print(axis_data) |
x = axis_data[0] |
y = axis_data[1] |
r = axis_data[3] |
m0 = +y - x - r |
m1 = +y + x - r |
m2 = -y + x - r |
m3 = -y - x - r |
m0 *= 4000 |
m1 *= 4000 |
m2 *= 4000 |
m3 *= 4000 |
command = 'S '+str(int(m0))+','+str(int(m1))+','+str(int(m2))+','+str(int(m3))+'\n' |
ser.write(bytes(command, "utf8")) |
#ser.flush() |
#time.sleep(0.05) |
print(command) |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
print("KeyboardInterrupt. Exiting") |
#ser.write(b'S 800,800,-800,-800\n') |
#time.sleep(2) |
ser.write(b'DISABLE') |
print("serial closed") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main(sys.argv[1:]) |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
.pio |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
# Continuous Integration (CI) is the practice, in software |
# engineering, of merging all developer working copies with a shared mainline |
# several times a day < https://docs.platformio.org/page/ci/index.html > |
# |
# Documentation: |
# |
# * Travis CI Embedded Builds with PlatformIO |
# < https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/integration/platformio/ > |
# |
# * PlatformIO integration with Travis CI |
# < https://docs.platformio.org/page/ci/travis.html > |
# |
# * User Guide for `platformio ci` command |
# < https://docs.platformio.org/page/userguide/cmd_ci.html > |
# |
# |
# Please choose one of the following templates (proposed below) and uncomment |
# it (remove "# " before each line) or use own configuration according to the |
# Travis CI documentation (see above). |
# |
# |
# Template #1: General project. Test it using existing `platformio.ini`. |
# |
# language: python |
# python: |
# - "2.7" |
# |
# sudo: false |
# cache: |
# directories: |
# - "~/.platformio" |
# |
# install: |
# - pip install -U platformio |
# - platformio update |
# |
# script: |
# - platformio run |
# |
# Template #2: The project is intended to be used as a library with examples. |
# |
# language: python |
# python: |
# - "2.7" |
# |
# sudo: false |
# cache: |
# directories: |
# - "~/.platformio" |
# |
# env: |
# - PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC=path/to/test/file.c |
# - PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC=examples/file.ino |
# - PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC=path/to/test/directory |
# |
# install: |
# - pip install -U platformio |
# - platformio update |
# |
# script: |
# - platformio ci --lib="." --board=ID_1 --board=ID_2 --board=ID_N |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
This directory is intended for project header files. |
A header file is a file containing C declarations and macro definitions |
to be shared between several project source files. You request the use of a |
header file in your project source file (C, C++, etc) located in `src` folder |
by including it, with the C preprocessing directive `#include'. |
```src/main.c |
#include "header.h" |
int main (void) |
{ |
... |
} |
``` |
Including a header file produces the same results as copying the header file |
into each source file that needs it. Such copying would be time-consuming |
and error-prone. With a header file, the related declarations appear |
in only one place. If they need to be changed, they can be changed in one |
place, and programs that include the header file will automatically use the |
new version when next recompiled. The header file eliminates the labor of |
finding and changing all the copies as well as the risk that a failure to |
find one copy will result in inconsistencies within a program. |
In C, the usual convention is to give header files names that end with `.h'. |
It is most portable to use only letters, digits, dashes, and underscores in |
header file names, and at most one dot. |
Read more about using header files in official GCC documentation: |
* Include Syntax |
* Include Operation |
* Once-Only Headers |
* Computed Includes |
https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Header-Files.html |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File |
; |
; Build options: build flags, source filter |
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags |
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages |
; Advanced options: extra scripting |
; |
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples |
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html |
[platformio] |
default_envs = megaatmega2560 |
#default_envs = nano |
[common] |
lib_deps = |
ToneLibrary |
# TimerOne |
# AccelStepper |
# SpeedyStepper |
[env] |
framework = arduino |
build_flags = -O2 |
#build_flags = ${common.build_flags} |
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps} |
monitor_speed = 115200 |
[env:megaatmega2560] |
platform = atmelavr |
board = megaatmega2560 |
board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L |
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps} |
[env:nano] |
platform = atmelavr |
board = nanoatmega328 |
board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L |
lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps} |
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ |
* Blink |
* Turns on an LED on for one second, |
* then off for one second, repeatedly. |
*/ |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
#include "pins/pins_TRIGORILLA_14.h" |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
#define X_DIR_PIN PD2 |
#define X_STEP_PIN PD3 |
#define X_ENABLE_PIN A0 |
#define Y_DIR_PIN PD4 |
#define Y_STEP_PIN PD5 |
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN A1 |
#define Z_DIR_PIN PD6 |
#define Z_STEP_PIN PD7 |
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN A2 |
#define E0_DIR_PIN PB0 |
#define E0_STEP_PIN PB1 |
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN A3 |
#define E1_DIR_PIN PB2 |
#define E1_STEP_PIN PB3 |
#define E1_ENABLE_PIN A4 |
#endif |
#include "stepper.h" |
const int NUM_STEPPER = 5; |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
TimerStepper stepper[NUM_STEPPER]; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
LoopStepper stepper[NUM_STEPPER]; |
#endif |
unsigned long lastMillis = 0; |
unsigned long lastCommand = 0; |
const long interval = 1000; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)
void setup() |
{ |
Serial.begin(115200); |
/* delay(500);
Serial.println("##########"); |
Serial.println("MIDI"); |
Serial.println("##########"); |
Serial.flush(); |
*/ |
// initialize LED digital pin as an output.
pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); |
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); |
stepper[0].begin( X_DIR_PIN, X_STEP_PIN, X_ENABLE_PIN); |
stepper[1].begin( Y_DIR_PIN, Y_STEP_PIN, Y_ENABLE_PIN); |
stepper[2].begin( Z_DIR_PIN, Z_STEP_PIN, Z_ENABLE_PIN); |
stepper[3].begin(E0_DIR_PIN, E0_STEP_PIN, E0_ENABLE_PIN); |
stepper[4].begin(E1_DIR_PIN, E1_STEP_PIN, E1_ENABLE_PIN); |
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STEPPER; i++) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
stepper[i].setMaxSpeed(8000); |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) |
stepper[i].setMaxSpeed(1400); |
#endif |
stepper[i].setAcceleration(4000); |
} |
// Timer0 is already used for millis() - we'll just interrupt somewhere
// in the middle and call the "Compare A" function below
OCR0A = 0xAF; |
TIMSK0 |= _BV(OCIE0A); |
} |
// Interrupt is called once a millisecond,
ISR(TIMER0_COMPA_vect) { |
for (int i=0; i<NUM_STEPPER; i++) stepper[i].loop(); |
} |
bool parseCmd(char* buf, int values[4]) { |
char cmd; |
int n = sscanf(buf, "%c %d,%d,%d,%d", &cmd, &values[0], &values[1], &values[2], &values[3]); |
if (n == 5) return true; |
else return false; |
} |
void loop() |
{ |
unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); |
if(Serial.available()) { |
String command = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); |
lastCommand = millis(); |
if (command.equals("ENABLE")) { |
stepper[0].enable(); |
stepper[1].enable(); |
stepper[2].enable(); |
stepper[3].enable(); |
//Serial.println("## ENABLE");
} else if (command.equals("DISABLE")) { |
stepper[0].disable(); |
stepper[1].disable(); |
stepper[2].disable(); |
stepper[3].disable(); |
//Serial.println("## DISABLE");
} else if (command.charAt(0) == 'A') { |
int values[4]; |
char* buf = command.c_str(); |
bool success = parseCmd(buf, values); |
if (success) { |
stepper[0].setAcceleration(values[0]); |
stepper[1].setAcceleration(values[1]); |
stepper[2].setAcceleration(values[2]); |
stepper[3].setAcceleration(values[3]); |
} |
} else if (command.charAt(0) == 'S') { |
int values[4]; |
char* buf = command.c_str(); |
bool success = parseCmd(buf, values); |
if (success) { |
stepper[0].setSpeedDirect(values[0]); |
stepper[1].setSpeedDirect(values[1]); |
stepper[2].setSpeedDirect(values[2]); |
stepper[3].setSpeedDirect(values[3]); |
Serial.print("Motor Speeds: "); |
Serial.print(values[0]); Serial.print(", "); |
Serial.print(values[1]); Serial.print(", "); |
Serial.print(values[2]); Serial.print(", "); |
Serial.print(values[3]); Serial.print("\n"); |
} |
} |
} |
if (millis() - lastCommand > 5000) { |
stepper[0].disable(); |
stepper[1].disable(); |
stepper[2].disable(); |
stepper[3].disable(); |
} |
stepper[0].setSpeed(-4000); |
stepper[1].setSpeed(-4000); |
stepper[2].setSpeed(4000); |
stepper[3].setSpeed(4000); |
delay(2000); |
stepper[0].setSpeed(0); |
stepper[1].setSpeed(0); |
stepper[2].setSpeed(0); |
stepper[3].setSpeed(0); |
while (stepper[0].isAccelerating() || stepper[1].isAccelerating() || stepper[2].isAccelerating() || stepper[3].isAccelerating()) { |
delay(20); |
} |
stepper[0].setSpeed(2400); |
stepper[1].setSpeed(2400); |
stepper[2].setSpeed(2400); |
stepper[3].setSpeed(2400); |
delay(4200); |
stepper[0].setSpeed(0); |
stepper[1].setSpeed(0); |
stepper[2].setSpeed(0); |
stepper[3].setSpeed(0); |
while (stepper[0].isAccelerating() || stepper[1].isAccelerating() || stepper[2].isAccelerating() || stepper[3].isAccelerating()) { |
delay(20); |
} |
// for (int i=0; i<NUM_STEPPER; i++) {
// stepper[i].disable();
// }
// delay(2000);
*/ |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ |
* Marlin 3D Printer Firmware |
* Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
* |
* Based on Sprinter and grbl. |
* Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm |
* |
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* |
*/ |
#pragma once |
#include "macros.h" |
#define BOARD_UNKNOWN -1 |
// RAMPS 1.3 / 1.4 - ATmega1280, ATmega2560
#define BOARD_RAMPS_OLD 1000 // MEGA/RAMPS up to 1.2
#define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFB 1010 // RAMPS 1.3 (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EEB 1011 // RAMPS 1.3 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFF 1012 // RAMPS 1.3 (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan0, Fan1)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EEF 1013 // RAMPS 1.3 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_13_SF 1014 // RAMPS 1.3 (Power outputs: Spindle, Controller Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_14_EFB 1020 // RAMPS 1.4 (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_14_EEB 1021 // RAMPS 1.4 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_14_EFF 1022 // RAMPS 1.4 (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan0, Fan1)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_14_EEF 1023 // RAMPS 1.4 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_14_SF 1024 // RAMPS 1.4 (Power outputs: Spindle, Controller Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_PLUS_EFB 1030 // RAMPS Plus 3DYMY (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_PLUS_EEB 1031 // RAMPS Plus 3DYMY (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_PLUS_EFF 1032 // RAMPS Plus 3DYMY (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan0, Fan1)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_PLUS_EEF 1033 // RAMPS Plus 3DYMY (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_PLUS_SF 1034 // RAMPS Plus 3DYMY (Power outputs: Spindle, Controller Fan)
// RAMPS Derivatives - ATmega1280, ATmega2560
#define BOARD_3DRAG 1100 // 3Drag Controller
#define BOARD_K8200 1101 // Velleman K8200 Controller (derived from 3Drag Controller)
#define BOARD_K8400 1102 // Velleman K8400 Controller (derived from 3Drag Controller)
#define BOARD_BAM_DICE 1103 // 2PrintBeta BAM&DICE with STK drivers
#define BOARD_BAM_DICE_DUE 1104 // 2PrintBeta BAM&DICE Due with STK drivers
#define BOARD_MKS_BASE 1105 // MKS BASE v1.0
#define BOARD_MKS_BASE_14 1106 // MKS BASE v1.4 with Allegro A4982 stepper drivers
#define BOARD_MKS_BASE_15 1107 // MKS BASE v1.5 with Allegro A4982 stepper drivers
#define BOARD_MKS_BASE_16 1108 // MKS BASE v1.6 with Allegro A4982 stepper drivers
#define BOARD_MKS_BASE_HEROIC 1109 // MKS BASE 1.0 with Heroic HR4982 stepper drivers
#define BOARD_MKS_GEN_13 1110 // MKS GEN v1.3 or 1.4
#define BOARD_MKS_GEN_L 1111 // MKS GEN L
#define BOARD_KFB_2 1112 // BigTreeTech or BIQU KFB2.0
#define BOARD_ZRIB_V20 1113 // zrib V2.0 control board (Chinese knock off RAMPS replica)
#define BOARD_FELIX2 1114 // Felix 2.0+ Electronics Board (RAMPS like)
#define BOARD_RIGIDBOARD 1115 // Invent-A-Part RigidBoard
#define BOARD_RIGIDBOARD_V2 1116 // Invent-A-Part RigidBoard V2
#define BOARD_SAINSMART_2IN1 1117 // Sainsmart 2-in-1 board
#define BOARD_ULTIMAKER 1118 // Ultimaker
#define BOARD_ULTIMAKER_OLD 1119 // Ultimaker (Older electronics. Pre 1.5.4. This is rare)
#define BOARD_AZTEEG_X3 1120 // Azteeg X3
#define BOARD_AZTEEG_X3_PRO 1121 // Azteeg X3 Pro
#define BOARD_ULTIMAIN_2 1122 // Ultimainboard 2.x (Uses TEMP_SENSOR 20)
#define BOARD_RUMBA 1123 // Rumba
#define BOARD_RUMBA_RAISE3D 1124 // Raise3D N series Rumba derivative
#define BOARD_RL200 1125 // Rapide Lite 200 (v1, low-cost RUMBA clone with drv)
#define BOARD_FORMBOT_TREX2PLUS 1126 // Formbot T-Rex 2 Plus
#define BOARD_FORMBOT_TREX3 1127 // Formbot T-Rex 3
#define BOARD_FORMBOT_RAPTOR 1128 // Formbot Raptor
#define BOARD_FORMBOT_RAPTOR2 1129 // Formbot Raptor 2
#define BOARD_BQ_ZUM_MEGA_3D 1130 // bq ZUM Mega 3D
#define BOARD_MAKEBOARD_MINI 1131 // MakeBoard Mini v2.1.2 is a control board sold by MicroMake
#define BOARD_TRIGORILLA_13 1132 // TriGorilla Anycubic version 1.3-based on RAMPS EFB
#define BOARD_TRIGORILLA_14 1133 // ... Ver 1.4
#define BOARD_TRIGORILLA_14_11 1134 // ... Rev 1.1 (new servo pin order)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_ENDER_4 1135 // Creality: Ender-4, CR-8
#define BOARD_RAMPS_CREALITY 1136 // Creality: CR10S, CR20, CR-X
#define BOARD_RAMPS_DAGOMA 1137 // Dagoma F5
#define BOARD_FYSETC_F6_13 1138 // FYSETC F6 1.3
#define BOARD_FYSETC_F6_14 1139 // FYSETC F6 1.4
#define BOARD_DUPLICATOR_I3_PLUS 1140 // Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus
#define BOARD_VORON 1141 // VORON Design
#define BOARD_TRONXY_V3_1_0 1142 // Tronxy TRONXY-V3-1.0
#define BOARD_Z_BOLT_X_SERIES 1143 // Z-Bolt X Series
#define BOARD_TT_OSCAR 1144 // TT OSCAR
#define BOARD_OVERLORD 1145 // Overlord/Overlord Pro
#define BOARD_HJC2560C_REV1 1146 // ADIMLab Gantry v1
#define BOARD_HJC2560C_REV2 1147 // ADIMLab Gantry v2
#define BOARD_TANGO 1148 // BIQU Tango V1
#define BOARD_MKS_GEN_L_V2 1149 // MKS GEN L V2
// RAMBo and derivatives
#define BOARD_RAMBO 1200 // Rambo
#define BOARD_MINIRAMBO 1201 // Mini-Rambo
#define BOARD_MINIRAMBO_10A 1202 // Mini-Rambo 1.0a
#define BOARD_EINSY_RAMBO 1203 // Einsy Rambo
#define BOARD_EINSY_RETRO 1204 // Einsy Retro
#define BOARD_SCOOVO_X9H 1205 // abee Scoovo X9H
// Other ATmega1280, ATmega2560
#define BOARD_CNCONTROLS_11 1300 // Cartesio CN Controls V11
#define BOARD_CNCONTROLS_12 1301 // Cartesio CN Controls V12
#define BOARD_CNCONTROLS_15 1302 // Cartesio CN Controls V15
#define BOARD_CHEAPTRONIC 1303 // Cheaptronic v1.0
#define BOARD_CHEAPTRONIC_V2 1304 // Cheaptronic v2.0
#define BOARD_MIGHTYBOARD_REVE 1305 // Makerbot Mightyboard Revision E
#define BOARD_MEGATRONICS 1306 // Megatronics
#define BOARD_MEGATRONICS_2 1307 // Megatronics v2.0
#define BOARD_MEGATRONICS_3 1308 // Megatronics v3.0
#define BOARD_MEGATRONICS_31 1309 // Megatronics v3.1
#define BOARD_MEGATRONICS_32 1310 // Megatronics v3.2
#define BOARD_ELEFU_3 1311 // Elefu Ra Board (v3)
#define BOARD_LEAPFROG 1312 // Leapfrog
#define BOARD_MEGACONTROLLER 1313 // Mega controller
#define BOARD_GT2560_REV_A 1314 // Geeetech GT2560 Rev. A
#define BOARD_GT2560_REV_A_PLUS 1315 // Geeetech GT2560 Rev. A+ (with auto level probe)
#define BOARD_GT2560_V3 1316 // Geeetech GT2560 Rev B for A10(M/D)
#define BOARD_GT2560_V3_MC2 1317 // Geeetech GT2560 Rev B for Mecreator2
#define BOARD_GT2560_V3_A20 1318 // Geeetech GT2560 Rev B for A20(M/D)
#define BOARD_EINSTART_S 1319 // Einstart retrofit
#define BOARD_WANHAO_ONEPLUS 1320 // Wanhao 0ne+ i3 Mini
#define BOARD_LEAPFROG_XEED2015 1321 // Leapfrog Xeed 2015
#define BOARD_PICA_REVB 1322 // PICA Shield (original version)
#define BOARD_PICA 1323 // PICA Shield (rev C or later)
// ATmega1281, ATmega2561
#define BOARD_MINITRONICS 1400 // Minitronics v1.0/1.1
#define BOARD_SILVER_GATE 1401 // Silvergate v1.0
// Sanguinololu and Derivatives - ATmega644P, ATmega1284P
#define BOARD_SANGUINOLOLU_11 1500 // Sanguinololu < 1.2
#define BOARD_SANGUINOLOLU_12 1501 // Sanguinololu 1.2 and above
#define BOARD_MELZI 1502 // Melzi
#define BOARD_MELZI_MAKR3D 1503 // Melzi with ATmega1284 (MaKr3d version)
#define BOARD_MELZI_CREALITY 1504 // Melzi Creality3D board (for CR-10 etc)
#define BOARD_MELZI_MALYAN 1505 // Melzi Malyan M150 board
#define BOARD_MELZI_TRONXY 1506 // Tronxy X5S
#define BOARD_STB_11 1507 // STB V1.1
#define BOARD_AZTEEG_X1 1508 // Azteeg X1
#define BOARD_ANET_10 1509 // Anet 1.0 (Melzi clone)
// Other ATmega644P, ATmega644, ATmega1284P
#define BOARD_GEN3_MONOLITHIC 1600 // Gen3 Monolithic Electronics
#define BOARD_GEN3_PLUS 1601 // Gen3+
#define BOARD_GEN6 1602 // Gen6
#define BOARD_GEN6_DELUXE 1603 // Gen6 deluxe
#define BOARD_GEN7_CUSTOM 1604 // Gen7 custom (Alfons3 Version) "https://github.com/Alfons3/Generation_7_Electronics"
#define BOARD_GEN7_12 1605 // Gen7 v1.1, v1.2
#define BOARD_GEN7_13 1606 // Gen7 v1.3
#define BOARD_GEN7_14 1607 // Gen7 v1.4
#define BOARD_OMCA_A 1608 // Alpha OMCA board
#define BOARD_OMCA 1609 // Final OMCA board
#define BOARD_SETHI 1610 // Sethi 3D_1
// Teensyduino - AT90USB1286, AT90USB1286P
#define BOARD_TEENSYLU 1700 // Teensylu
#define BOARD_PRINTRBOARD 1701 // Printrboard (AT90USB1286)
#define BOARD_PRINTRBOARD_REVF 1702 // Printrboard Revision F (AT90USB1286)
#define BOARD_BRAINWAVE 1703 // Brainwave (AT90USB646)
#define BOARD_BRAINWAVE_PRO 1704 // Brainwave Pro (AT90USB1286)
#define BOARD_SAV_MKI 1705 // SAV Mk-I (AT90USB1286)
#define BOARD_TEENSY2 1706 // Teensy++2.0 (AT90USB1286)
#define BOARD_5DPRINT 1707 // 5DPrint D8 Driver Board
// LPC1768 ARM Cortex M3
#define BOARD_RAMPS_14_RE_ARM_EFB 2000 // Re-ARM with RAMPS 1.4 (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_14_RE_ARM_EEB 2001 // Re-ARM with RAMPS 1.4 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_14_RE_ARM_EFF 2002 // Re-ARM with RAMPS 1.4 (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan0, Fan1)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_14_RE_ARM_EEF 2003 // Re-ARM with RAMPS 1.4 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_14_RE_ARM_SF 2004 // Re-ARM with RAMPS 1.4 (Power outputs: Spindle, Controller Fan)
#define BOARD_MKS_SBASE 2005 // MKS-Sbase (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed, Fan)
#define BOARD_AZSMZ_MINI 2006 // AZSMZ Mini
#define BOARD_BIQU_BQ111_A4 2007 // BIQU BQ111-A4 (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_SELENA_COMPACT 2008 // Selena Compact (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed0, Bed1, Fan0, Fan1)
#define BOARD_BIQU_B300_V1_0 2009 // BIQU B300_V1.0 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Fan, Bed, SPI Driver)
#define BOARD_MKS_SGEN_L 2010 // MKS-SGen-L (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed, Fan)
#define BOARD_GMARSH_X6_REV1 2011 // GMARSH X6 board, revision 1 prototype
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_1 2012 // BigTreeTech SKR v1.1 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_3 2013 // BigTreeTech SKR v1.3 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_4 2014 // BigTreeTech SKR v1.4 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan, Bed)
// LPC1769 ARM Cortex M3
#define BOARD_MKS_SGEN 2500 // MKS-SGen (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed, Fan)
#define BOARD_AZTEEG_X5_GT 2501 // Azteeg X5 GT (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed, Fan)
#define BOARD_AZTEEG_X5_MINI 2502 // Azteeg X5 Mini (Power outputs: Hotend0, Bed, Fan)
#define BOARD_AZTEEG_X5_MINI_WIFI 2503 // Azteeg X5 Mini Wifi (Power outputs: Hotend0, Bed, Fan)
#define BOARD_COHESION3D_REMIX 2504 // Cohesion3D ReMix
#define BOARD_COHESION3D_MINI 2505 // Cohesion3D Mini
#define BOARD_SMOOTHIEBOARD 2506 // Smoothieboard
#define BOARD_TH3D_EZBOARD 2507 // TH3D EZBoard v1.0
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_4_TURBO 2508 // BigTreeTech SKR v1.4 TURBO (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan, Bed)
// SAM3X8E ARM Cortex M3
#define BOARD_DUE3DOM 3000 // DUE3DOM for Arduino DUE
#define BOARD_DUE3DOM_MINI 3001 // DUE3DOM MINI for Arduino DUE
#define BOARD_RADDS 3002 // RADDS
#define BOARD_RAMPS_FD_V1 3003 // RAMPS-FD v1
#define BOARD_RAMPS_FD_V2 3004 // RAMPS-FD v2
#define BOARD_RAMPS_SMART_EFB 3005 // RAMPS-SMART (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_SMART_EEB 3006 // RAMPS-SMART (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_SMART_EFF 3007 // RAMPS-SMART (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan0, Fan1)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_SMART_EEF 3008 // RAMPS-SMART (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_SMART_SF 3009 // RAMPS-SMART (Power outputs: Spindle, Controller Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_DUO_EFB 3010 // RAMPS Duo (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_DUO_EEB 3011 // RAMPS Duo (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_DUO_EFF 3012 // RAMPS Duo (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan0, Fan1)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_DUO_EEF 3013 // RAMPS Duo (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS_DUO_SF 3014 // RAMPS Duo (Power outputs: Spindle, Controller Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS4DUE_EFB 3015 // RAMPS4DUE (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS4DUE_EEB 3016 // RAMPS4DUE (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed)
#define BOARD_RAMPS4DUE_EFF 3017 // RAMPS4DUE (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan0, Fan1)
#define BOARD_RAMPS4DUE_EEF 3018 // RAMPS4DUE (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan)
#define BOARD_RAMPS4DUE_SF 3019 // RAMPS4DUE (Power outputs: Spindle, Controller Fan)
#define BOARD_RURAMPS4D_11 3020 // RuRAMPS4Duo v1.1 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Hotend2, Fan0, Fan1, Bed)
#define BOARD_RURAMPS4D_13 3021 // RuRAMPS4Duo v1.3 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Hotend2, Fan0, Fan1, Bed)
#define BOARD_ULTRATRONICS_PRO 3022 // ReprapWorld Ultratronics Pro V1.0
#define BOARD_ARCHIM1 3023 // UltiMachine Archim1 (with DRV8825 drivers)
#define BOARD_ARCHIM2 3024 // UltiMachine Archim2 (with TMC2130 drivers)
#define BOARD_ALLIGATOR 3025 // Alligator Board R2
#define BOARD_CNCONTROLS_15D 3026 // Cartesio CN Controls V15 on DUE
// SAM3X8C ARM Cortex M3
#define BOARD_ADSK 3101 // Arduino DUE Shield Kit (ADSK)
// STM32 ARM Cortex-M3
#define BOARD_STM32F103RE 4000 // STM32F103RE Libmaple-based STM32F1 controller
#define BOARD_MALYAN_M200 4001 // STM32C8T6 Libmaple-based STM32F1 controller
#define BOARD_STM3R_MINI 4002 // STM32F103RE Libmaple-based STM32F1 controller
#define BOARD_GTM32_PRO_VB 4003 // STM32F103VET6 controller
#define BOARD_MORPHEUS 4004 // STM32F103C8 / STM32F103CB Libmaple-based STM32F1 controller
#define BOARD_CHITU3D 4005 // Chitu3D (STM32F103RET6)
#define BOARD_MKS_ROBIN 4006 // MKS Robin (STM32F103ZET6)
#define BOARD_MKS_ROBIN_MINI 4007 // MKS Robin Mini (STM32F103VET6)
#define BOARD_MKS_ROBIN_NANO 4008 // MKS Robin Nano (STM32F103VET6)
#define BOARD_MKS_ROBIN_LITE 4009 // MKS Robin Lite/Lite2 (STM32F103RCT6)
#define BOARD_MKS_ROBIN_LITE3 4010 // MKS Robin Lite3 (STM32F103RCT6)
#define BOARD_MKS_ROBIN_PRO 4011 // MKS Robin Pro (STM32F103ZET6)
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_MINI_V1_1 4012 // BigTreeTech SKR Mini v1.1 (STM32F103RC)
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_MINI_E3_V1_0 4013 // BigTreeTech SKR Mini E3 (STM32F103RC)
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_MINI_E3_V1_2 4014 // BigTreeTech SKR Mini E3 V1.2 (STM32F103RC)
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_E3_DIP 4015 // BigTreeTech SKR E3 DIP V1.0 (STM32F103RC / STM32F103RE)
#define BOARD_JGAURORA_A5S_A1 4016 // JGAurora A5S A1 (STM32F103ZET6)
#define BOARD_FYSETC_CHEETAH 4018 // FYSETC Cheetah
#define BOARD_FYSETC_CHEETAH_V12 4019 // FYSETC Cheetah V1.2
#define BOARD_LONGER3D_LK 4020 // Alfawise U20/U20+/U30 (Longer3D LK1/2) / STM32F103VET6
#define BOARD_GTM32_MINI 4021 // STM32F103VET6 controller
#define BOARD_GTM32_MINI_A30 4022 // STM32F103VET6 controller
#define BOARD_GTM32_REV_B 4023 // STM32F103VET6 controller
// ARM Cortex-M4F
#define BOARD_TEENSY31_32 4100 // Teensy3.1 and Teensy3.2
#define BOARD_TEENSY35_36 4101 // Teensy3.5 and Teensy3.6
// STM32 ARM Cortex-M4F
#define BOARD_BEAST 4200 // STM32F4xxVxT6 Libmaple-based STM32F4 controller
#define BOARD_GENERIC_STM32F4 4201 // STM32 STM32GENERIC-based STM32F4 controller
#define BOARD_ARMED 4202 // Arm'ed STM32F4-based controller
#define BOARD_RUMBA32_AUS3D 4203 // RUMBA32 STM32F446VET6 based controller from Aus3D
#define BOARD_RUMBA32_MKS 4204 // RUMBA32 STM32F446VET6 based controller from Makerbase
#define BOARD_BLACK_STM32F407VE 4205 // BLACK_STM32F407VE
#define BOARD_BLACK_STM32F407ZE 4206 // BLACK_STM32F407ZE
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_PRO_V1_1 4208 // BigTreeTech SKR Pro v1.1 (STM32F407ZG)
#define BOARD_BTT_BTT002_V1_0 4209 // BigTreeTech BTT002 v1.0 (STM32F407VE)
#define BOARD_BTT_GTR_V1_0 4210 // BigTreeTech GTR v1.0 (STM32F407IGT)
#define BOARD_LERDGE_K 4211 // Lerdge K (STM32F407ZG)
#define BOARD_LERDGE_X 4212 // Lerdge X (STM32F407VE)
#define BOARD_VAKE403D 4213 // VAkE 403D (STM32F446VET6)
#define BOARD_FYSETC_S6 4214 // FYSETC S6 board
#define BOARD_FLYF407ZG 4215 // FLYF407ZG board (STM32F407ZG)
#define BOARD_MKS_ROBIN2 4216 // MKS_ROBIN2 (STM32F407ZE)
// ARM Cortex M7
#define BOARD_THE_BORG 5000 // THE-BORG (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed, Fan)
#define BOARD_REMRAM_V1 5001 // RemRam v1
// Espressif ESP32 WiFi
#define BOARD_ESPRESSIF_ESP32 6000 // Generic ESP32
#define BOARD_MRR_ESPA 6001 // MRR ESPA board based on ESP32 (native pins only)
#define BOARD_MRR_ESPE 6002 // MRR ESPE board based on ESP32 (with I2S stepper stream)
#define BOARD_E4D_BOX 6003 // E4d@BOX
// SAMD51 ARM Cortex M4
#define BOARD_AGCM4_RAMPS_144 6100 // RAMPS 1.4.4
// Simulations
#define BOARD_LINUX_RAMPS 9999 |
#define _MB_1(B) (defined(BOARD_##B) && MOTHERBOARD==BOARD_##B) |
#define MB(V...) DO(MB,||,V) |
@ -0,0 +1,479 @@ |
* Marlin 3D Printer Firmware |
* Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
* |
* Based on Sprinter and grbl. |
* Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm |
* |
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* |
*/ |
#pragma once |
#define ABCE 4 |
#define XYZE 4 |
#define ABC 3 |
#define XYZ 3 |
#define XY 2 |
#define _AXIS(A) (A##_AXIS) |
#define _XMIN_ 100 |
#define _YMIN_ 200 |
#define _ZMIN_ 300 |
#define _XMAX_ 101 |
#define _YMAX_ 201 |
#define _ZMAX_ 301 |
#define _XDIAG_ 102 |
#define _YDIAG_ 202 |
#define _ZDIAG_ 302 |
#define _E0DIAG_ 400 |
#define _E1DIAG_ 401 |
#define _E2DIAG_ 402 |
#define _E3DIAG_ 403 |
#define _E4DIAG_ 404 |
#define _E5DIAG_ 405 |
#define _E6DIAG_ 406 |
#define _E7DIAG_ 407 |
#define _FORCE_INLINE_ __attribute__((__always_inline__)) __inline__ |
#define FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) inline |
#define _UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) |
#define _O0 __attribute__((optimize("O0"))) |
#define _Os __attribute__((optimize("Os"))) |
#define _O1 __attribute__((optimize("O1"))) |
#define _O2 __attribute__((optimize("O2"))) |
#define _O3 __attribute__((optimize("O3"))) |
#ifndef UNUSED |
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32) && !defined(STM32GENERIC) |
#define UNUSED(X) (void)X |
#else |
#define UNUSED(x) ((void)(x)) |
#endif |
#endif |
// Clock speed factors
#if !defined(CYCLES_PER_MICROSECOND) && !defined(__STM32F1__) |
#define CYCLES_PER_MICROSECOND (F_CPU / 1000000UL) // 16 or 20 on AVR
#endif |
// Nanoseconds per cycle
#define NANOSECONDS_PER_CYCLE (1000000000.0 / F_CPU) |
// Macros to make sprintf_P read from PROGMEM (AVR extension)
#ifdef __AVR__ |
#define S_FMT "%S" |
#else |
#define S_FMT "%s" |
#endif |
// Macros to make a string from a macro
#define STRINGIFY_(M) #M |
#define A(CODE) " " CODE "\n\t" |
#define L(CODE) CODE ":\n\t" |
// Macros for bit masks
#undef _BV |
#define _BV(n) (1<<(n)) |
#define TEST(n,b) (!!((n)&_BV(b))) |
#define SET_BIT_TO(N,B,TF) do{ if (TF) SBI(N,B); else CBI(N,B); }while(0) |
#ifndef SBI |
#define SBI(A,B) (A |= (1 << (B))) |
#endif |
#ifndef CBI |
#define CBI(A,B) (A &= ~(1 << (B))) |
#endif |
#define _BV32(b) (1UL << (b)) |
#define TEST32(n,b) !!((n)&_BV32(b)) |
#define SBI32(n,b) (n |= _BV32(b)) |
#define CBI32(n,b) (n &= ~_BV32(b)) |
#define cu(x) ((x)*(x)*(x)) |
#define RADIANS(d) ((d)*float(M_PI)/180.0f) |
#define DEGREES(r) ((r)*180.0f/float(M_PI)) |
#define HYPOT2(x,y) (sq(x)+sq(y)) |
#define CIRCLE_AREA(R) (float(M_PI) * sq(float(R))) |
#define CIRCLE_CIRC(R) (2 * float(M_PI) * float(R)) |
#define SIGN(a) ((a>0)-(a<0)) |
#define IS_POWER_OF_2(x) ((x) && !((x) & ((x) - 1))) |
// Macros to constrain values
#ifdef __cplusplus |
// C++11 solution that is standards compliant.
template <class V, class N> static inline constexpr void NOLESS(V& v, const N n) { |
if (n > v) v = n; |
} |
template <class V, class N> static inline constexpr void NOMORE(V& v, const N n) { |
if (n < v) v = n; |
} |
template <class V, class N1, class N2> static inline constexpr void LIMIT(V& v, const N1 n1, const N2 n2) { |
if (n1 > v) v = n1; |
else if (n2 < v) v = n2; |
} |
#else |
// Using GCC extensions, but Travis GCC version does not like it and gives
// "error: statement-expressions are not allowed outside functions nor in template-argument lists"
#define NOLESS(v, n) \ |
do{ \ |
__typeof__(n) _n = (n); \ |
if (_n > v) v = _n; \ |
}while(0) |
#define NOMORE(v, n) \ |
do{ \ |
__typeof__(n) _n = (n); \ |
if (_n < v) v = _n; \ |
}while(0) |
#define LIMIT(v, n1, n2) \ |
do{ \ |
__typeof__(n1) _n1 = (n1); \ |
__typeof__(n2) _n2 = (n2); \ |
if (_n1 > v) v = _n1; \ |
else if (_n2 < v) v = _n2; \ |
}while(0) |
#endif |
// Macros to chain up to 12 conditions
#define _DO_1(W,C,A) (_##W##_1(A)) |
#define _DO_2(W,C,A,B) (_##W##_1(A) C _##W##_1(B)) |
#define _DO_3(W,C,A,V...) (_##W##_1(A) C _DO_2(W,C,V)) |
#define _DO_4(W,C,A,V...) (_##W##_1(A) C _DO_3(W,C,V)) |
#define _DO_5(W,C,A,V...) (_##W##_1(A) C _DO_4(W,C,V)) |
#define _DO_6(W,C,A,V...) (_##W##_1(A) C _DO_5(W,C,V)) |
#define _DO_7(W,C,A,V...) (_##W##_1(A) C _DO_6(W,C,V)) |
#define _DO_8(W,C,A,V...) (_##W##_1(A) C _DO_7(W,C,V)) |
#define _DO_9(W,C,A,V...) (_##W##_1(A) C _DO_8(W,C,V)) |
#define _DO_10(W,C,A,V...) (_##W##_1(A) C _DO_9(W,C,V)) |
#define _DO_11(W,C,A,V...) (_##W##_1(A) C _DO_10(W,C,V)) |
#define _DO_12(W,C,A,V...) (_##W##_1(A) C _DO_11(W,C,V)) |
#define __DO_N(W,C,N,V...) _DO_##N(W,C,V) |
#define _DO_N(W,C,N,V...) __DO_N(W,C,N,V) |
#define DO(W,C,V...) _DO_N(W,C,NUM_ARGS(V),V) |
// Macros to support option testing
#define _CAT(a,V...) a##V |
#define CAT(a,V...) _CAT(a,V) |
#define SWITCH_ENABLED_false 0 |
#define SWITCH_ENABLED_true 1 |
#define SWITCH_ENABLED_0 0 |
#define SWITCH_ENABLED_1 1 |
#define SWITCH_ENABLED_0x0 0 |
#define SWITCH_ENABLED_0x1 1 |
#define SWITCH_ENABLED_ 1 |
#define _ENA_1(O) _CAT(SWITCH_ENABLED_, O) |
#define _DIS_1(O) !_ENA_1(O) |
#define ENABLED(V...) DO(ENA,&&,V) |
#define DISABLED(V...) DO(DIS,&&,V) |
#define ANY(V...) !DISABLED(V) |
#define NONE(V...) DISABLED(V) |
#define ALL(V...) ENABLED(V) |
#define BOTH(V1,V2) ALL(V1,V2) |
#define EITHER(V1,V2) ANY(V1,V2) |
// Macros to support pins/buttons exist testing
#define PIN_EXISTS(PN) (defined(PN##_PIN) && PN##_PIN >= 0) |
#define _PINEX_1 PIN_EXISTS |
#define PINS_EXIST(V...) DO(PINEX,&&,V) |
#define ANY_PIN(V...) DO(PINEX,||,V) |
#define BUTTON_EXISTS(BN) (defined(BTN_##BN) && BTN_##BN >= 0) |
#define BUTTONS_EXIST(V...) DO(BTNEX,&&,V) |
#define ANY_BUTTON(V...) DO(BTNEX,||,V) |
#define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H)) |
#define NUMERIC(a) WITHIN(a, '0', '9') |
#define DECIMAL(a) (NUMERIC(a) || a == '.') |
#define NUMERIC_SIGNED(a) (NUMERIC(a) || (a) == '-' || (a) == '+') |
#define DECIMAL_SIGNED(a) (DECIMAL(a) || (a) == '-' || (a) == '+') |
#define COUNT(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a)) |
#define ZERO(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a)) |
#define COPY(a,b) do{ \ |
static_assert(sizeof(a[0]) == sizeof(b[0]), "COPY: '" STRINGIFY(a) "' and '" STRINGIFY(b) "' types (sizes) don't match!"); \ |
memcpy(&a[0],&b[0],_MIN(sizeof(a),sizeof(b))); \ |
}while(0) |
// Macros for initializing arrays
#define LIST_16(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,...) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P |
#define LIST_15(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,...) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O |
#define LIST_14(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,...) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N |
#define LIST_13(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,...) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M |
#define LIST_12(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,...) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L |
#define LIST_11(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,...) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K |
#define LIST_10(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,...) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J |
#define LIST_9( A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,...) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I |
#define LIST_8( A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,...) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H |
#define LIST_7( A,B,C,D,E,F,G,...) A,B,C,D,E,F,G |
#define LIST_6( A,B,C,D,E,F,...) A,B,C,D,E,F |
#define LIST_5( A,B,C,D,E,...) A,B,C,D,E |
#define LIST_4( A,B,C,D,...) A,B,C,D |
#define LIST_3( A,B,C,...) A,B,C |
#define LIST_2( A,B,...) A,B |
#define LIST_1( A,...) A |
#define _LIST_N(N,V...) LIST_##N(V) |
#define LIST_N(N,V...) _LIST_N(N,V) |
#define ARRAY_N(N,V...) { _LIST_N(N,V) } |
#define _JOIN_1(O) (O) |
#define JOIN_N(N,C,V...) (DO(JOIN,C,LIST_N(N,V))) |
#define NOOP (void(0)) |
#define CEILING(x,y) (((x) + (y) - 1) / (y)) |
#undef ABS |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
template <class T> static inline constexpr const T ABS(const T v) { return v >= 0 ? v : -v; } |
#else |
#define ABS(a) ({__typeof__(a) _a = (a); _a >= 0 ? _a : -_a;}) |
#endif |
#define UNEAR_ZERO(x) ((x) < 0.000001f) |
#define NEAR_ZERO(x) WITHIN(x, -0.000001f, 0.000001f) |
#define NEAR(x,y) NEAR_ZERO((x)-(y)) |
#define RECIPROCAL(x) (NEAR_ZERO(x) ? 0 : (1 / float(x))) |
#define FIXFLOAT(f) (f + (f < 0 ? -0.00005f : 0.00005f)) |
// Maths macros that can be overridden by HAL
#define ACOS(x) acosf(x) |
#define ATAN2(y, x) atan2f(y, x) |
#define POW(x, y) powf(x, y) |
#define SQRT(x) sqrtf(x) |
#define RSQRT(x) (1.0f / sqrtf(x)) |
#define CEIL(x) ceilf(x) |
#define FLOOR(x) floorf(x) |
#define LROUND(x) lroundf(x) |
#define FMOD(x, y) fmodf(x, y) |
#define HYPOT(x,y) SQRT(HYPOT2(x,y)) |
#ifdef TARGET_LPC1768 |
#define I2C_ADDRESS(A) ((A) << 1) |
#else |
#define I2C_ADDRESS(A) A |
#endif |
// Use NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__) to get the number of variadic arguments
#define _NUM_ARGS(_,Z,Y,X,W,V,U,T,S,R,Q,P,O,N,M,L,K,J,I,H,G,F,E,D,C,B,A,OUT,...) OUT |
#define NUM_ARGS(V...) _NUM_ARGS(0,V,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0) |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
#ifndef _MINMAX_H_ |
#define _MINMAX_H_ |
extern "C++" { |
// C++11 solution that is standards compliant. Return type is deduced automatically
template <class L, class R> static inline constexpr auto _MIN(const L lhs, const R rhs) -> decltype(lhs + rhs) { |
return lhs < rhs ? lhs : rhs; |
} |
template <class L, class R> static inline constexpr auto _MAX(const L lhs, const R rhs) -> decltype(lhs + rhs) { |
return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs; |
} |
template<class T, class ... Ts> static inline constexpr const T _MIN(T V, Ts... Vs) { return _MIN(V, _MIN(Vs...)); } |
template<class T, class ... Ts> static inline constexpr const T _MAX(T V, Ts... Vs) { return _MAX(V, _MAX(Vs...)); } |
} |
#endif |
#else |
#define MIN_2(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) |
#define MIN_3(a,V...) MIN_2(a,MIN_2(V)) |
#define MIN_4(a,V...) MIN_2(a,MIN_3(V)) |
#define MIN_5(a,V...) MIN_2(a,MIN_4(V)) |
#define MIN_6(a,V...) MIN_2(a,MIN_5(V)) |
#define MIN_7(a,V...) MIN_2(a,MIN_6(V)) |
#define MIN_8(a,V...) MIN_2(a,MIN_7(V)) |
#define MIN_9(a,V...) MIN_2(a,MIN_8(V)) |
#define MIN_10(a,V...) MIN_2(a,MIN_9(V)) |
#define __MIN_N(N,V...) MIN_##N(V) |
#define _MIN_N(N,V...) __MIN_N(N,V) |
#define _MIN(V...) _MIN_N(NUM_ARGS(V), V) |
#define MAX_2(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) |
#define MAX_3(a,V...) MAX_2(a,MAX_2(V)) |
#define MAX_4(a,V...) MAX_2(a,MAX_3(V)) |
#define MAX_5(a,V...) MAX_2(a,MAX_4(V)) |
#define MAX_6(a,V...) MAX_2(a,MAX_5(V)) |
#define MAX_7(a,V...) MAX_2(a,MAX_6(V)) |
#define MAX_8(a,V...) MAX_2(a,MAX_7(V)) |
#define MAX_9(a,V...) MAX_2(a,MAX_8(V)) |
#define MAX_10(a,V...) MAX_2(a,MAX_9(V)) |
#define __MAX_N(N,V...) MAX_##N(V) |
#define _MAX_N(N,V...) __MAX_N(N,V) |
#define _MAX(V...) _MAX_N(NUM_ARGS(V), V) |
#endif |
// Macros for adding
#define INC_0 1 |
#define INC_1 2 |
#define INC_2 3 |
#define INC_3 4 |
#define INC_4 5 |
#define INC_5 6 |
#define INC_6 7 |
#define INC_7 8 |
#define INC_8 9 |
#define INCREMENT_(n) INC_##n |
#define INCREMENT(n) INCREMENT_(n) |
#define ADD0(N) N |
#define ADD1(N) INCREMENT_(N) |
#define ADD2(N) ADD1(ADD1(N)) |
#define ADD3(N) ADD1(ADD2(N)) |
#define ADD4(N) ADD2(ADD2(N)) |
#define ADD5(N) ADD2(ADD3(N)) |
#define ADD6(N) ADD3(ADD3(N)) |
#define ADD7(N) ADD3(ADD4(N)) |
#define ADD8(N) ADD4(ADD4(N)) |
#define ADD9(N) ADD4(ADD5(N)) |
#define ADD10(N) ADD5(ADD5(N)) |
// Macros for subtracting
#define DEC_0 0 |
#define DEC_1 0 |
#define DEC_2 1 |
#define DEC_3 2 |
#define DEC_4 3 |
#define DEC_5 4 |
#define DEC_6 5 |
#define DEC_7 6 |
#define DEC_8 7 |
#define DEC_9 8 |
#define DECREMENT_(n) DEC_##n |
#define DECREMENT(n) DECREMENT_(n) |
#define SUB0(N) N |
#define SUB1(N) DECREMENT_(N) |
#define SUB2(N) SUB1(SUB1(N)) |
#define SUB3(N) SUB1(SUB2(N)) |
#define SUB4(N) SUB2(SUB2(N)) |
#define SUB5(N) SUB2(SUB3(N)) |
#define SUB6(N) SUB3(SUB3(N)) |
#define SUB7(N) SUB3(SUB4(N)) |
#define SUB8(N) SUB4(SUB4(N)) |
#define SUB9(N) SUB4(SUB5(N)) |
#define SUB10(N) SUB5(SUB5(N)) |
// Primitives supporting precompiler REPEAT
#define FIRST(a,...) a |
#define SECOND(a,b,...) b |
// Defer expansion
#define EMPTY() |
#define DEFER(M) M EMPTY() |
#define DEFER2(M) M EMPTY EMPTY()() |
#define DEFER3(M) M EMPTY EMPTY EMPTY()()() |
// Force define expansion
#define EVAL(V...) EVAL16(V) |
#define EVAL1024(V...) EVAL512(EVAL512(V)) |
#define EVAL512(V...) EVAL256(EVAL256(V)) |
#define EVAL256(V...) EVAL128(EVAL128(V)) |
#define EVAL128(V...) EVAL64(EVAL64(V)) |
#define EVAL64(V...) EVAL32(EVAL32(V)) |
#define EVAL32(V...) EVAL16(EVAL16(V)) |
#define EVAL16(V...) EVAL8(EVAL8(V)) |
#define EVAL8(V...) EVAL4(EVAL4(V)) |
#define EVAL4(V...) EVAL2(EVAL2(V)) |
#define EVAL2(V...) EVAL1(EVAL1(V)) |
#define EVAL1(V...) V |
#define IS_PROBE(V...) SECOND(V, 0) // Get the second item passed, or 0
#define PROBE() ~, 1 // Second item will be 1 if this is passed
#define _NOT_0 PROBE() |
#define NOT(x) IS_PROBE(_CAT(_NOT_, x)) // NOT('0') gets '1'. Anything else gets '0'.
#define _BOOL(x) NOT(NOT(x)) // NOT('0') gets '0'. Anything else gets '1'.
#define IF_ELSE(TF) _IF_ELSE(_BOOL(TF)) |
#define _IF_ELSE(TF) _CAT(_IF_, TF) |
#define _IF_1(V...) V _IF_1_ELSE |
#define _IF_0(...) _IF_0_ELSE |
#define _IF_1_ELSE(...) |
#define _IF_0_ELSE(V...) V |
#define _END_OF_ARGUMENTS_() 0 |
// REPEAT core macros. Recurse N times with ascending I.
// Call OP(I) N times with ascending counter.
#define _REPEAT(_RPT_I,_RPT_N,_RPT_OP) \ |
_RPT_OP(_RPT_I) \ |
( DEFER2(__REPEAT)()(ADD1(_RPT_I),SUB1(_RPT_N),_RPT_OP) ) \ |
( /* Do nothing */ ) |
#define __REPEAT() _REPEAT |
// Call OP(I, ...) N times with ascending counter.
#define _REPEAT2(_RPT_I,_RPT_N,_RPT_OP,V...) \ |
_RPT_OP(_RPT_I,V) \ |
( DEFER2(__REPEAT2)()(ADD1(_RPT_I),SUB1(_RPT_N),_RPT_OP,V) ) \ |
( /* Do nothing */ ) |
#define __REPEAT2() _REPEAT2 |
// Repeat a macro passing S...N-1.
#define REPEAT(N,OP) REPEAT_S(0,N,OP) |
// Repeat a macro passing 0...N-1 plus additional arguments.
#define REPEAT2_S(S,N,OP,V...) EVAL(_REPEAT2(S,SUB##S(N),OP,V)) |
#define REPEAT2(N,OP,V...) REPEAT2_S(0,N,OP,V) |
// Use RREPEAT macros with REPEAT macros for nesting
#define _RREPEAT(_RPT_I,_RPT_N,_RPT_OP) \ |
_RPT_OP(_RPT_I) \ |
( DEFER2(__RREPEAT)()(ADD1(_RPT_I),SUB1(_RPT_N),_RPT_OP) ) \ |
( /* Do nothing */ ) |
#define __RREPEAT() _RREPEAT |
#define _RREPEAT2(_RPT_I,_RPT_N,_RPT_OP,V...) \ |
_RPT_OP(_RPT_I,V) \ |
( DEFER2(__RREPEAT2)()(ADD1(_RPT_I),SUB1(_RPT_N),_RPT_OP,V) ) \ |
( /* Do nothing */ ) |
#define __RREPEAT2() _RREPEAT2 |
#define RREPEAT2_S(S,N,OP,V...) EVAL(_RREPEAT2(S,SUB##S(N),OP,V)) |
#define RREPEAT2(N,OP,V...) RREPEAT2_S(0,N,OP,V) |
@ -0,0 +1,713 @@ |
* Marlin 3D Printer Firmware |
* Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
* |
* Based on Sprinter and grbl. |
* Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm |
* |
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* |
*/ |
#pragma once |
* Arduino Mega with RAMPS v1.4 (or v1.3) pin assignments |
* |
* Applies to the following boards: |
* |
* RAMPS_14_EFB (Hotend, Fan, Bed) |
* RAMPS_14_EEB (Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed) |
* RAMPS_14_EFF (Hotend, Fan0, Fan1) |
* RAMPS_14_EEF (Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan) |
* RAMPS_14_SF (Spindle, Controller Fan) |
* |
* RAMPS_13_EFB (Hotend, Fan, Bed) |
* RAMPS_13_EEB (Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed) |
* RAMPS_13_EFF (Hotend, Fan0, Fan1) |
* RAMPS_13_EEF (Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan) |
* RAMPS_13_SF (Spindle, Controller Fan) |
* |
* Other pins_MYBOARD.h files may override these defaults |
* |
* Differences between |
* RAMPS_13 | RAMPS_14 |
* 7 | 11 |
*/ |
#ifdef TARGET_LPC1768 |
#error "Oops! Set MOTHERBOARD to an LPC1768-based board when building for LPC1768." |
#elif defined(__STM32F1__) |
#error "Oops! Set MOTHERBOARD to an STM32F1-based board when building for STM32F1." |
#endif |
#if !defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) && !defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
#error "Oops! Select 'Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560' in 'Tools > Board.'" |
#endif |
#endif |
#define BOARD_INFO_NAME "RAMPS 1.4" |
#endif |
// Servos
#ifndef SERVO0_PIN |
#ifdef IS_RAMPS_13 |
#define SERVO0_PIN 7 |
#else |
#define SERVO0_PIN 11 |
#endif |
#endif |
#ifndef SERVO1_PIN |
#define SERVO1_PIN 6 |
#endif |
#ifndef SERVO2_PIN |
#define SERVO2_PIN 5 |
#endif |
#ifndef SERVO3_PIN |
#define SERVO3_PIN 4 |
#endif |
// Limit Switches
#ifndef X_STOP_PIN |
#ifndef X_MIN_PIN |
#define X_MIN_PIN 3 |
#endif |
#ifndef X_MAX_PIN |
#define X_MAX_PIN 2 |
#endif |
#endif |
#ifndef Y_STOP_PIN |
#ifndef Y_MIN_PIN |
#define Y_MIN_PIN 14 |
#endif |
#ifndef Y_MAX_PIN |
#define Y_MAX_PIN 15 |
#endif |
#endif |
#ifndef Z_STOP_PIN |
#ifndef Z_MIN_PIN |
#define Z_MIN_PIN 18 |
#endif |
#ifndef Z_MAX_PIN |
#define Z_MAX_PIN 19 |
#endif |
#endif |
// Z Probe (when not Z_MIN_PIN)
#ifndef Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN |
#define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN 32 |
#endif |
// Steppers
#define X_STEP_PIN 54 |
#define X_DIR_PIN 55 |
#define X_ENABLE_PIN 38 |
#ifndef X_CS_PIN |
#define X_CS_PIN 53 |
#endif |
#define Y_STEP_PIN 60 |
#define Y_DIR_PIN 61 |
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN 56 |
#ifndef Y_CS_PIN |
#define Y_CS_PIN 49 |
#endif |
#define Z_STEP_PIN 46 |
#define Z_DIR_PIN 48 |
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN 62 |
#ifndef Z_CS_PIN |
#define Z_CS_PIN 40 |
#endif |
#define E0_STEP_PIN 26 |
#define E0_DIR_PIN 28 |
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN 24 |
#ifndef E0_CS_PIN |
#define E0_CS_PIN 42 |
#endif |
#define E1_STEP_PIN 36 |
#define E1_DIR_PIN 34 |
#define E1_ENABLE_PIN 30 |
#ifndef E1_CS_PIN |
#define E1_CS_PIN 44 |
#endif |
// Temperature Sensors
#ifndef TEMP_0_PIN |
#define TEMP_0_PIN 13 // Analog Input
#endif |
#ifndef TEMP_1_PIN |
#define TEMP_1_PIN 15 // Analog Input
#endif |
#ifndef TEMP_BED_PIN |
#define TEMP_BED_PIN 14 // Analog Input
#endif |
// SPI for Max6675 or Max31855 Thermocouple
#define MAX6675_SS_PIN 66 // Don't use 53 if using Display/SD card
#else |
#define MAX6675_SS_PIN 66 // Don't use 49 (SD_DETECT_PIN)
#endif |
// Augmentation for auto-assigning RAMPS plugs
#if HOTENDS > 1 |
#define IS_RAMPS_EEB |
#else |
#define IS_RAMPS_EEF |
#endif |
#define IS_RAMPS_EFB |
#else |
#define IS_RAMPS_EFF |
#endif |
#endif |
// Heaters / Fans
#ifndef MOSFET_D_PIN |
#define MOSFET_D_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef RAMPS_D8_PIN |
#define RAMPS_D8_PIN 8 |
#endif |
#ifndef RAMPS_D9_PIN |
#define RAMPS_D9_PIN 9 |
#endif |
#ifndef RAMPS_D10_PIN |
#define RAMPS_D10_PIN 10 |
#endif |
#define HEATER_0_PIN RAMPS_D10_PIN |
#if ENABLED(IS_RAMPS_EFB) // Hotend, Fan, Bed
#elif ENABLED(IS_RAMPS_EEF) // Hotend, Hotend, Fan
#elif ENABLED(IS_RAMPS_EEB) // Hotend, Hotend, Bed
#elif ENABLED(IS_RAMPS_EFF) // Hotend, Fan, Fan
#define FAN1_PIN RAMPS_D8_PIN |
#elif DISABLED(IS_RAMPS_SF) // Not Spindle, Fan (i.e., "EFBF" or "EFBE")
#if HOTENDS == 1 |
#else |
#endif |
#endif |
#ifndef FAN_PIN |
#if EITHER(IS_RAMPS_EFB, IS_RAMPS_EFF) // Hotend, Fan, Bed or Hotend, Fan, Fan
#define FAN_PIN RAMPS_D9_PIN |
#elif EITHER(IS_RAMPS_EEF, IS_RAMPS_SF) // Hotend, Hotend, Fan or Spindle, Fan
#define FAN_PIN RAMPS_D8_PIN |
#elif ENABLED(IS_RAMPS_EEB) // Hotend, Hotend, Bed
#define FAN_PIN 4 // IO pin. Buffer needed
#else // Non-specific are "EFB" (i.e., "EFBF" or "EFBE")
#define FAN_PIN RAMPS_D9_PIN |
#endif |
#endif |
// Misc. Functions
#define SDSS 53 |
#define LED_PIN 13 |
#ifndef FILWIDTH_PIN |
#define FILWIDTH_PIN 5 // Analog Input on AUX2
#endif |
// RAMPS 1.4 DIO 4 on the servos connector
#ifndef FIL_RUNOUT_PIN |
#define FIL_RUNOUT_PIN 4 |
#endif |
#ifndef PS_ON_PIN |
#define PS_ON_PIN 12 |
#endif |
#if NUM_SERVOS <= 1 // Prefer the servo connector
#define CASE_LIGHT_PIN 6 // Hardware PWM
#define CASE_LIGHT_PIN 44 // Hardware PWM
#endif |
#endif |
// M3/M4/M5 - Spindle/Laser Control
#if !NUM_SERVOS // Use servo connector if possible
#define SPINDLE_LASER_ENA_PIN 4 // Pullup or pulldown!
#define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN 6 // Hardware PWM
#define SPINDLE_DIR_PIN 5 |
#define SPINDLE_LASER_ENA_PIN 40 // Pullup or pulldown!
#define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN 44 // Hardware PWM
#define SPINDLE_DIR_PIN 65 |
#else |
#error "No auto-assignable Spindle/Laser pins available." |
#endif |
#endif |
// TMC software SPI
#ifndef TMC_SW_MOSI |
#define TMC_SW_MOSI 66 |
#endif |
#ifndef TMC_SW_MISO |
#define TMC_SW_MISO 44 |
#endif |
#ifndef TMC_SW_SCK |
#define TMC_SW_SCK 64 |
#endif |
#endif |
#if HAS_TMC220x |
* TMC2208/TMC2209 stepper drivers |
* |
* Hardware serial communication ports. |
* If undefined software serial is used according to the pins below |
*/ |
//#define X_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
//#define X2_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
//#define Y_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
//#define Y2_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
//#define Z_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
//#define Z2_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
//#define E0_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
//#define E1_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
//#define E2_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
//#define E3_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
//#define E4_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
// Software serial
#ifndef X_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define X_SERIAL_TX_PIN 40 |
#endif |
#ifndef X_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define X_SERIAL_RX_PIN 63 |
#endif |
#ifndef X2_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define X2_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef X2_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define X2_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef Y_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define Y_SERIAL_TX_PIN 59 |
#endif |
#ifndef Y_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define Y_SERIAL_RX_PIN 64 |
#endif |
#ifndef Y2_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define Y2_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef Y2_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define Y2_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef Z_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define Z_SERIAL_TX_PIN 42 |
#endif |
#ifndef Z_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define Z_SERIAL_RX_PIN 65 |
#endif |
#ifndef Z2_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define Z2_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef Z2_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define Z2_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E0_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define E0_SERIAL_TX_PIN 44 |
#endif |
#ifndef E0_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define E0_SERIAL_RX_PIN 66 |
#endif |
#ifndef E1_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define E1_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E1_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define E1_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E2_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define E2_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E2_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define E2_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E3_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define E3_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E3_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define E3_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E4_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define E4_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E4_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define E4_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E5_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define E5_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E5_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define E5_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E6_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define E6_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E6_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define E6_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E7_SERIAL_TX_PIN |
#define E7_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#ifndef E7_SERIAL_RX_PIN |
#define E7_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 |
#endif |
#endif |
// Průša i3 MK2 Multiplexer Support
#ifndef E_MUX0_PIN |
#define E_MUX0_PIN 40 // Z_CS_PIN
#endif |
#ifndef E_MUX1_PIN |
#define E_MUX1_PIN 42 // E0_CS_PIN
#endif |
#ifndef E_MUX2_PIN |
#define E_MUX2_PIN 44 // E1_CS_PIN
#endif |
// LCDs and Controllers //
// LCD Display output pins
#define LCD_PINS_RS 49 // CS chip select /SS chip slave select
#define LCD_PINS_ENABLE 51 // SID (MOSI)
#define LCD_PINS_D4 52 // SCK (CLK) clock
#define LCD_PINS_RS 40 |
#define LCD_PINS_ENABLE 42 |
#define LCD_PINS_D4 65 |
#define LCD_PINS_D5 66 |
#define LCD_PINS_D6 44 |
#define LCD_PINS_D7 64 |
#else |
#define LCD_PINS_RS 27 |
#define LCD_PINS_ENABLE 29 |
#define LCD_PINS_D4 25 |
#define BEEPER_PIN 37 |
#endif |
#define LCD_PINS_RS 64 |
#define LCD_PINS_ENABLE 44 |
#define LCD_PINS_D4 63 |
#define LCD_PINS_D5 40 |
#define LCD_PINS_D6 42 |
#define LCD_PINS_D7 65 |
#else |
#if EITHER(MKS_12864OLED, MKS_12864OLED_SSD1306) |
#define LCD_PINS_DC 25 // Set as output on init
#define LCD_PINS_RS 27 // Pull low for 1s to init
// DOGM SPI LCD Support
#define DOGLCD_CS 16 |
#define DOGLCD_MOSI 17 |
#define DOGLCD_SCK 23 |
#else |
#define LCD_PINS_RS 16 |
#define LCD_PINS_ENABLE 17 |
#define LCD_PINS_D4 23 |
#define LCD_PINS_D5 25 |
#define LCD_PINS_D6 27 |
#endif |
#define LCD_PINS_D7 29 |
#define BEEPER_PIN 33 |
#endif |
#endif |
// Buttons attached to a shift register
// Not wired yet
//#define SHIFT_CLK 38
//#define SHIFT_LD 42
//#define SHIFT_OUT 40
//#define SHIFT_EN 17
#endif |
#endif |
// LCD Display input pins
#define BEEPER_PIN 37 |
#define BTN_EN1 17 |
#define BTN_EN2 23 |
#else |
#define BTN_EN1 31 |
#define BTN_EN2 33 |
#endif |
#define BTN_ENC 35 |
#ifndef SD_DETECT_PIN |
#define SD_DETECT_PIN 49 |
#endif |
#ifndef KILL_PIN |
#define KILL_PIN 41 |
#endif |
#define LCD_BACKLIGHT_PIN 39 |
#endif |
#define BTN_EN1 64 |
#define BTN_EN2 59 |
#define BTN_ENC 63 |
#define SD_DETECT_PIN 42 |
#define BTN_EN1 47 |
#define BTN_EN2 43 |
#define BTN_ENC 32 |
#define LCD_SDSS SDSS |
#define KILL_PIN 41 |
#define BTN_EN1 40 // http://files.panucatt.com/datasheets/viki_wiring_diagram.pdf explains 40/42.
#define BTN_EN2 42 |
#define BTN_ENC -1 |
#define LCD_SDSS SDSS |
#define SD_DETECT_PIN 49 |
#elif ANY(VIKI2, miniVIKI) |
#define DOGLCD_CS 45 |
#define DOGLCD_A0 44 |
#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180 |
#define BEEPER_PIN 33 |
#define STAT_LED_RED_PIN 32 |
#define STAT_LED_BLUE_PIN 35 |
#define BTN_EN1 22 |
#define BTN_EN2 7 |
#define BTN_ENC 39 |
#define SD_DETECT_PIN -1 // Pin 49 for display SD interface, 72 for easy adapter board
#define KILL_PIN 31 |
#define DOGLCD_CS 29 |
#define DOGLCD_A0 27 |
#define BEEPER_PIN 23 |
#define LCD_BACKLIGHT_PIN 33 |
#define BTN_EN1 35 |
#define BTN_EN2 37 |
#define BTN_ENC 31 |
#define LCD_SDSS SDSS |
#define SD_DETECT_PIN 49 |
#define KILL_PIN 41 |
#elif EITHER(MKS_MINI_12864, FYSETC_MINI_12864) |
#define BEEPER_PIN 37 |
#define BTN_ENC 35 |
#define SD_DETECT_PIN 49 |
#ifndef KILL_PIN |
#define KILL_PIN 41 |
#endif |
#if ENABLED(MKS_MINI_12864) // Added in Marlin 1.1.6
#define DOGLCD_A0 27 |
#define DOGLCD_CS 25 |
// GLCD features
// Uncomment screen orientation
//#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_90
//#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180
//#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_270
// not connected to a pin
#define LCD_BACKLIGHT_PIN -1 // 65 (MKS mini12864 can't adjust backlight by software!)
#define BTN_EN1 31 |
#define BTN_EN2 33 |
#elif ENABLED(FYSETC_MINI_12864) |
// From https://wiki.fysetc.com/Mini12864_Panel/?fbclid=IwAR1FyjuNdVOOy9_xzky3qqo_WeM5h-4gpRnnWhQr_O1Ef3h0AFnFXmCehK8
#define DOGLCD_A0 16 |
#define DOGLCD_CS 17 |
#define BTN_EN1 33 |
#define BTN_EN2 31 |
//#define FORCE_SOFT_SPI // Use this if default of hardware SPI causes display problems
// results in LCD soft SPI mode 3, SD soft SPI mode 0
#define LCD_RESET_PIN 23 // Must be high or open for LCD to operate normally.
#if EITHER(FYSETC_MINI_12864_1_2, FYSETC_MINI_12864_2_0) |
#ifndef RGB_LED_R_PIN |
#define RGB_LED_R_PIN 25 |
#endif |
#ifndef RGB_LED_G_PIN |
#define RGB_LED_G_PIN 27 |
#endif |
#ifndef RGB_LED_B_PIN |
#define RGB_LED_B_PIN 29 |
#endif |
#elif ENABLED(FYSETC_MINI_12864_2_1) |
#define NEOPIXEL_PIN 25 |
#endif |
#endif |
#define BEEPER_PIN 42 |
// not connected to a pin
#define LCD_BACKLIGHT_PIN 65 // backlight LED on A11/D65
#define DOGLCD_A0 44 |
#define DOGLCD_CS 66 |
// GLCD features
// Uncomment screen orientation
//#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_90
//#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180
//#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_270
#define BTN_EN1 40 |
#define BTN_EN2 63 |
#define BTN_ENC 59 |
#define SD_DETECT_PIN 49 |
#define KILL_PIN 64 |
#define ADC_KEYPAD_PIN 12 |
#elif ENABLED(AZSMZ_12864) |
// Pins only defined for RAMPS_SMART currently
#else |
// Beeper on AUX-4
#define BEEPER_PIN 33 |
// Buttons are directly attached to AUX-2
#define SHIFT_OUT 40 |
#define SHIFT_CLK 44 |
#define SHIFT_LD 42 |
#define BTN_EN1 64 |
#define BTN_EN2 59 |
#define BTN_ENC 63 |
#define BTN_EN1 59 // AUX2 PIN 3
#define BTN_EN2 63 // AUX2 PIN 4
#define BTN_ENC 49 // AUX3 PIN 7
#else |
#define BTN_EN1 37 |
#define BTN_EN2 35 |
#define BTN_ENC 31 |
#endif |
#define SD_DETECT_PIN 49 |
#define KILL_PIN 41 |
#endif |
#endif |
#endif // NEWPANEL
#endif // HAS_SPI_LCD
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ |
* Marlin 3D Printer Firmware |
* Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
* |
* Based on Sprinter and grbl. |
* Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm |
* |
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
* (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* |
*/ |
#pragma once |
#include "boards.h" |
* Arduino Mega with RAMPS v1.4 for Anycubic |
*/ |
#define BOARD_INFO_NAME "Anycubic RAMPS 1.4" |
// Servos
#if MB(TRIGORILLA_14_11) |
#define SERVO0_PIN 5 |
#define SERVO1_PIN 4 |
#define SERVO2_PIN 11 |
#define SERVO3_PIN 6 |
#endif |
// Custom Limit Switches
#define X_MAX_PIN 43 |
#define Y_MIN_PIN 19 |
#endif |
// Labeled pins
#define TRIGORILLA_HEATER_1_PIN 45 // Anycubic Kossel: Unused
#define TRIGORILLA_FAN0_PIN 9 // Anycubic Kossel: Usually the part cooling fan
#define TRIGORILLA_FAN1_PIN 7 // Anycubic Kossel: Unused
#define TRIGORILLA_FAN2_PIN 44 // Anycubic Kossel: Hotend fan
// Remap MOSFET pins to common usages:
#if HOTENDS > 1 // EEF and EEB
// EEF
#else |
// EEB
#define FAN_PIN TRIGORILLA_FAN0_PIN // Override pin 4 in pins_RAMPS.h
#endif |
// EFB (Anycubic Kossel default)
#else |
// EFF
#endif |
#endif |
#define ORIG_E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN TRIGORILLA_FAN2_PIN // Used in Anycubic Kossel example config
#include "pins_RAMPS.h" |
// AnyCubic made the following changes to 1.1.0-RC8
// If these are appropriate for your LCD let us know.
#if 0 && HAS_SPI_LCD
// LCD Display output pins
#undef LCD_PINS_D6 |
#define LCD_PINS_D6 57 |
#endif |
// LCD Display input pins
#if ANY(VIKI2, miniVIKI) |
#undef DOGLCD_A0 |
#define DOGLCD_A0 23 |
#undef BEEPER_PIN |
#define BEEPER_PIN 33 |
#define LCD_BACKLIGHT_PIN 67 |
#endif |
#undef BEEPER_PIN |
#define BEEPER_PIN 33 |
#undef DOGLCD_A0 |
#define DOGLCD_A0 42 |
#endif |
#endif // HAS_SPI_LCD
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ |
#ifndef _STEPPER_H |
#define _STEPPER_H |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <Tone.h> |
//#include <TimerOne.h>
class Stepper { |
public: |
virtual void begin(int dir_pin, int step_pin, int enable_pin); |
virtual void writeSpeed(uint16_t freq, bool dir) = 0; |
virtual void loop(); |
virtual void stop() = 0; |
void enable(); |
void disable(); |
void setSpeed(int16_t speed); |
virtual void setSpeedDirect(int16_t speed); |
void setMaxSpeed(uint16_t max_speed); |
void setAcceleration(uint16_t accel); |
bool isAccelerating(); |
protected: |
int dir_pin; |
int step_pin; |
int enable_pin; |
uint16_t maxSpeed = 4000; |
uint16_t acceleration = 2000; |
int16_t targetSpeed = 0; |
int16_t currentSpeed = 0; |
unsigned long lastAccelMillis = 0; |
}; |
class TimerStepper : public Stepper { |
public: |
void begin(int dir_pin, int step_pin, int enable_pin) override; |
void writeSpeed(uint16_t freq, bool dir) override; |
void setSpeedDirect(int16_t speed) override; |
void stop() override; |
void loop() override; |
private: |
Tone tone; |
}; |
void Stepper::begin(int dir_pin, int step_pin, int enable_pin) { |
this->dir_pin = dir_pin; |
this->step_pin = step_pin; |
this->enable_pin = enable_pin; |
pinMode(dir_pin, OUTPUT); |
pinMode(step_pin, OUTPUT); |
pinMode(enable_pin, OUTPUT); |
disable(); |
} |
void Stepper::enable() { |
digitalWrite(enable_pin, LOW); |
} |
void Stepper::disable() { |
stop(); |
digitalWrite(enable_pin, HIGH); |
} |
void Stepper::setSpeed(int16_t speed) { |
if ((speed > 0) && (speed > maxSpeed)) speed = maxSpeed; |
else if ((speed < 0) && (-speed > maxSpeed)) speed = -maxSpeed; |
else targetSpeed = speed; |
} |
void Stepper::setMaxSpeed(uint16_t max_speed) { |
maxSpeed = max_speed; |
} |
void Stepper::setAcceleration(uint16_t accel) { |
acceleration = accel; |
} |
bool Stepper::isAccelerating() { |
if (currentSpeed != targetSpeed) return true; |
else return false; |
} |
void TimerStepper::begin(int dir_pin, int step_pin, int enable_pin) { |
Stepper::begin(dir_pin, step_pin, enable_pin); |
tone.begin(step_pin); |
} |
void TimerStepper::writeSpeed(uint16_t freq, bool dir) { |
enable(); |
digitalWrite(dir_pin, dir ? HIGH : LOW); |
if (freq > 0) tone.play(freq); |
else tone.stop(); |
} |
void TimerStepper::setSpeedDirect(int16_t speed) { |
uint16_t freq = abs(speed); |
bool dir = (speed < 0); |
writeSpeed(freq, dir); |
} |
void TimerStepper::stop() { |
targetSpeed = 0; |
currentSpeed = 0; |
tone.stop(); |
} |
void TimerStepper::loop() { |
int16_t speedDiff = targetSpeed - currentSpeed; |
int16_t increment = acceleration / 1000; |
if (speedDiff == 0) return; |
else if ( (speedDiff > 0) && ( speedDiff > increment)) currentSpeed += increment; |
else if ( (speedDiff < 0) && (-speedDiff > increment)) currentSpeed -= increment; |
else currentSpeed = targetSpeed; |
int16_t accelDelta = (millis()-lastAccelMillis)*acceleration/1000; |
lastAccelMillis = millis(); |
if (accelDelta > ACCEL_CAP_PER_STEP) accelDelta = ACCEL_CAP_PER_STEP; |
if (speedDiff > accelDelta) speedDiff = accelDelta; |
else if (speedDiff < -accelDelta) speedDiff = -accelDelta; |
currentSpeed += speedDiff; |
*/ |
uint16_t freq = abs(currentSpeed); |
bool dir = (currentSpeed < 0); |
writeSpeed(freq, dir); |
} |
#endif /* _STEPPER_H */ |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
This directory is intended for PIO Unit Testing and project tests. |
Unit Testing is a software testing method by which individual units of |
source code, sets of one or more MCU program modules together with associated |
control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to |
determine whether they are fit for use. Unit testing finds problems early |
in the development cycle. |
More information about PIO Unit Testing: |
- https://docs.platformio.org/page/plus/unit-testing.html |
Reference in new issue