10 years ago
3 changed files with 6805 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,399 @@ |
/* |
Parse Latex song into chordpro |
*/ |
{ |
function megajoin(array){ |
for(x in array) { |
if(array[x] instanceof Array) { |
array[x] = array[x].join(""); |
} |
} |
return array.join(""); |
} |
function property(name, value){ |
if(value instanceof Array) { |
value = value.join(""); |
} |
return "{" + name +": " + value + "}"; |
} |
function tab_property(name, base, frets, special, ukulele){ |
var content = ""; |
content += name.replace("/b/g", "&"); |
if(base > 0){ |
content += " base-fret "; |
content += base; |
} |
content += " frets "; |
content += frets.join("").toUpperCase(); |
if(special){ |
content += " special"; |
} |
var define = "define"; |
if(ukulele){ |
define += "_ukulele"; |
} |
return property(define, content); |
} |
function blockify(name, content, newline){ |
var start = "{start_of_"+name+"}"; |
var end = "{end_of_"+name+"}"; |
if(newline){ |
start += "\r\n"; |
end += "\r\n"; |
} |
return start + content + end; |
} |
function blockify_param(name, param, content, newline){ |
if(param instanceof Array) { |
param = param.join(""); |
} |
var start = "{start_of_"+name + ": "+param+"}"; |
var end = "{end_of_"+name+"}"; |
if(newline){ |
start += "\r\n"; |
end += "\r\n"; |
} |
return start + content + end; |
} |
function chordname_split(chordname){ |
return chordname.split(" - ").join(" ").split(" ").join("][").replace("/b/g", "&"); |
} |
} |
start |
= content:(language? newlines_merge columnsetting? newlines_merge song) {return content.join(""); } |
// Basic characters |
digits |
= digits:[0-9]+ {return digits.join("")} |
ndigits |
= digits |
/ "-" digits |
digit |
= digit:[0-9] |
alpha |
= chars:[a-zA-Z]+ {return chars.join("")} |
slug |
= chars:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+ {return chars.join("")} |
url |
= chars:[a-zA-Z0-9-_$.+!*'(),/:]+ {return chars.join("")} |
// Text patterns |
inline_text |
= content:inline_text_elt+ {return content.join("")} |
inline_text_elt |
= safe_text |
/ inline_command |
/ empty_command |
/ ignored_command |
/ equation |
safe_text |
= content:nonlatex_char+ {return content.join("")} |
nonlatex_char |
= [^\\\n\r{}$%\[\]] |
inline_command |
= "\\dots {" content:inline_text "}" {return "..." + content} |
/ "\\shrp{" content:inline_text "}" {return "#" + content} |
empty_command |
= "\\" content:empty_command_name " "? "{}" {return content} |
/ "\\" content:empty_command_name {return content} |
/ "{\\" content:empty_command_name "}" {return content} |
empty_command_name |
= "oe" { return "œ"} |
/ "ier" |
/ "ieme" |
/ "dots" { return "..."} |
/ "ldots" { return "..."} |
/ "og" { return "``"} // guillemets |
/ "fg" { return "''"} // guillemets |
/ "flt" { return "&"} |
/ "shrp" { return "#"} |
/ "&" |
/ "_" |
/ "%" |
/ "#" |
/ "," |
/ "'" |
/ " " |
/ removed_command_name { return ""} |
removed_command_name |
= "{" |
/ "}" |
/ "newline" |
/ "MultiwordChords" |
/ "Adlib" |
ignored_command |
= "\\" ignored_command_name "{" content:inline_text "}" {return content} |
ignored_command_name |
= "emph" |
/ "Outro" |
equation |
= "$" eq:equation_content "$" {return eq} |
equation_content |
= "\\beta_1" { return "Beta1"} |
/ "\\beta_2" { return "Beta2"} |
/ "H_2O" { return "H20"} |
/ "H_2" { return "H2"} |
/ "O" |
/ "CO_2" { return "CO2"} |
/ "5m^2" { return "5m²"} |
block_standalone_command |
= "\\capo{" digits:digits "}" { return property("capo", digits)} |
/ "\\meter{" num:digits "}{" denom:digits "}" { return property("meter", num + "/" + denom)} |
/ "\\cover" { return ""} |
/ "\\transposition{" digits:ndigits "}" {return property("transposition", digits)} |
/ "\\lilypond" " "? "{" file:slug "}" { return property("partition", [file + ".ly"])} |
/ "\\nolyrics{\\lilypond{" file:slug "}}" { return property("partition", [file + ".ly"])} |
/ "\\rep{" digits:digits "}" {return property("repeat", digits)} |
/ guitar_tab |
/ ukulele_tab |
guitar_tab |
= "\\gtab{" name:inline_text "}{" base:basefret frets:([0-9xX]+) "}" { return tab_property(name, base, frets, false, false)} |
/ "\\gtab*{" name:inline_text "}{" base:basefret frets:([0-9xX]+) ":"? "}" { return tab_property(name, base, frets, true, false)} |
/ "\\gtab" "*"? "{" name:inline_text "}{}" { return ""} |
ukulele_tab |
= "\\utab{" name:inline_text "}{" base:basefret frets:([0-9xX]+) "}" { return tab_property(name, base, frets, false, true)} |
/ "\\utab*{" name:inline_text "}{" base:basefret frets:([0-9xX]+) "}" { return tab_property(name, base, frets, true, true)} |
basefret |
= digits:digits ":" " "? { return digits; } |
/ "" { return "0"} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
language |
= "\\selectlanguage{" lang:alpha "}" {return property("language", lang);} |
columnsetting |
= "\\songcolumns{" num:digits "}" {return property("columns", num);} |
song |
= content:(begin_song properties newlines_merge song_blocks newlines_merge end_song newlines_discard scripture_block? newlines_discard) {return content.join(""); } |
begin_song |
= "\\beginsong{" title:inline_text "}" {return property("title", title);} |
end_song |
= "\\endsong" { return "";} |
properties |
= newlines_merge "[" newlines_merge props:property* "]" { return "\n" + props.join("\n")} |
property |
= "by={" value:inline_text "}" prop_separator* { return property("artist", value)} |
/ "cov={" value:slug "}" prop_separator* { return property("cover", value)} |
/ "album={" value:inline_text "}" prop_separator* { return property("album", value)} |
/ "url={" value:url "}" prop_separator* { return property("url", value)} |
/ "original={" value:inline_text "}" prop_separator* { return property("original", value)} |
prop_separator |
= "," |
/ " " |
/ "%"? newline |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// @ |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
song_blocks |
= content:(song_block newlines_merge)* {return megajoin(content)} |
song_block |
= block_standalone_command |
/ verse |
/ chorus |
/ bridge |
/ latex_comment_block |
/ branching_block |
/ textnote_block |
/ musicnote_block |
/ tablature_block |
/ repeated_block |
/ nolyrics_block |
/ special_block |
song_block_parts |
= content:(song_block_part newlines_merge)* {return megajoin(content)} |
song_block_part |
= block_standalone_command |
/ repeated_block_part |
/ nolyrics_block_part |
/ musicnote_block_part |
/ textnote_block_part |
/ special_block_part |
/ paragraph_line |
latex_comment_block |
= "%" content:[^\r\n]* {return "#" + content.join("")} |
branching_block |
= "\\if" condition:[^\r\n]+ newlines {return "#if" + condition.join("") + "\r\n"} |
/ "\\else" "%"? newlines {return "#else\r\n"} |
/ "\\fi" "%"? newlines {return "#fi\r\n"} |
repeated_block |
= "\\begin{repeatedchords}" newlines c:song_blocks "\\end{repeatedchords}" newlines {return c} |
repeated_block_part |
= "\\begin{repeatedchords}" newlines c:song_block_parts "\\end{repeatedchords}" newlines {return c} |
verse |
= "\\begin{verse}" newlines c:song_block_parts "\\end{verse}" {return c} |
/ "\\beginverse" newlines c:song_block_parts "\\endverse" {return c} |
/ "\\begin{verse*}" newlines c:song_block_parts "\\end{verse*}" {return c} |
chorus |
= "\\begin{chorus}" newlines c:song_block_parts "\\end{chorus}" {return blockify("chorus", c, true)} |
/ "\\beginchorus" newlines c:song_block_parts "\\endchorus" {return blockify("chorus", c, true)} |
bridge |
= "\\begin{bridge}" newlines c:song_block_parts "\\end{bridge}" {return blockify("bridge", c, true)} |
nolyrics_block |
= "{\\nolyrics " newlines c:song_block_parts "}" {return c} |
/ "\\nolyrics" "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return c} |
nolyrics_block_part |
= "{\\nolyrics " newlines c:song_block_parts "}" {return c} |
/ "\\nolyrics" " "? "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return c} |
/ "\\nolyrics" {return ""} |
musicnote_block |
= "\\musicnote" " "* "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return blockify("musicnote", c, true)} |
/ "\\musicnote[" lang:alpha "]" " "* "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return blockify_param("musicnote", lang, c, true)} |
musicnote_block_part |
= "\\musicnote" " "* "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return c} |
/ "\\musicnote[" lang:alpha "]" " "* "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return c} |
textnote_block |
= "\\textnote" " "* "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return blockify("textnote", c, false)} |
/ "\\textnote[" lang:alpha "]" " "* "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return blockify_param("textnote", lang, c, false)} |
textnote_block_part |
= "\\textnote" " "* "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return c} |
/ "\\textnote[" lang:alpha "]" " "* "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return c} |
/ "\\textbf" " "* "{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return "**" + c + "**"} |
scripture_block |
= "\\beginscripture{}" "%"? newlines c:song_block_parts "\\endscripture" "%"? {return blockify("scripture", c, true)} |
/ "\\beginscripture{" comment:inline_text "}" newlines c:song_block_parts "\\endscripture" "%"? {return blockify_param("scripture", comment, c, true)} |
special_block |
= "\\Bridge" {return blockify("textnote", "Bridge", false)} |
/ "\\image[" [^\]]+ "]{" [^}]+ "}" {return ""} |
/ "\\MultiwordChords" { return ""} |
special_block_part |
= "\\Outro : " "{" newlines c:song_block_parts "}" {return c} |
/ "\\ifrepeatchords" c:song_block_parts "\\fi" {return c} |
/ "\\ifchorded" newline c:song_block_parts "\\fi" {return c} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Line |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
paragraph_line |
= content:paragraph_line_elt+ paragraph_line_elt_comment? {return content.join("")} |
/ paragraph_line_elt_comment |
paragraph_line_elt_comment |
= "%" newline { return ""} |
/ "%" c:[^\r\n]+ newline { return "\r\n#" + c.join("")} |
paragraph_line_elt |
= inline_text |
/ chord |
/ command_in_paragraph |
command_in_paragraph |
= "\\emph{" c:paragraph_line "}" {return c} |
/ "\\echo{" c:song_block_parts "}" {return blockify("echo", c, false)} |
/ "\\" c:ignored_command_in_paragraph "{}"? { return c} |
ignored_command_in_paragraph |
= "Intro" |
/ "Chorus" |
/ "Bridge" |
/ "Verse" |
/ "Rythm" |
/ "Outro" |
/ "Solo" |
/ "Pattern" |
chord |
= "\\[" chordname:inline_text "]" " "? "{" text:inline_text "}" {return "[" + chordname_split(chordname) + "]" + text} |
/ "\\[" chordname:inline_text "]" {return "[" + chordname_split(chordname) + "]"} |
newlines_discard |
= newlines {return ""; } |
newlines_merge |
= lines:newline* {return (lines.length>0)?"\r\n":""; } |
newlines |
= lines:newline* {return lines.join(""); } |
newline |
= " "* newline_char " "* |
newline_char |
= "\r\n" |
/ "\r" |
/ "\n" |
tablature_block |
= " "* "\\begin{tab}" content:tablature_block_line+ "\\end{tab}" {return "#Tabs\n# " +content.join("# ")} |
tablature_block_line |
= newlines t:tablature_command newlines { return t + "\r\n"} |
tablature_command |
= "\\single " chord:digit " " fret:digits { return "single chord:" + chord + " fret:" + fret} |
/ "\\bar" { return "bar"} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
Include the parser_latex.js file. |
run parser.parse(content); to convert the latex content to chordpro. |
You can test it online at: |
http://pegjs.org/online |
Just copy and paste the grammar |
Reference in new issue