@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
\beginsong{Waiting on an Angel}
\beginsong{Waiting on an angel}
[by=Ben Harper,cov=welcome-to-the-cruel-world,album=Welcome to the cruel world]
\beginsong{Widow of a Living Man}
\beginsong{Widow of a living man}
[by=Ben Harper,cov=the-will-to-live,album=The will to live]
\beginsong{Father and Son}
\beginsong{Father and son}
[by=Cat Stevens,cov=tea-for-the-tillerman,album=Tea for the tillerman]
\beginsong{Working Class Hero}
\beginsong{Working class hero}
[by=John Lennon,cov=plastic-ono-band,album=Plastic ono band]
\beginsong{Éducation Sentimentale}
\beginsong{Éducation sentimentale}
[by=Maxime Le Forestier,cov=mon-frere,album=Mon frère]
\beginsong{Hero of War}
\beginsong{Hero of war}
[by=Rise Against,cov=appeal-to-reason,album=Appeal to reason]
\beginsong{Twist and Shout}
\beginsong{Twist and shout}
[by=The Beatles,cov=please-please-me,album=Please please me]