\beginsong{Your name, my game}
  [by={Herman Düne},cov={giant},album={Giant},%


    And see the \[F#m]flock of birds, black as your apartment is at night
    Take \[E]off when my dog comes a-running to bite
    And as they \[Bm]sit on their branches to watch the game
    They're \[F#m]chanting your name
    The \[E]crows at the game
    They \[F#m]chant your name

    And as I drive home listening to Kimya's record on K
    There's this deer with its little ones in the field off the freeway
    And it's teaching its fawns who are still a bit lame
    To chant your name
    The baby deer still lame
    They know your name

    And the birch trees and the pine trees behind the summer house
    They raise their voices when the cigarette drops from the city boy's mouth
    And when they're shit-scared that a mighty fire could start with a tiny flame
    Man, they call out your name
    Shit-scared of a tiny flame
    Even the trees call your name

    And the baboon in the cage at the mercy of scientists
    He is brave and he's a-showing his teeth to resist
    And despite all the drugs that they are using to tame
    Him, he's a-shouting your name
    The baboon that no-one can tame
    He's a-shouting your name

    To the scientists who feel no shame
    He's a-shouting your name
    And when I'm lost again
    Well I do the same
    I shout your name
