{title: Temporary one} {artist: Fleetwood Mac} {album: The Dance} {cover: the-dance} {language: english} {columns: 2} {define: G5 frets X X X 0 3 3 special} {define: A frets X 0 2 2 2 0} {define: D frets X X 0 2 3 2} {define: G frets 3 2 0 0 0 3} {define: Bm base-fret 2 frets X 0 2 2 1 0} {define: Asus4 frets X 0 2 2 3 0 special} {guitar_comment: Intro: [G5]} [A]Where are [D]you [G]darling When m[D][A]y moon [D]is [G]rising And y[D][A]our sun is shining d[D][G]own? [D][G][A] [A]What are [D]you [G]doing? Are y[D][A]ou miss[D]ing [G]me in [D]a [A]way That I'm missing you n[D][G]ow? [D][G] {start_of_chorus} [D] The river goes [G]on and on and the [D] The sea that div[G]ides us is a [D] A temporary o[G]ne and a [D] Bridge will [Bm]bring us back to[Asus4]gether {end_of_chorus} [G5] [A]What are [D]you [G]doing? Goi[D][A]ng down in[D]to [G]Soho Once [D]I [A]get my rest to[D][G]night [A]What are [D]you [G]doing? Are y[D][A]ou bu[D]sy [G]with your wor[D][A]ld? Well, I wish you were busy [D]with [G]mine {guitar_comment: Chorus, Solo, Chorus {repeat: 3}} {guitar_comment: Outro: [D][G] {repeat: 4} [D]}