  [by={Calvin Russell},cov={sounds_from_the_fourth_world},album={Sounds from the fourth world}]


    \[Am]I'm standing at the crossroads
    There are \[F]many roads to \[Am]take
    \[Am]But I stand here so silently
    For \[F]fear of a mis\[Am]take \[A2] \[Am]

    \[F]One road leads to para\[Am]dise
    \[F]One road leads to \[Am]pain
    \[F]One road leads to free\[Am]dom
    \[G]But they \[F]all look the \[Am]same

      \[Am]I've traveled many roads
      And not \[F]all of them where \[Am]good
      \[Am]The foolish ones taught more to me
      Than the \[F]wise ones ever \[Am]could \[A2] \[Am]

      \[F]One road leads to sacri\[Am]fice
      \[F]One road leads to \[Am]shame
      \[F]One road leads to free\[Am]dom
      \[G]But they \[F]all look the \[Am]same

      There were \[F]roads I never travel\[Am]led
      There were \[F]turns I did not \[Am]take
      There were \[F]mysteries that I left unra\[Am]velled
      \[G]But leaving \[F]you was my only mis\[Am]take \[A2] \[Am]

      \[Am]So I'm standing at the crossroads
      Im\[F]prisoned by this \[Am]doubt
      \[Am]As if by doing nothing
      I \[F]might find my way \[Am]out
