\beginsong{Temporary one}
  [by={Fleetwood Mac},cov={the-dance},album={The Dance}]


    \musicnote{\Intro: \nolyrics{\[G5]}}

    \[A]Where are \[D]you \[G]darling
    When m\[D A]y moon \[D]is \[G]rising
    And y\[D A]our sun is shining d\[D G]own?
    \nolyrics{\[D G A]}

      \[A]What are \[D]you \[G]doing?
      Are y\[D A]ou miss\[D]ing \[G]me in \[D]a \[A]way
      That I'm missing you n\[D G]ow?
    \nolyrics{\[D G]}

    \[D] The river goes \[G]{on and on} and the
    \[D] The sea that div\[G]ides us is a
    \[D] A temporary o\[G]ne and a
    \[D] Bridge will \[Bm]bring us back to\[Asus4]gether


      \[A]What are \[D]you \[G]doing?
      Goi\[D A]ng down in\[D]to \[G]Soho
      Once \[D]I \[A]get my rest to\[D G]night

      \[A]What are \[D]you \[G]doing?
      Are y\[D A]ou bu\[D]sy \[G]with your wor\[D A]ld?
      Well, I wish you were busy \[D]with \[G]mine

    \musicnote{\Chorus, \Solo, \Chorus \rep{3}}
    \musicnote{\Outro: \nolyrics{\{\[D G]\} \rep{4} \[D]}}
