\beginsong{In the death car}
  [by={Iggy Pop},cov={arizona-dream},album={Arizona dream}]



    \[Em] A howling wind is whistling \[Am] in the night
    \[B7] My dog is growling in the \[Em]dark
    \[Em]Something's pulling me \[Am] outside
    \[B7] To ride around in \[Em]circles

    \[Em] I know that you have \[Am] got the time
    \[B7] Cause anything I want, \[Em] you do
    \[Em] You'll take a ride through the \[Am]strangers
    Who \[B7]{don't} understand how to \[Em]feel

    \[Em]In the deathcar, we're alive \[Am B7]
    \[Em]In the deathcar, we're alive \[Am B7]

      \[Em] I'll let some air come \[Am] in the window
      \[B7] It kind of wakes me up \[Em] a little
      \[Em] I don't turn on the \[Am]radio
      \[B7] Cause they play shit, like \[Em]\dots, you know

      \[Em] When your hand was \[Am] down on my dick
      \[B7] It felt quite a\[Em]mazing
      \[Em] And now that, that is \[Am] all over
      \[B7] All we've got is the \[Em]silence

      \[Em] When I touched you \[Am] I felt that
      \[B7] You still had your \[Em]baby fat
      \[Em] And a little taste of \[Am]baby's breath
      \[B7] Makes me for\[Em]get about death

      \[Em] At your age \[Am] you're still joking
      \[B7] It ain't time yet \[Em] for the choking
      \[Em] So now we can \[Am] own the movie
      \[B7] And know each other \[Em] truly
